
That day's here, the seventh of the journey, the 15th of July, and two days before the awakening, I can still hear the cogs turn and vibrations within these walls but they seem more still, fluent and with an elegance almost erasing its own voice. Today's the day huh? I will finally be threading the icy scape from that vision or whatever it was, why did I have it in the first place? Was it placed as a warning? Or did something want us here? Will there even be an awakening at all? All I can truly know is that which reveals itself to me, out there in the frozen wasteland of the arctic tundra.

My mobility is mostly recovered, it hurts way less to move now but god if I'm not stiff for being bedridden for the best part of two weeks, right now a doctor would probably let me move around myself and they would probably start the rehabilitation program from the muscle deterioration of stillness and those joint muscles damaged by the incident landing me here, he or she would probably also give me a stern warning about me not overexerting myself, still, that isn't a luxury that I can afford in a time like this, I am now a part of something bigger than myself about to do what I can in an event grander than the world I once thought I knew so very well. Anyway, I got to get myself properly dressed, I got that basic hospital gown, I cant see a cupboard in here, maybe it's inside another room? Behind this white-walled space of recovery, but how long? It should probably be in a room close to the bathroom, I should check the ha... The door swings open, revealing the blonde hair and youthful yet serious face of Sara, she's holding something, some thick fabric dyed in a deep blue, her eyes locks with mine, we will be moving fast even today it seems, not wasting any time to stop that potential rise.

"Great, you're up, time for resting is over I'm afraid, put these on and follow me assembly point when you're finished". I should.

"Sure thing, mind giving me some privacy while I change?"

"Not at all, I'll be expecting you in the hallway soon... There's something else, something I must discuss with you before the official assembly, don't have me waiting for too long." What could it be?

"I'll see you soon then." She stepped out quickly, it must truly be urgent, now this deep blue fabric, it's some sort of winter uniform, I guess? Thick azure bolstered pants with matching boots, a bolstered black shirt, a royal blue overcoat woven with strong fibers resilient to the elements, and left at the coats upper chest area it was, that white flower that I saw on the black robes who brought us in, it is definitely a uniform and on its side lays a fur hat, royal, and two flaps to keep one's ears warm.

The uniform, a perfect fit it seems, they truly seem to be serious about preparations, they are really fighting for something, humanity's balance throughout the millennia from the dawn of our history til now. Now to the matter out in that hallway, what could it be? Sara, what do you want to discuss with me in private and not at the assembly with everyone else? The door, the handle cold to the touch, I hope I won't have to but I know that I'll be seeing these white walls again maybe many times unless the end times for humanity is closing in, no, Straid don't be captivated by those negative thoughts of speculation, at one point the truth of this spiraling world will be clear and before my very eyes.

"There you are... Straid, I need to ask you to recall some details again about the Ripple incident, the story you gave got me thinking, I need to know, what did you see before Chrys appeared, I realized just sometime after we took off that due to this situation we have currently on our hands we have neglected other potential information you might have gathered from within that space, just tell me anything else that you might recall, all information might hold value in this aftermath.". She wants the information now, she doesn't want to wait... She used my first name, for the first time, this isn't merely a question for potential answers, there's something more.

"Just one thing first, be honest, no lies and nothing held back ok?.".

"I would not lie to a subordinate, you are in this, just like I am, involved in something bigger than ourselves.". Well, that's one truth.

"You don't expect us rookies to return alive from this, are you? That is why you want to store this information now while you still have the chance, that's also why you referred to me by my first name to give me some sense of closeness while I laid my information out before I would head out to a demise that might swallow me whole.". Her face, tells me all I need to know even before her lips started to form her response to my question and allegation, it already tells me, confirming my previous worries.

"Let us hope it won't come to it, the most common loss of personnel is down in the rookie units, even if they contain potential they are still seen as expendable by the higher-ups. Yes, what you say is true, I don't expect you to return from this alive, but still, I hope so, and I don't want to spread any panic and I wanted you to be as calm as possible when you went out there even me, I want to stay calm, but even if I'm not a rookie, I know I am still expandable for the cause, for a situation like this... I just want to keep everyone calmer than me.". Her hands, a faint trembling, and between her words she swallowed more often than usual, she's not calm, but she's good at masking it. At this moment, she's reminding me slightly of Theresa, I can understand her reasoning, it all makes sense, but still, I can't rid this nagging in the back of my skull, I hope I can pick it later, at a time when things might settle just a bit.

"Thanks for the honesty... Really, I had the feeling that this might be the beginning of my end, but I will not run, I will fight and somehow I will obtain a fragment of truth and still walk out on the other side with the ones who matter to me, human history is forged by the strong will of some individuals isn't it? I know my will, my will for the truth, so even if I fight, even if it looks like the end I won't let myself perish, cause it's not my time yet, my will is still to be satiated.".

"I didn't underestimate you, still you surprise me, so Straid for the time we have can you recall anything?". She seems slightly calmer, doe I cant gauge to what extent, good. Now, what can I recall, how did it start before the storm hit and the world got tainted by that horrendous shadow? Yes, those flashing visions and that congregation of shadows quickly hushed away by their bright scorched angel aflame, yes, those thirty-three figures.