Saitama was drying off after taking his bath, his mind going to how he had been spending his recent days as a hero for fun. How many monsters had he defeated since getting his strength? How many while in the process of getting his strength? He'd lost count a long time ago. He dressed in his pajamas and left the room for the kitchen, only to stop when he noticed Vaccine Girl curled up next to sliding glass door that lead to his balcony.
'Oh yeah. I forgot she was here.' he thought as he stared at her solemn expression being reflected in the glass. "You okay?" She turned her eyes to him before turning them back to her reflection.
"I don't know what to do." she sighed. "My reason to exist was to destroy humanity. Now that I've given that up..." she trailed off before looking up at him, her eyes pleading for an answer. "What do I do now?"
"I couldn't tell ya." the bald hero answered before walking into his kitchen. "You hungry? I can fix you some eggs as well." He stopped when a thought came to him. "Can you eat?"
"I...don't know." she said.
Turns out, she could. And she liked eggs over rice. After food and late night news, Saitama switched everything off, got out a spare futon for Vaccine Girl, and went to sleep. The little monster stared out the window, listening to the wind as her mind drifted to the earth.
'What do I do? I want to help the earth, but this man would destroy me in an instant if I tried again.' she thought as her eyes got heavy. 'What I wouldn't give...for a new purpose.'
Vaccine Girl was already awake, but she had yet to leave her futon. It was quiet outside, save for the birds singing, giving her the time to think about what she would do with her life.
'What can a monster do in human society besides eradicate it?' she thought before groaning. "This sucks."
"YIPE! Vaccine Girl yelped as she jumped from her futon and practically glued herself to the wall in fright. Her eyes darted to the new hole in the floor that Saitama's alarm clock once stood, said man's fist hovering above it.
"What's the matter with you?!" she snapped as Saitama sat up, a look of disappointment on his face. Both of their faces morphed into surprise when they heard a crash come from outside.
"THE SURFACE IS OURS, HUMANS!" boasted a woman's voice. "YOU SURFACE DWELLERS MUST DIE!" Both hero and mini monster walked out onto the balcony and looked down to see some monster woman surrounded by underlings. She looked half human, half rock/lava monster. The upper part of her head looked like a crown of some sort with three eyes, while the bottom was that of a woman. Most of her body, which showed veins of magma coursing inside her body under her skin, was bare to the world, save for the hardened magma bottom that showed off all of her jumbo-sized ass and hardly covered her groin, and the same hardened magma acting as her top barely covering the ginormous breasts that bounced and jiggled wildly every time she swung the swords in each of her four arms.
"I AM THE SUBTERRANEAN QUEEN! PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR DESTRUC-GWAGH!" she finished the last part from where he head now rested in the ground, courtesy of Saitama jumping from his apartment, dressed in his hero suit, and kicking her head into the pavement.
"...ouch." groaned the monster before her body, which had been standing upright for a few moments, finally tilted and fell over, her blank eyes and slowly rising and falling chest showing she was alive but unconscious. The underlings, which had been so full of confidence before, were now sweating like pigs as Saitama turned to them all, his face morphed into one of extreme anticipation.
"ALRIGHT! BRING IT ON!" he shouted to the Subterraneans.
-Sorry about that!
Or he would be if they hadn't all retreated, a white flag of surrender standing where they used to be.
"Huh?" he blinked at the flag billowing in the wind. Saitama merely looked to the sky and sighed.
"I've become too strong." he said to himself.
"Well, that was anticlimatic." stated Vaccine Girl, her tiny frame leaning against the ground floor entrance to the apartment complex. Her eyes then drifted to the sleeping monster woman lying in the street. "What about Miss Monster Tits here?"
"Urrgh." groaned said monster woman as she raised an arm to her head. "Please tell me I didn't just lose to a human."
"I would, but that would be a lie." Vaccine Girl said with a smirk, causing another groan to escape the larger monster. "I know. It sucks losing to a human. But hey! If you ask nicely and promise to give up killing humans, he'll spare you."
"Well, that'd be nice since I now serve him." the Subterranean Queen grunted.
"Wait. What?" Saitama asked in confusion as the woman sat up and looked straight at him.
"My people have a rule. If the loser lives after the fight, they must swear loyalty and servitude to the winner, who is deemed the stronger fighter." she recited before bowing to him. "As of this day, I am yours to command."