Qi Xue’s Plan

Traveling Doctor Liu stopped his bicker with Yu Zheng Xi when he saw Qi Xue's action. He arched his eyebrows and asked, "What do you plan to do, Xiao Xue?"

"Master," Qi Xue called out and then smiled faintly. "I'm thinking of doing a small business here."

After trying to review her lesson in medicine with Traveling Doctor Liu, Qi Xue had to say that her knowledge had long been buried. There was no chance for her to become a doctor and at most a little helper.

But a little helper…

To be honest, Qi Xue felt that she had always been wasting her time in the past decades. She didn't feel much like living and even if she did fight back when someone wronged her, it was mostly just to defend her life. But she never fought too hard and always felt too lazy to deal with others. 

Years by years passed by just like this.