
Third Birthday- 2

That dress- the way Xue had dressed Du looked awfully like- Su Na did not know what to think. All she knew was that she recognized this outfit- how it had been put together. 

Su Na still had bouts of panic even after she had rested well. She had not even gone to see Yu Lei because of how confused and paranoid she still was. However, when Xue had called to remind her of what she hadn't forgotten about, Su knew that she had to pull herself together and attend Du's birthday party. This was the first time she was coming out of her house since when she had visited Doctor Wang.

Yu had been calling but she had not responded to his messages. Su Na had told herself that perhaps after this part, she would be calm enough to compose a message to Yu, but here she was, thinking about a dress that Karina had worn the day she had died- or the day she had had Karina killed.

Su Na squeezed her eyes shut.