
Level Two

"Each one of you should find seven lost souls, and bring them to the training facility", the human-like teacher told the class.

This was my third time attending this class I already felt that I was making progress.

I noticed that my dear mother fed me dinner in the room. [Didn't she want me to see her 'friend'?], I thought. Secretly, I was grateful for that, because I had to be able to do some things before I began facing Marlena. She had to pay for what she did to me. And that was my driving force to going up the levels in this training school.

This particular test was going to assess our clairvoyance.

Mine had become quite impressive as I noticed the last time I went back into Du's body.

While I drank the milk my dear mother was feeding me with, I had heard my father's thoughts from the home office. Worse of all, I heard that vile creature's thoughts as she wondered why babies didn't like her. [It is because you are evil, madam], I thought. That moment was when it annoyed me that babies couldn't talk. [If only... she would have heard lots of things from my mouth. Things that would make her cry. Stupid woman!]

"Head out, and good luck! Know that passing this test takes you to the next stage!", our teacher said.

I was elated.

* * *

I had learned that spiritual information is constantly being broadcast around different beings... like some form of waves.

It depended on how in-tune you were to your surroundings. And you needed all your senses just like you do in your everyday life.

I remembered why I was asked which element I had an affiliation with... The reason came into play here. Depending on the sense that we found more reliable than others, the element that you had a connection to will help you in this stage.

So, in the field I had been assigned to, I went closer to the ground. Putting the tip of my finger in the soil, I felt vibrations.

"Oou... that was quick!"

"Focus!"... I heard my teacher's voice in my head.

[He was definitely watching me... watching us], I thought.

I closed my eyes, steadied my movements till I became still. Digging all my fingers into the soil again, I heard noises this time... voices... coming from the east of where I was.

I took off.

I don't know how far I traveled, but it was quite a journey. I was surprised I picked the sounds from where I was.

There were spirits, their faces long with despair and lack of direction. Some were wailing, some making sounds that weren't pleasing to the ears. It wasn't a good scene. They flocked together, sharing their common trait of sorrow.

The first one that saw me looking at their group said; "Where have you come from? Take us there"

I looked at the rest of them, to see if they had heard what he said... but they were lost in their dejection.

"I have come to take you all to where I came from. Will you follow me?"

As he began to glide towards me, I noticed that they were all linked with a red-looking string.

My brows creased, "What is that holding you people together?"

"Misfortune", he replied.

[Oh my stars. This is sad], I thought.

Even as the man pulled the rest of them... all, including him, being eleven in number, they hadn't realized what was happening.

[This is what despondency can do to people].

"Follow me", I said.

* * *

I was the last spirit to return.

But my teacher's eyes shone with pride when he saw what I dragged in.

The sluggish movements of the souls I had brought back was what caused my delay. I was happy that it wasn't a timed assignment, otherwise, I would have failed woefully.

"Where did you find these spirits?", my teacher asked.

"A far fly to the east of where I was allocated", I replied with my chin up and my chest out. I felt good.

"Now, you are the captain of the class. Take the rest, show them the room for these lost souls to rest"

I did as I was told.

As I returned to the class, I met only my human-like teacher there. [Where were the other students?], I thought.

"Are you Karina or Sei?", he asked.

"Anyone you prefer. My name from my former life is Karina. Right now, I have many names", I said as I remembered 'Du'.

"You are talented. And as a reward for topping this test..."

I was handed a cup.

When I looked inside, there was a thick liquid inside. I swirled it around in the cup, and with each movement, it glistened.

"What is this, teacher?"

"Energy nectar. Drink it all. You move to the next level from your next visit"

I poured it into my mouth... I couldn't believe what I felt inside me.

I felt power surge through me. I felt magnificent.

Looking at my hands, light shone through them then gradually decreased.

"Oh, my stars. I feel wonderful"

"I can imagine. Now, go and explore and find out things you couldn't do before that you can do now- even in your new human body"

People there knew that I had been reincarnated. I had to let them know because of my time schedule.

"I can not wait!"

Shutting my eyes, I willed myself back into Du's body.

* * *

The next day after Su Na's experience with Du Jing, she left her friend's house.

"I do not like the way you are leaving. This is not what we planned", Xue Jing told her.

"I know, darling. But I have a wedding to attend. I promise to come back when I return from the trip"

Xue gave Su a sideways glance. "It is because of the incidence with Du, right?"

"No... not really. Don't worry, Xue. We will try again. I will not make a scary hairstyle when I am coming next time".

They both chuckled, and Xue gave her friend a long, tight hug and walked her to the door.

A taxi was already waiting outside for Su Na.

[I will come back to see Du... let her grow up a little], Su thought.