
You Do Not Really Know Me

During the drive to Mao's house, Ren Jing kept his mouth shut and heighten the volume of the radio in the car. They were playing good music and he was grateful for that. He hummed to the music even though he did not know some of them and their lyrics. Ren did not just want to start a conversation with Mao.

Mao, on the other hand, was as silent as Ren was. She looked outside the car window after a brief argument about whether the window on her side should be down or not.

"I want to use the air-condition," Ren had said when he had just started the engine.

However, that was not what Mao wanted. She had been without clothes for some hours and had caught a chill from the cold air but Ren did not want to listen to that.

"I can not deal with the AC now, Ren. Turn it off," Mao had complained and whined.

Ren ignored her flatly and put the AC on full blast.