Chapter 26

{[Last Time in Hero's Harem]}

"It won't work." Mizuki began, a rare serious expression across her features. "The Hero Association regard heroes who don't have any activity as 'incompetent' and won't allow for do-overs. In other words, Master, if you don't find anything, you won't be able to-where'd he go?" she finished in surprise when she noticed a lack of a bald hero in front of her.







"He ran off right after the 'do-over' bit." Beast Queen answered, her thumb pointed at the very distant form of Saitama running.

"HEY! WAIT UP!" Mizuki yelled as she ran after him.


Saitama was looking around in a panic, his fingers tapping against each other frantically, with Mizuki doing her best to catch her breath after pushing herself to find Saitama.

"!" she gasped out, sweat re-coating her hunched over form.

"Sorry." he muttered as he kept looking around. 'Nothing! The city's quiet today too! I'm gonna lose my registration!' His panic melted into his usual expressionless face as his hand shot up and caught a throwing star between his middle and fore fingers.

"Who's...that?" Mizuki wheezed as she finally stood up to look at the man glaring daggers at Saitama.

"Hey, wait! I've run into you before! What was your name?!" Saitama shouted before mumbling to himself. "Seed on the ground? No, wait. Lost and found?" He finally pointed at the man with a smile. "Jack-o-lantern Panic!"

"No. It's Speed-o-Sound Sonic." Sonic corrected. "I've finally found you, Saitama. Today's the day we settle our-"

"Sorry, but I'm busy. See ya around, okay?" Saitama waved him off before he and Mizuki began walking away.

"...Huh?" Sonic blinked as he watched them leave.

"INSOLENT WORM!" Sonic growled as the veins on his face pulsated with rage. "THINK YOU CAN RUN FROM ME?!" He finished the last word while unsheathing his blade before disappearing from his current spot. He reappeared next to Saitama, blade swinging down at his head-


-and then jumping back when he saw that his blade had been broken, his eyes not seeing Saitama spitting out a few metal pieces still in his mouth from where he bit down.

"I told you, I'm busy." Saitama stated as Sonic landed in a crouch, his hand sheathing his broken blade as he watched Saitama cautiously. "Plus, I'm pissed. So anyone who gets in my way?"

Sonic could practically see the aura of danger surrounding Saitama as the bald hero turned to him, his eyes, which held no mercy within, piercing right into Sonic's very soul.

"Get's Punched!"

Sonic swore he'd felt his heart stop at the threat, his sweating face paling at the memory of the last time he'd been punched by Saitama. He was so terrified that he didn't notice Mizuki nodding the memory of Saitama punching a mountain into nothing. All three of them were snapped out of it by a woman pointing at them all and talking.

"That's the guy! He's very, very dangerous. A public nuisance. Please, stop him!" the woman stated.

"IS THAT SO?! YOUR THE OFFENDER, HUH?!" yelled a muscular man with a tiger-striped patterned tank top and hairdo as he flexed his muscles. "WELL, THE TANK TOP TIGER IS HERE!"

"A hero?" Saitama whispered before grinning at Sonic. "Bad news, Sonic. They think you're some sort of criminal! Maybe getting tossed in a cell will cool off that hot he-" His taunting was cut short when Tank Top Tiger placed his hand atop Saitama's head, gaining his attention.

"She means you, cueball." TTT corrected.

"HUH?!" Saitama gasped out.

"He's been running all around town with this scary look on his face since yesterday morning!" the woman stated to the crowd.

"Hey, wait a minute! I'm a hero too!" claimed Saitama.

"That's right! I was there to see him get into Class-C! He's a Pro Hero like you and me!" stated Mizuki.

"He is, huh?" Tank Top Tiger replied in a disbelieving tone before finally noticing who it was he was talking to. "Captain Mizuki? What are you doing here?"

"Training under my master here." Mizuki answered with a smile as she gestured towards Saitama before turning back to Tank Top Tiger. "Which means I'll be rejecting the Tank Top Army's invitation."

Tank Top Tiger jaw dropped at her blunt rejection before a few things clicked in his head.

"Wait a second! You, a well known Class-B Hero, are the student to a Class-C Hero that nobody's heard about?!" he asked in surprise.

"Yep! And I'm not the only one! The new Class-S Hero, Genos, is my fellow student training under Master Saitama here!" Mizuki added with a grin.

"Oi." Saitama grumbled as people around them suddenly became more interested in their conversation.

"That bald guy is training a Class-S hero?"

"But if what Captain Mizuki just said is true, he's only Class-C."

"Why would higher class heroes train under someone lower than them?"

More questions joined in as everyone were now looking at the three heroes.

"What's going on here?" TTT rumbled menacingly as he glared down at Saitama. "No way would an unknown Class-C rookie have heroes like that under them." He leaned down so that he was eye level, a vein bulging on his forehead as he flashed a not-so-friendly smile. "You must be blackmailing them so you can steal their credit for yourself. Right?" Mizuki looked ready to explode at Tank Top Tiger-

"Exploding Shuriken!"



Sadly, something else exploded on both him and her, sending them both to the ground and sending the crowd into a panic.



"Hey, you alright?!" Saitama asked in concern as he knelt down above Mizuki's singed form. She struggled for a moment but sat up, cuts and burns littering her body as she smirked up at him.

"Burned, but I'll live." she rasped out before looking down at the breathing but unconscious form of Tank Top Tiger. "Him, I don't know."

"Well, I'm glad you're alive." Saitama smiled before looking up at Sonic. "What was that for, Sonic?"

"One was interfering. The other was to make sure I had your attention." Sonic replied with a smirk while the crowd began to run, yelling to call for heroes or to just run for their lives. "Interesting though. So you too have become one of these worthless 'heroes?' Well then all I have to do...IS TO CREATE A SITUATION WHERE YOU'RE FORCED TO FIGHT, SAITAMA, THE HERO!" And with that, Sonic jumped high into the air and launched multiple exploding shurikens from his belt. "HAIL OF CARNAGE!" Saitama awaited for them to strike, but was shocked when they veered off course, striking at practically everything but him.

"HEY, STOP IT!" Saitama yelled up at Sonic after the first wave destroyed building walls, streets, and cars.

"SAITAMA! COME FORTH AND FIGHT ME!" Sonic roared as he continued to throw exploding shurikens everywhere. "YOUR A HERO! CAN YOU PREVENT THEIR DEATHS?!"

'All this just to get Saitama to fight him?!' Mizuki mentally growled as she watched destruction taking place. She struggled to stand, but found it to be futile. She looked at a child that was walking and crying before seeing the car being launched towards him. "L-LOOK OUT KID!" she cried out as she reached for him, hoping to save him from the car.