
Testing- 2

"What do you mean by that?", Xue Jing said to Su as she followed after her.

Ren just ignored both of the women as he locked up the car and went straight into his room. Then he came out again, his mouth appeared tight and that made Xue know that he was still very upset.

She wondered what was making him this way. Xue felt overwhelmed. First of all, it was her daughter getting burned from only God knows where. Secondly, her husband who had been with her all night, till they found the injury on Du, was acting funny, as if she was the one who had carried Du's leg to put into a fire. It confused her why she was getting such an attitude from Ren.

Then to put the icing on the chocolate cake, Xue thought that her friend had come to the hospital to help her carry the weight of what had happened. Only for Su Na to come there and act up as usual on their way back.

Now, Xue ing found herself following her grown-ass friend asking questions that didn't make sense to her at all.