
soon - 2

"W-What are you talking about, Sek?" Ceri asked in a shaky voice as she wrapped her hands around herself. In her mind, she thought that if she did not salvage this issue now — if she did not find something to do about what Sek was going to accuse  her with she might loose out on the whole thing that she had spent her years longing after.

How could she get to the pinnacle and fall off? How could she get the attention of the king and lose it later?

Ceri knew that she was destined to be queen and she was not ready to allow anything to come in her way — to hinder the way to her glory. Never!

"You know exactly what I am talking about, Ceri Binner. I am not going to repeat myself," Sek said. He was sitting now with his elbows on his knees and his fingers interlocked in front on him. He looked up at Ceri because she was still standing with that robe around her. Her body language spoke loudly to Sek and he understood clearly.