
Who Is This Person?

The next morning came and Xue was not feeling like herself at all. She woke up with the thought of going to Du's school for that meeting but at the same time, she was hesitant about going. Somehow, for some reason, Xue Jing could not pinpoint why she was feeling uneasy around her chest area. It was uncomfortable and she wondered if Ren was feeling the same way.

Ren, on the other hand, was in high spirits. He had a good night, something that he had not experienced in a very long time. Last night, he had enemies his wife like he usually did, not until they started to have their issues. Another thing that made him feel good was the fact that he had ended everything with Mao Yong. Ren felt that he had tied up a looser end there. Now, Mao would not think that he would call her up for some rendezvous in the hotel. In fact, Ren had promised himself that he would not partake in such an act any longer.