Egg's and Pictures

"How long do you think we have? And how are we going to get over there in time, I'm still stuck to bed for at least a week. Sara?". Did she space out for a second?

"From your vision to judge we should have about nine days from now on. Don't worry about moving from the room during the travel, this facility got the ability to rearrange several of its segments for utility usage.".

"So a chunk of this facility can detach and be used for traveling purposes?"

"That's the gist of it, it's one of the reasons certain passages and rooms appear and disappear, its because the facility gets regularly rearranged for both safety, defense, and utility purposes to make it the best for the times we are serving within, and with the tasks at hand, when the necessary preparations have been met we should arrive in Antarctica within the span of seven days.".

"Impressive, is it anything I will need to know about how we'll handle the awakening?" Silence, a space in time where everything seems consumed while breaths are being withheld, just one moment, there it was, a look on her face, just akin to the silence felt.

"You will be briefed, just do your best recovering, there will be no rest when we arrive" Seems sensible, did I just imagine that moment? No, it is something withheld, but there's only one road currently ahead, and to answers, straight forward. Even now, her movements as she's walking out of the room, tense and slight quickness to the steps, springing out from deep within, awakening a haste. When it all comes down to it, again, all I can do is to try, this time hopefully more prepared than the last events.

Time passes, I don't know how much, but just a slight while ago I picked it up, the slight vibrations trembling through the compact matter which created the very space where I'm currently resting within. Has it perhaps already started? This journey took me to the very depths of an earthshaking hidden world full of potential dangers and obscured truths, June will be there with me, smacked right in the middle of an event that's seemingly beyond any of our's control, this feeling, it's dragging me down, twisting my insides within an obscured darkness, but there's also... hope, hope that we'll make it trough, and hope for the ones yet to remain outside of this twisting storm. Theresa, where are you now? How are you holding up? Have me and June been reported as missing or has Terra given us official alibies? I do not know, because I can't look through this raging storm, at least not yet, I will need all the knowledge I can get my hands on to ensure that this clouding torrent will fade, Theresa... please stay safe, even when the darkness might seem close you can still rest within the safety of a brittle light, even if it might seem tiny after the loss of a chandelier.

"Straid... how are you feeling today?", Ah, I did not even notice the door opening, was it clouded by my thoughts or perhaps the countless vibrations?

"Speaking hurts less than yesterday, how have you been? I've heard they put you through some tests, can you fill me in?" She still seems unwell, has she not been getting enough sleep since her last long rest? Nervous? No? Paranoid? Putting on her best front to seem reliable perhaps? One thing for certain, there's this shivering in her eyes, the body flowing in its normal phase while the irises are not, betraying something wrecked beneath the facade.

"The tests, they were, what can I say, strange, one included a ball of red glass while another focused on me touching the exterior of different boxes, describing them by touch, and another one, how do I describe this? They made me look at different images, it was strange because it's like I entered them".

"Entering photos? How?"

"I don't know, all I can say is that when I looked at these photos for one moment it was like I was there, I was shown this image of a lake deep within a forest, and for a single moment I could feel the moss pressing towards my socks, and the smell of morning dew and surrounding pine trees, and across the lake there was this little humble cabin, peeking out from within the treeline, this happened a couple more times, but the strangest thing was that some of the photos only seemed like photos, do you get what I mean?". That look, as of this moment it is like we're back outside in the world and she would look at me and tilt her head with a question mark stamped across her face, worrying that she might have said something confusing. It's refreshing, my lips, they are curling in a slight smile, there's a slight sensation of pain but yet it feels good to smile, I don't think that I have smiled much for the past ten days or so.

"I get what you mean June. It's strange, but it seems like we are living in a strange world.".

"Anyway, this vibration, I saw Sara talking to one of those veiled women right before it started, what do you think is going on?"

"I know what's going on"

"What's happening?"

"When I briefed Sara about what happened during the incident in the Ripple..."

"What's the Ripple?"

"A they didn't tell you where they sent me during the incident?"

"No not anything"

"You must have been really worried"

"Of course I was, your my friend and it seemed like you were dying and none of these people would tell me how and why" Her arm, raised towards her face, probably wiping the tears that had forced their way out from beneath.

"That's awful"

"Just tell me whats about, please"

"They took me to a place called lab 3 and within this lab, there's a contraption called the observatory, it has a likeness to a large black egg, and when you step inside this contraption it will stimulate you in a way, partly spiriting you away to a shared space between dimensions referred to as the Ripple.".


"Anyway when something went terribly wrong within the Ripple I had this extremely vivid vision, which when I told it to Sara alerted her to an awakening of an ancient one called Leabaidha so she now preparing for parts of this facility to assemble into some sort of traveling machine so we can get to the spot within my vision before the awakening starts."

"Ok, so we can try to prevent something before it even happens, that seems like good news but what happened to you within the Ripple?". What to say?

"Deustarmer, that entity that enveloped us within that church, I made contact and it saw me before I could do anything to defend myself it had me in its clutches, dining on me, it's out there, I can feel it still, moving around there between our world and the others.". Her still shocked eyes lighting up, I should have seen that this would have happened, June, please, don't.

"Then, did you find any trace of Chrys?"

"No, he might just still be out there, maybe even chasing that thing ahead of us"