
In The Office - 2

"Someone came to look for you," Li Cui said to Xue Jing.

"Who? This early in the morning?" Xue asked with a quizzical look on her face. She was still engrossed in arranging the papers on her desk and she had not looked up at Li Cui even as she asked that question. 

"The same thought I was thinking. If I mention the person's name Xue, you will be so shocked."

"Why will I be shocked?" Xue Jing asked. Her eyes were still on what she was doing.

"Mao Yong."

Xue looked up at Li Cui.

"Oh... now, I have your attention," Li Cui said with a chuckle.

"Why did she- I do not understand. She came to look for me?"

"Yes." Li Cui intertwined her fingers with each other with her pen still in between them. "Now, my question is that, what do you have to do with that... that... scumbag, Xue?"

Xue shrugged and averted her eyes from Li Cui. "She came for Du's birthday. That is all. I was even surprised when I saw here there."