Classroom of the Elite Volume 11 Chapter 5 Part 2


"Horikita, can you spare a moment?"

During the break between classes, Keisei reached out to Horikita.

"No problem. What is it?"

"Talking here is a little bit… well, it's about the special exam."

Not wanting anyone else to hear their conversation, Keisei subtly urged Horikita to follow him out into the hallway.

I had intended on seeing them off from my seat, but Horikita turned and looked at me.

"Is it alright if Ayanokōji-kun comes along too?"

"…Alright then."

He didn't exactly seem welcome to the idea, but he agreed to it nonetheless.

It wasn't like I was going to refuse, so I followed the both of them out to the hallway.

"Have you thought about what I said?"

"About intel gathering?"


"About that… I don't think it'll be easy to get our hands on any information from Class A."

"But, wouldn't it be too much of a waste to do nothing? We should use our time more effectively."

Apparently, Keisei wanted to take action and gather information as soon as possible.

The desire to do as much as you physically can in order to win was a feeling I knew very well.

"Do you think just sticking around the students in Class A will solve the problem?"

"Let's see. It's doubtful that the average Class A student would know which five events will be chosen as well."

Sakayanagi was probably the only one who knew which events would be chosen, and if not, it would be limited to her and those closest to her.

Considering the type of person she is, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for her to thoroughly manage the flow of information.

"Even if Sakayanagi is the only one who knows about which events they'll choose, her classmates are bound to have a vague idea what the plan is, right? Wouldn't you say so, Kiyotaka?"

"Well, her classmates should probably at least know something."

Having spent the last year together, they would know each other's strengths and weaknesses to a certain extent.

They'd probably be able to make an educated guess about which ones would be chosen all on their own.

"Exactly. That's why I've come up with a method of getting our hands on information from Class A."

"That method being?"

"Bring Katsuragi over to our side."

Katsuragi. A former leading figure within Class A that had opposed Sakayanagi.

Keisei first made sure there was no one around, then dropped his voice to a whisper.

"Recently, Katsuragi's biggest supporter Totsuka got expelled due to Sakayanagi, so he probably still bears a grudge, right? I've run into him a couple of times in the last few days, and it's clear he's not the same as he was before."

There was no doubt that he held a grudge against Sakayanagi.

I thought back to the conversation that had taken place on the day of Yahiko's expulsion, when Katsuragi and Ryūen met up with each other.

"Do you really think he'd betray his class just to spite Sakayanagi-san?"

"Of course, we'd need to offer him something appropriate in return."

Apparently, Keisei already had an idea about that as well.

"If he's able to help our class win, we'd end up netting at least 130 class points overall. From the perspective of the class as a whole, that adds up to more than 6 million private points over the course of a full year. Furthermore, if we were to put some aside every month, it wouldn't be impossible for us to save up close to 20 million points."

Having heard this much, I could already guess where Keisei was going with this.

"Then, when we manage to climb up to Class A, we'll offer Katsuragi the opportunity to transfer classes. How about that for a bargaining chip? Plus, this way, we'd establish a good relationship with Katsuragi."

"First of all, an ordinary student wouldn't agree to these terms. No matter what we tell him, we're just Class C. You do know that, right?"

"But, are you sure you can say that given the situation he's in right now?"

"It's true that Katsuragi isn't in the best place right now, but if word got out that he betrayed his class, he'd be the next one on the chopping block. He wouldn't have the luxury to wait for us to save up 20 million points. Even if we assume that our class points will get higher and higher, and even if the entire class agreed to cooperate, it would probably still take at least half a year for us to get that many."

Put more realistically, it would take a full year of saving for us to get to that point.

Besides, even though we'd be gaining more class points, 20 million private points were by no means a small price to pay.

"So what do you think, Horikita?"

"…Well. It's as you say, Yukimura-kun. Getting our hands on information is immensely important."


"However, I don't agree with your suggestion in the slightest."

"W-why not?"

"While Katsuragi-kun has undoubtedly been pushed into a corner, I don't think he'd be willing to agree to our terms and betray his class. Our offer isn't nearly good enough."

It'd be a different story if we had the points on hand now, but it would be strange for him to accept an offer that would only pay out more than a year later.

"But if we don't do anything, we won't get any info at all."

"I don't think we'd get any useful information in the first place, even if we did do something."

"How would we know if we don't try?"

Despite Keisei's persistence, Horikita was clearly unwilling to agree to his idea.

"I'm not entirely opposed to gathering information, but your method just isn't good enough. We can discuss this again if you come up with any new ideas."

With that, Horikita ended the conversation and returned to the classroom.

"Damn it!"

Keisei kicked the hallway wall out of frustration.

"…Hey Kiyotaka, will you help?"

"With persuading Horikita?"

"No… With persuading Katsuragi on our own."

His words really emphasized his determination.

"I'm not saying that Horikita has given up on winning, but it seems to me that, somewhere in the back of her mind she thinks we don't stand a chance. If not, she should be willing to take the chance and give it a try, right? Even if word got out that we met with Katsuragi, it wouldn't put Class C at a disadvantage at all."

Even if I were to disagree with Keisei in this situation, I probably wouldn't be able to stop him from moving on his own.

That being the case, I might as well go with him and get a better grasp of the situation.

"How are we going to get in contact with Katsuragi?"

"That… is something I'll have to think about. We still have some time before the exam."

"Alright. Let me know when you decide."

I responded to him positively to prevent him from taking action on his own and decided to cooperate with him for the time being.


[Hey. Do you have time to talk for a second?]

It was about 6 PM, just before dinner. I had been watching my stove heat up a kettle of water when I received a call from Horikita. As she spoke, the water just began to boil, the sound of the kettle whistling as it did.

[Are you making dinner?]

"No, don't worry about it."

The water had only just started to boil, so I hadn't done anything special yet.

"What's up? What did you want to talk about?"

If she was looking to ask me for my help with sorting out the events, I would have to refuse.

[Don't worry, this isn't about getting your help with the events. I promise.]

Horikita immediately saw through what I was thinking.

[Though, well. If it's alright with you, can we talk in person? The conversation shouldn't take more than an hour.]

Was it something hard to explain over the phone? Or maybe she was looking to confirm something by meeting face-to-face?

An hour wasn't an unreasonable amount of time. It would be difficult to turn her down.

"Alright. Will you be coming here?"

[While that's fine with me, you've been getting involved in all sorts of things recently. How about you come over here instead?]

She seemed to be wary of any unexpected visitors that might come to visit me.

I had also been to Horikita's room before, so there wasn't any particular reason for me to refuse.

After turning off the stove, I went straight out of my room with my cell phone in hand. Then, I got on the elevator and headed toward Horikita's room. While the sun had already set, it was still early in the evening, so it shouldn't be that strange for a boy to be walking around on the upper floors of the dormitory where the girls resided.


Not long after ringing the doorbell, I could hear the sound of the lock being turned from inside the room.

I had thought she would greet me with her usual serious expression, but I was surprised instead.


I was invited inside by Horikita, who was in an unexpectedly good mood.

I, on the other hand, felt slightly anxious upon seeing this abnormal change in her demeanor.

There was a faint scent of miso in the air coming from further inside.

"I was just preparing dinner. Come on in."

If that's the case, it would've been fine if she had waited until after dinner to call me over.

I felt Horikita's pressing gaze as I stood there, hesitating to enter, so I quickly resigned myself.

She might have been reluctant to have someone come over if it had gotten much later.

I decided to stop overthinking it and stepped inside. Almost immediately, I noticed something strange.

For some reason, the small table had clearly been set for two people rather than one.

Was she planning on having dinner with someone else after she finished talking with me?


Just as I was about to ask, Horikita interrupted me.

"Feel free to take a seat."

No, asking me to sit…? There were clearly a pair of chopsticks placed in front of the seat she had motioned to.

My instincts were telling me that I was being set up in a trap.

"So, what exactly did you want to talk about?"

Instead of sitting down, I quickly tried to get on with the conversation.

"Do you plan to stand around as we talk? I still have some preparations to do, so could you please take a seat and wait for me to finish up?"

"No… I just feel like standing."

"You what? I don't feel comfortable having you stand there like that. Sit."

Upon hearing Horikita's voice become increasingly harsh, I decided to sit down.

It had been a surprisingly long time since I had seen this level of confidence in her, mixed together with a pushy, unreasonable attitude.

I had forgotten about it because we had recently begun to distance ourselves from one another.

For the time being, would I just have to sit and wait patiently?

At a glance, the food only seemed to be halfway done. It would probably still be quite a while before she finished with it.

"Hey. It'll only take an hour, right?"

"Yes. Our conversation in and of itself shouldn't take more than an hour."

Horikita spoke with her back turned to me, her words giving me the natural impression that I had fallen for her trap.

Indeed, over the phone she had said that the conversation would be over in an hour.

That is to say, other things weren't included in that estimation.

"How long with everything else included?"

"Hm… Then maybe an hour and a half to two hours or so?"

I knew it.

"Since it's already this late, I figured I may as well treat you to dinner too."

Not a single person could've seen this coming. It felt like I was at the mercy of her unreasonable word games.

Even so, I could see that she had already begun cooking. At this point, it would be rude to refuse the meal and head back to my dorm. She really had skillfully lured me into coming here.

Although she had her back to me, I could see that Horikita's cooking skills weren't half bad.

Rather, given that she was just a first-year high school student, her skills seemed remarkably presentable.

"Both of my parents work full-time, so I was in charge of cooking dinner most of the time."

Horikita spoke quietly, as if she knew exactly what I had been thinking and the meaning behind my gaze.

"You don't find it too troublesome or time-consuming?"

While cooking can be fun, there were certainly many troublesome parts of the process.

"After I found out my brother went to this school, I took it upon myself to practice cooking more often."

"Were you preparing yourself to enroll at this school and live life on your own?"

"That's correct."

I could hear Horikita put down the knife she had been using and set about putting the finishing touches on the pot of miso soup.

Even so, I found myself wondering what we were going to be talking about if we weren't going to be discussing the special exam.

I still didn't have the slightest idea.


After waiting for another fifteen minutes…

Horikita had finished cooking and set everything out on the table. Seeing all of the food spread out before me was better than I had expected it to be. The way the meal decorated the dining table was similar to how you would see on TV from time to time. She then wrapped everything up by sitting down across from me.

If Sudō were to see the two of us like this, he'd probably throw a punch at me in rage.

Even if I were to tell him that it was a misunderstanding, it still probably wouldn't get me anywhere.

Better yet, I wanted to believe that he had already experienced this kind of treatment.

No, he would probably still be jealous of me either way.


At Horikita's insistence, I picked up my chopsticks. The two of us sat facing one another with the food placed in between.

The scene gave off a strong sense of deja vu.

It reminded me of the time Horikita had taken advantage of me by buying me a meal in the cafeteria at the beginning of the school year.

"Are you suspecting something? Of me?"

"Not at all, I'm just feeling a bit uncomfortable."

"If you start doubting the kindness of others, it just serves as proof that you have a problem as a human being."

"You of all people are telling me that?"

"Today is special, you know."


If she really did make this because she was being considerate, then I suppose it'd be rude not to at least try it.

However, it's within human nature to be suspicious. No, rather, for me it was my past experiences with her that caused me to doubt her. This time, however, she had managed to perfectly back me into a corner.

The outcome had already been decided from the moment I had carelessly stepped into Horikita's room.

For the time being, I chose to at least try the soup.

The smell of miso tickled my nose. She had used healthy ingredients with daikon radish as the base.

"Barley miso, huh?"

Upon taking my first sip, the characteristically intense, sweet flavor of the soup spread throughout my mouth.

"You're well informed. It's the preferred form of Miso soup in Kyushu, but I wasn't sure if it'd suit your taste."

"You're a good cook."

I tried to give her a genuine compliment, but she didn't seem particularly happy about it.

"In this day and age, cooking doesn't require any special skills, so it's not anything worth boasting about. If there's something you want to make, you just have to look up a recipe online and buy what you need from the supermarket or a convenience store. You do know that, right?"

If it's nothing more than cooking, then that might be right. That being said, all sorts of little touches could help highlight your culinary skills, from the way you arrange the dish on the plate to the way you prepare the ingredients. It wasn't just something you could learn overnight.

"Have you been treating Sudō to meals like this too?"

When I asked her this, she stared at me with a somewhat dissatisfied look in her eyes.

"Why would I be cooking food for him?"

"Well… you're always helping him study, right?"

"Yes, but, while that may be true, how does that have anything to do with me cooking for him?"

It was just supposed to be a trivial question, but Horikita continued to object to it.

"If our positions were reversed and he was the one helping me study, then I'd be more inclined to agree with you. After all, this is normally done as a way of saying thank you. But, there's no way that I'd go through all this trouble when I'm the one doing him a favor."

Her reasoning was so solid that I couldn't find the words to refute her, but…

"I can't tell if you're smart or stupid."

That should be my line. Sudō had fallen for Horikita, so I had thought she'd already cooked for him. Apparently, she still hadn't confronted his feelings for her yet. But, that was probably because she doesn't place very much emphasis on something like love. She hasn't grown to the point where she can be aware of stuff like that yet.

"Well now. If you don't mind, how about we get down to business?"

Saying that, she took out a notebook and offered it to me.

Without even having to ask what it was, I knew this had to be what she had been working on over the last several days.

"I've come up with a plan that I think will suit our class the best. I'd like to hear your opinion on it."

And then, she added on a few more words.

"You ate my food, didn't you?"

What a truly dirty trick. She treats me to a meal and then comes and asks me to do work for her. I immediately grabbed the notebook and started flipping through it. She had thoroughly documented the various aspects of the special exam. There was even an entry about the ten events Class A had chosen, but since those had only just been revealed today, she was still in the process of writing them.

Incidentally, the ten events Class C had chosen were English, Basketball, Archery, Swimming, Tennis, Table Tennis, Typing, Soccer, Piano, and Rock Paper Scissors.

That last one had probably been thrown in as a last-ditch effort in case things weren't looking good for us.

She had also written her evaluation of who would be the best at each event along with an estimated success rate.

This notebook contained everything we needed for the upcoming exam. I read over it quietly until I had gone through all the details. Upon seeing me like this, Horikita seemed surprised.

"Dinner aside, you didn't think I'd read through this so seriously, did you?"

"Ah, yeah. I was even prepared for you to turn me down, but…"

"The data you've analyzed is crucial for this special exam. I wouldn't be able to do my job as the commander properly without at least taking a look at it."

Compared to the information I had gathered on my own, there weren't any notable differences.

"This collection of data almost feels like it exposes our entire class."

"It's the culmination of everything I've done over the course of this past week. It'd be troublesome if it wasn't accurate."

It probably wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that just about anybody could be a proper commander if they had their hands on this notebook.

"I'm going to continue adding on to it, and eventually include information on our best choices for all of Class A's events as well. I was thinking that you could make use of it to put up a fight as the commander."

"Yeah. People like Sudō and Akito should be valuable assets for the class, even outside of one-on-one events. Whereas in Onodera's case, her chances are less certain if she were to compete against a boy. It would probably be wise to have a third or fourth option in mind ahead of time."

Horikita nodded silently. It'd be a waste to make a hasty decision on how somebody would be participating when they have the potential to shine across a variety of events. In any case, I really couldn't find an issue with what she had created.

"I don't have any problems with the notebook. But, could I just add on one thing?"

"What is it?"

"One of the events Class A chose was chess, right?"

After drinking a sip of water, I turned our conversation in a new direction.

Because nobody in our class was particularly good at chess, the section on it in the notebook was understandably still blank.

"Yes. I haven't put very much thought into it yet since I've personally never played the game myself. Out of everyone, the only person who even has a grasp of the rules is you, the commander. We're probably going to have to follow your guidance about it."

"About that, I'd like you to be the one to take part in it."

"…Me? I get that we'll need to have somebody practice for it, but… Why me? I wouldn't be good at it at all and probably won't be able to win."

"Because I think you're the most suitable person for me to teach."

"So you're saying it'd be easier for you to teach me because you wouldn't have to interact with someone new?"

"I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a part of it."

"I can do it, but… there should be at least a few students who'd be willing to listen to you, right? And besides, I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but I think I'm a pretty good option for some of the other events too."

Horikita was one of the more well-rounded students in the class.

Whether it be a written exam or a sporting event, I had no doubt that her results would be well above average.

"Chess requires raw talent. There's a time limit imposed on how much the commander can intervene. It doesn't matter how confident Sakayanagi is at chess, it just isn't enough time. I can't imagine that she'll make use of it at the beginning of the match. In which case, the key to winning would be playing the early stages of the game properly."

If Horikita were to be overwhelmed at the beginning, it'd be extremely difficult for me to make a comeback.

"Your fascination with the chess event isn't just because you know the rules, is it? You've predicted that Class A is going to choose it as one of their five events, haven't you?"

"I'm almost certain of it. Don't you think it's strange how chess is the only event where the commander has so much influence?"

"That's true. I felt like something was up with that as well… Alright. I'll follow your discretion."

Thankful that she readily agreed to my request, I went back to eating my meal.

"So, how will we be practicing chess?"

"It probably won't be the easiest for you, but I was thinking we'd practice late at night over the internet."

"That's fair, we wouldn't attract any unnecessary attention by doing it that way. Nothing would be leaked either."

Another advantage was that, by doing it this way, it wouldn't interfere with practicing for any of the other events.


I had hoped that the discussion would end with this, but things seldom turn out the way you want them to.

"I have a favor to ask of you, Ayanokōji-kun. You did eat my food, after all."

"Don't you think it's cowardly to pull the same trick over and over again?"

We were around halfway through our meal when the devil reared her head a second time.

It seemed that she had more in store for me than just the notebook from earlier.

"Cowardly? Given the way you go about doing things, shouldn't I be the one saying that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"During The Class Vote exam the other day. You were the one who lured me into taking action behind the scenes, weren't you? Answer me."

"Wait. I didn't-"

"Back then, my older brother may have been the one who helped guide me, but you were the one who was really behind it."

It didn't seem like she was just making a random guess.

That being said, it was also unlikely that the elder Horikita had leaked the information.

"I didn't notice it at first, but I connected the dots after thinking it over carefully."

In other words, she had managed to reach this conclusion on her own.

"You predicted how I would act every step of the way."

"Even if I denied it, I don't think you'd believe me."

"That's right. Of course, I don't have any conclusive evidence. Even if I asked my brother, he wouldn't say anything that'd even hint at your involvement anyway. But at this point, I'm almost certain of it."

Little by little, Horikita had matured over the course of this past year.

That was a fact that her brother and I could both agree on.

However, Horikita's talent had only truly begun to present itself once the discord with her brother softened.

Given that her big brother has known her for much longer than I have, he must've been well aware of just how high Horikita's potential really is. Chances are that's exactly why he's so dissatisfied with her always trying to follow in his footsteps.

"You look awfully uncomfortable."

"That's because it feels like I'm in the middle of being interrogated."

"Just forget it then. Your attitude makes it clear that I won't be getting anything out of you."

With that, she cut the conversation short. It seems that it's going to be harder to manipulate Horikita from behind the scenes from now on.

"I've got one more thing to ask you, but feel free not to answer."

The powerful look in her eyes seemed to draw me in, unwilling to let me get away.

"Do you think we can win against Sakayanagi-san?"

"I don't think it's impossible. That's the impression I get after seeing these notes of yours."

"…Very well. I'll do my best to get the class to the place it needs to be."

"You've been doing great so far."

In Hirata's absence, almost all of our classmates have been following Horikita's instructions.

She was fully prepared to take leadership of the class and pave the way to victory.

Honestly, I wanted to thank her for taking the initiative and doing the things I wasn't capable of doing myself.

"I'll leave the rest to you as well. I'm fully prepared to follow your judgement."

"I understand. But still, wouldn't it be better for you to make the decisions on rules for the commander?"

"You can take care of that too."

"…Are you really saying that you're going to fight with just the information I've prepared for you?"

"I don't really know all that much about our class anyway."

"Good grief… If you think you can beat Class A with that, you're just being naive."


The two of us walked to the front door and I stepped out of her room.

"For the time being, I'll thank you for today's meal, but… please don't use a method like this next time."

I could already imagine myself being suspicious every time somebody offers me a meal from now on.

"Alright, I'll come up with something else."

No, that's not what I meant.


A few days before our confrontation with Class A, Keisei finally managed to get in touch with Katsuragi.

Shortly afterward, Keisei contacted me and called me out to a discreet location.

At this point, Katsuragi was basically isolated from the rest of his class and was often left all alone, so it was probably easy to get in touch with him.

"…So, what can I do for you, Yukimura?"

The man who harbors an unrelenting resentment for Sakayanagi stared at Keisei with a pointed look in his eyes.

"Katsuragi, there's something I'm hoping you can help us with."

"Given the current circumstances, I can already guess what you're here to talk to me about."

From the looks of it, Katsuragi already had an idea of what Keisei was trying to propose.

"Then that makes things simple for us. I was hoping you'd tell us which events Class A plans on choosing. Also, if possible, I'd like you to throw your matches for us."

Keisei added in another request that he hadn't mentioned to Horikita and me.

"And what would I get in return for doing that?"

"We'll welcome you into our class."

"That's an amusing proposal. You want me to betray Class A and drop down to Class C?"

Katsuragi sneered at Keisei's suggestion.

"We will rise up to Class A someday. We have the potential."

Keisei spoke up once again, emphasizing that he could transfer classes once we managed to reach Class A.

But, to Katsuragi, Keisei's words probably sounded like nothing more than delusional nonsense.

"You'll rise up to Class A someday? Doesn't every other class say the same thing?"


"If you really have the potential, can't you just beat Class A without doing something underhanded like this? Isn't the reason why you're trying to use me because you can't do that?"

Keisei fell silent at Katsuragi's irrefutable, scornful tone.

"Well, whatever. Let's say you guys really can rise up to Class A. Are you saying you can provide me with 20 million points right now in exchange for the information? No, because that's impossible, isn't it? If you had that much, you probably would've used it to prevent Yamauchi from being expelled."

Of course, Katsuragi was well aware that we didn't have such a large amount of points.


"Don't tell me you want me to wait two years for you to prepare the points?"

"…Well, yeah."

"This is beyond delusional. Even if you guys do become Class A, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to save up 20 million points by then. We could sign a contract, but it'd be useless if you don't have enough points when the time arrives. No, is this even an offer everyone in Class C agreed on in the first place?"

Katsuragi wasn't an idiot. He probably had a solid understanding of Class C's current situation.

If this was an offer that everyone in Class C had agreed upon, the person who came to meet him would've probably been Horikita. Since Keisei and I were the ones reaching out to him, it must've been obvious that this was still confidential.

"I can understand that you're desperate, but you didn't even come prepared to negotiate. Were you planning to tell the rest of your class after I agreed to cooperate? Did you really think I would accept something like that?"

Betraying your fellow classmates wasn't something that could be done easily.

Even more so for a man with a strong sense of duty like Katsuragi.

"…Are you, are you really fine with being silenced by Sakayanagi then?"


"Do you really still want to cling to Class A even though they got Totsuka expelled?"

Catching onto the fact that Katsuragi wasn't going to be persuaded by his offer, Keisei pushed forward, fully resolved to go down swinging.

"I wouldn't have the confidence to make it to graduation like that. It'd be far too pitiful."

"So you've resorted to inciting my emotions now? I'll give you zero points for a strategy like that, Yukimura."


Seeing as I was present right alongside Yukimura, Katsuragi then directed his attention to me.

"Do you have anything to say, Ayanokōji?"

"No, you're completely right. There's nothing left to say."

Upon seeing me raise the white flag of surrender, Katsuragi redirected his focus to Keisei once again.

"Yukimura, I'm not trying to criticize you for anything, but if you want me to double-cross my class, it's pointless if you're not prepared."

With his back up against the wall, Katsuragi stared out into the distance.


Rather than looking at something, it was more like he wasn't looking at anything at all.

"That being said, you were right about one thing."

"…One thing?"

Despite the fact that Keisei had already given up, his ears perked up at Katsuragi's words.

"I do harbor an immense, unwavering hatred for Sakayanagi. For me, that's more than enough of a reason to do something, even if you don't have anything to give me in return."

With his arms crossed before him, Katsuragi once again fixed his gaze on Keisei.

"As you might have already guessed, Sakayanagi hasn't told anybody which events she plans on choosing."

As expected, Sakayanagi appeared to be keeping her plans to herself.

"And I'm not happy about it either. In an exam like this, where the entire class needs to cooperate as a unit, that's just not how she should be doing things. Typically, you'd expect her to share information with her peers and adopt a strategy that would secure our victory."

By not sharing which events you'd be choosing, the biggest advantage would be that your choices wouldn't leak out to the opposing class. However, the quality of your training for the events would diminish at the same time. If you tried to prepare for all ten events, it's only natural that your overall efficiency would drop.

"If you're fine with it, it's not like I can't tell you what I think she'll end up picking."


Just as Keisei was about to completely give up on persuading Katsuragi, he unexpectedly found himself catching a lucky break.

Katsuragi's resentment for Sakayanagi ran deep.

"As long as you can promise me that everything I say stays between us…"

"O-of course. I'll even bring up the twenty million points with Horikita and the rest of my class for you later."

Keisei nodded along, apparently under the impression that he had managed to strike a deal with Katsuragi.

"That won't be necessary. Even if the information I give you turns out to be useful, it probably won't be worth twenty million points."

"Then, what do you want in return?"

"Nothing. I just ask that you defeat Sakayanagi."

With that, Katsuragi began to speak.

"Of the ten events, the three I'm most certain she'll end up choosing are Chess, the English Test, and the Mathematics Test. After those would probably be the Modern Literature Test and Flash Mental Arithmetic. Conversely, events that require a large number of participants like dodgeball and long rope jumping can be pretty much thought of as fakes. Our class doesn't seem to have practiced for them, as far as I can tell."

We wouldn't be able to confirm if Katsuragi's predictions were correct or not until the day of the exam itself.

But, if we go into it thinking that he was right about the first three, it probably wouldn't end up biting us in the end.

"Are you really okay with it? With not getting anything in return?"

"Like I said earlier. Even if you don't have anything to give me, I still have more than enough reason to take action."

Through an unexpected turn of events, Keisei had gotten his hands on information that he hadn't thought he'd be able to get.

Most likely, he was beginning to feel overwhelmed with joy.

"W-we did it Kiyotaka! Now we finally have a chance to win this!"

Keisei excitedly took on a triumphant pose.

"One more thing. You said that you wanted me to throw my matches for you as well, right?"

"Eh? Ah, no. You don't have to…"

"Hah… You came all this way to negotiate, and yet you're satisfied with just getting some information?"

Katsuragi let out a slight chuckle, seeming to have found Keisei's panicked reaction amusing.

"It's not like that, it's just…"

"Don't go thinking you can win against Sakayanagi just because I've given you a little information. It would probably be wise for you to think that you'd just barely be able to put up a fight if I throw my matches. However, the only event I'd be able to help you guys with is Flash Mental Arithmetic, or, if it somehow manages to get chosen, Long Rope Jumping."

After listening to Katsuragi speak, I decided to ask him a single question.

"Will you even be allowed to participate with Sakayanagi being so wary of you? It's true that, if Long Rope Jumping gets chosen as an event, you might have to participate more than once. But, given that only one or two people can influence the outcome of the Flash Mental Arithmetic event, what makes you think she'd choose you for it?"

"That's because the only students in Class A who specialize in Flash Mental Arithmetic are me and one other student named Tamiya. Furthermore, Tamiya isn't all that skilled at it either. With that being the case, leaving me out of the event would just hurt our chances of winning."

After all, Sakayanagi probably thinks that she's dulled my fangs by having Yahiko expelled. In order to turn me into one of her pawns, she'll get me to participate in an event."

The idea of using Katsuragi, a force that had defied her, as a mere pawn was probably somewhat appealing to Sakayanagi.

Afterward, Katsuragi shared his plan to help us. If he were to be chosen for Flash Mental Arithmetic, he would deliberately get an answer wrong and, in the case of Long Rope Jumping, he would get caught on the rope early on in the event.

"That being said, I'd like to avoid having Sakayanagi realize that I'm throwing the events as much as possible. For Long Rope Jumping, I can make it look like I mess up by accident, but for Flash Mental Arithmetic, I won't be able to make mistakes on the easier questions."

It would look like we were competing on equal footing, but our class would win by a slim margin.

"Though, remember this. Even if Flash Mental Arithmetic gets chosen on exam day, if Sakayanagi doesn't decide to have me compete, you'll just have to cut your losses and give up on our plan."

Either way, we had been provided with some unprecedented information, so we had no reason to be dissatisfied.

After Katsuragi left, Keisei began talking with excitement filling his voice.

"Let's tell Horikita about this, as soon as possible."

"No… We shouldn't tell her we contacted Katsuragi yet."

"W-why not?"

"This only ended up working out for us in hindsight. She won't be happy with us if she finds out that we did this without telling her."

"But, shouldn't we be putting the information to use somehow?"

"I'll find the right time to tell her. I'll make sure we don't get in trouble."

Keisei seemed a little worried at first, but he eventually agreed.

It was probably because he felt guilty about meeting with Katsuragi in secret.