Sense of Odin

The thing present, before my very eyes, is one enormous pupil with extending properties, a pupil fixated on me reflecting its own endless abyss, its extended teethed worms latching onto me with their clawed hooks dragging me deeper and deeper into this rabbit hole of flesh and luminescent fluids.




And Deeper within this thing's dark vision, dragged away far removed from the touch of light sweeping the known world, clouding and... embracing me? A lukewarm embrace, like bedsheets wrapping around one's body, how? Why within this wet grave? No pain? Just this embrace and... Is that another shadow? Whos there? What is this dark vision revealing to me? What's going on? That city again? Why is my home like that? Swallowed by incomprehensible darkness, and silenced by the choir of a thousand hungered beaks, then that red ground, and that field of stained flowers, what does it mean? Why does it seem so known, so similar to something gnawing in the recesses of my mind, that pain, that person standing in that world reflected by its numerous ripples, and that creature feeding on my flesh, yes I know, no it could not be him, what could have happened back there when we got swallowed up by that devouring presence,




How can this be?

It does not matter,

No, it matters how can it be him?

It's irrelevant how it came to be,

I must know how I must, Its

not important, the ones you gift your true care to, those are the

ones I can never abandon, but he's important to the

Who? Whos more important? Come on ask yourself

Them, I need to know everything that

Might stand in the way? No, not all, only


Your conviction,


Your final goal


Some roads will forsake some, even the knowledge


A full picture? One cant find all but one can still see some things clearly,

Perhaps but I'll still seek it all out, I owe them that, just as much as I owe myself.

Incomprehensible, is it another one? Or the one I heard before? Those grand tunes sweeping reality itself off its feet, piercing its spear through the isolated darkness resting deep down almost removed from the world but not completely out of reach, How long have I been down here? What are these lights surrounding my scarred body? This feeling, ascension?

You already know what it will take. Do I?

Pain, tormenting pain, spreading from the holes in my flesh and in my empty cavities like some sort of twisted reverse iron-maiden. A maiden whose song is his, that gluttonous world eater, vibrating from each of the spikes tormenting my being clouding everything around me blinding all the senses with its vicious onslaught. Out of this world, almost enough to sever the mind's link to the body just to make it stop, yes it must stop at some point right? Right? These tormenting feelings spread from the wounds of darkness, they must cease, one way or another, it must, that voice, its a voice right?

"You want it to end, this clouding suffering so that you at one point can be free, with an unmatched clarity"

"I do, I want the pain to stop."

"You already possess the clarity that you seek, all you need to do is to listen to it.".

"Already? I don't understand, listen to what?" Where? Have I ever possessed such a thing, maybe, maybe it was a seed gifted to me from Emma, yes it must be, but how do I listen?

"You will know because it will be right"

Light, colors, white and black, bright grey and drab grey, green and red, sharp blue and soothing auburn, flashing and assaulting my vision with its painful splendor, and with the colors came shapes, objects, and tools, people and their attires, mouths speaking without any sounds to them, who are they? It is all so sharp, what are they doing? Their fading again ushered away by this seemingly unending torment, there was something else in that crowd, something crowned with red, beautiful, this pain carrying on and on and on.

A room with bright illuminating lights.

Faces shrouded in bright shadows whisking out their features like a brush of water over a painting, melting its details down to mere blurs and color combinations.

Shadows, black spots who widens at every stroke of pain consuming me yet again tumbling down,



Will I ever reach the end of this rabbit hole? This insane fever dream, this glowing incarnation of a sinister and murderous pain? Stretching itself, further and further, I can feel it, spreading from its origin to every muscle, cavity nerve, and bone holding my body together, like it's burning my core away, burning me away, me and my sense of self.

Why is all of this happening? Why me? Why June? Why Chrys? Why is this all-consuming pain and suffering haunting our worlds, why is this a thing people have to deal with, especially the good ones? Why? Is it all part of humanity's design? Do we have to suffer to proceed to our true ends? Do we have to go through this doll life, blind to the exterior truth, scratching its way into our realm? Does it really have to be this way? Is what I believe in just a fool's wish? No, it has gotten me this far, I've seen unknown truths and I've met what I hope to be lifelong friends, people I can count on... for the most part. Push on, yea I must push on, they are waiting for me, right? That legion with it wish for the knowledge that I found within that black egg, and June, who will need me by her side in all of this, and Theresa all alone out there, wrecked by the dark truths exposed to her, and to them at home, Mom, Dad, Jonas, Emma, the ones who need me to find my way back into their embrace. Never falter. Through the pain, it's causing, I can feel it, that vibrant song, and its moving host, Chrys Doe.