

Su Na went around her house preparing for the visit to Xue's house. It was long overdue as Su had let her emotions get the best of her. Su Na withdrew from her friend, even going as far as taking a long break away from the town they both lived in.

Now, she was back, and honestly, Su was happy to be back. She had missed Xue.


Su Na looked for the phone that was ringing and didn't find it. Clothes were scattered all over her bed and she couldn't remember where she had left her cellphone.

The call disconnected, and Su went back to what she was arranging. All that was n her mind was seeing her best friend again... and seeing Du, her goddaughter.

A smile came on Su Na's face as she remembered when Du cried seeing her for the first time. [I do not think that will happen again], she thought.

"Du must be a big girl now", Su Na muttered.

She felt good about this visit. Su walked into her kitchen and grabbed the large ice cream she had bought that morning when she jogged to the supermarket. She put it inside a bag alongside some other candies and chocolates she had bought for Du Jing.


She heard her phone ring again.

"This person is sure insistent. Maybe it is Xue...", Su said.

But Su knew that she had already agreed on a particular time with Xue, so she didn't expect her to be the one calling.

She followed the sound and found the cellphone in the pocket of the joggers she had worn that morning. Grabbing the cellphone, Su looked at the name on the screen.

"Yu Lei"

Her brows creased.

Then a realization hit her as she remembered the person that had helped put her luggage in the taxi she entered from the airport.

Su Na smiled as she remembered how nice, cheerful... and above all, how handsome he was.


The man on the other end said; "Hi, how're you, Miss Su?"

"I am fine, Mr. Yu. Thanks for asking"

"You are welcome. I need something from you"

"Oh?"... Su said as her brows strained to meet other... thoughts filling her mind about what this stranger could possibly want.

"I'm listening. If it is something I can help with...", Su Na trailed off.

"I hope it is. I need one hour out of your time", Yu Lei said.

[Oh!]... Su Na stifled a smile. Su was a little bit ashamed that she had allowed her thoughts to wander to several places.

"What do you need an hour for?", Su Na asked... her mouth pouted.

"I want us to have lunch. Will you grant me that privilege?", he asked.

She thought about it for a moment. Su had even forgotten that she had met someone dashing at the airport that day. Her mind was occupied with seeing Xue again.

[It will not harm anybody if I have lunch with this man], she thought.

"Yes, I will grant you the privilege", Su replied to him with a peal of laughter.

"Thank you. So, see you tomorrow? Is that fine by you?"

"Yes. Absolutely", Su said.

Su Na dropped her phone.

"Hmm", she mused.

After Su changed her clothes, she gathered all that she was going to carry to Xue's house and walked out of her apartment.

She hummed all the way down the stairs, leading to the sidewalk to wait for a taxi. Su Na was elated about going to see Xue... and most of all, play with little Du.

* * *

The atmosphere in Jing's house wasn't as light and happy as it usually was. There was a heated argument between Ren and his wife, Xue Jing.

"I heard her talk about some past life thing", Ren yelled.

Xue was dressing Du as she had just given her daughter a bath. She didn't turn around to face Ren as she feigned concentration on what she was doing.

"Xue! I am talking to you"

"I heard you. What has this 'past life' thing got to do with anything? I told you my best friend is coming over, and you flared up. I do not understand you, Ren", Xue said, with her back facing her husband.

"Look at me", Ren commanded. That night, he had heard Su when she talked about some things that didn't sit well with him at all. Honestly, he had been happy when Su Na stayed away all this time. Ren Jing was not pleased to hear that she was coming over... not just for a visit, but to spend the night.

"Ren, what has come over you? It is Su we are talking about here. My best friend", Xue said.

"A friend that our daughter isn't comfortable around. Doesn't that tell you something?", Ren asked.

Xue rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "Mr. Comfort. Okay, tell me what it tells you. I am very interested in knowing"

Ren stared at Xue Jing. [No one wins an argument with this lady], he thought.

"Aunty Su?", Du asked... jumping with glee.

Both Ren and Xue looked at their daughter.

"You smarty pants. you want to see your aunty, right?", Xue asked as she carried Du off the bed, fully dressed.

Ren sighed and left the room. He hated that it was a Saturday and he didn't have to be at work. Racking his brain on what to do to be absent from the house when Su came, he heard a knock on the door.

[My God], Ren thought. He was surprised that even he felt this way towards Su. He had tolerated her all these years but after that day when Du wailed seeing her... his impression changed towards her.

To make matters worse, Ren had heard Su Na talk about 'past life' and 'it happening before'.

"Shit', Ren muttered, walking into his room and banging the door behind him.

[Xue had better not call me out to greet anyone], Ren thought.