Wei Mu Bai’s Suggestion

"What is it, Ao Kuai?" Nan Luo asked, suppressing his emotion.

Feng Ao Kuai was already approaching 19 years old, so it was not that weird that he had his growth spurt. In any case, he already looked far more mature than how he used to look like before.

"Be more patient. There will be a chance for you to break through their defense." Feng Ao Kuai was staying at the back, ordering his men to focus on defending. It was also because of this that he could see Nan Luo was trying his best to break through but failed miserably.

The opposing army was definitely really strong.

"I know." Nan Luo pursed his lips.

He was still only 2000 men commander and hadn't been promoted again. Though he had the feeling that if he were to do well in this war, he would be able to be promoted again. But that would have to wait until the end result later on.

He would just do his best.