Find Him

Zain's POV

"Who was that person?" Crown Prince Lucas Zaphiel Lustina asked. Everyone was completely silent.

"We don't know either," the Crown princess, Elirian Whalia Angora, said. I could see the princess, Rhyne Althee Elyarus, shaking her head.

"Find him immediately," the Imperial Crown Prince, Reeve Khidell Sylthana, said. All the mages moved and searched the cape man.

"Count Lysanthir." Crown prince Lucas.

"Present." Count Lysanthir.

"Find that guy. We don't know if he's a friend or a foe."

"As you wish." The count had already left with his assassins. The Angoran crown princess moved as well, gathering the beast people at once to go in pursuit of the cape man. The Elyarus princess followed, although there seems to be a problem with her. Furthermore, the son of the Count of Lysanthir also seemed suspicious.

"Zain." Crown Prince Lucas called me. I walked towards his highness.

"Your highness."

"Follow me." We headed outside and went to a secluded place.

"Here." He handed me a crystal ball video recorder.


"One of our mages recorded the whole situation." I looked at the cape guy appearing in the video.

"Find him." The crown prince's mouth released a chilly voice. I landed on my knees, pressing my right hand on my left shoulder.

"As you wish."


Count Lysanthir's POV

"Did you find him?" The assassins shook their heads and continued searching.

"Father." Killian silently arrived.

"Any trace?" I asked.

"*Shakes head* It's too difficult to find the lord, at this moment. Especially the royalties are also searching for the lord." the assassin said.

"*Sigh* We better hurry." The assassin bowed before exiting the place.

"Looking for me?" We froze for a moment, trying to calm our hearts. We slowly looked up and there, we saw the Lord sitting at the top of the tree while eating strawberries. My body flinched when I saw the branch was moving, and before I knew it, the Lord was now in front of us. We kneeled, showing our courtesy.

"We greet the Lord, Alexio," we said in unison.

"There's no need for formalities. Stand up." My son and I stood and looked at our lord.

"It's been a long time. How have you been?" The lord asked casually.

"By the grace of God, we've been doing great," I said, lowering my head a little and putting my right hand on my left shoulder.

"That's great to hear," the lord said. He took something out of his bag and handed it to me.

"Here." I gently take it.

"My lord, this is...." My son and I were shocked when we recognized what it was.

"As you can see, it's a golden fruit," the Lord said as if it were just a mere fruit.

"My lord, this is Phalia, the legendary golden fruit!" I suddenly blurted out.

"Yes?" But he just gave me a confused look.

"This golden fruit is said to heal wounds, diseases, and plagues!" I answered.


"This is a national treasure and the rarest golden fruit on the entire continent! And yet, my lord, you are giving it to me freely." I answered.

"I had no idea you valued that fruit. They were giving that golden fruit to me as a present every month. On my trip to Angora, I just dropped by and got the golden fruit." The lord said it was nothing special.

"We don't know how to thank you, my lord." I gave him a 90 degree bow, showing my thankfulness.

"It's fine, it's fine," the Lord said as he waved his hand.

"And as well..." He took an ancient book out of his bag and gave it to us.

"Give this to the princess of Elyarus. She will need this." I gently took the ancient book with a puzzled face.

"Don't worry, the princess knows about my identity." The lord said.


"And there were also five beastmen that were escorting the princess of Elyarus."



"Don't worry, you can trust them." I just nodded and gave my kid, who was holding a magic bag, the golden fruit and antique book.

"Now it's time for me to go."

"Wait, my lord!" I quickly said and the lord looked at me.


"Aren't you going to help the Rathian Kingdom?" I asked.

"About what?" The lord became curious about the topic.

"We heard the report that their forest was completely wiped out because of the fire." I said, but he just stayed silent.


"My lord?" I called him, but there was no response.

"Do you know who started the fire?" The Lord asked and we just shook our heads. "It was me." 

"I was the one who started the fire." He continued, which we didn't refute.



"And do you know the reason I did that?" We shake our heads again. "It was because they weren't willing to help the beastmen."



"They bullied them in front of everyone and treated them like unwanted visitors." He continued babbling while looking disappointed.



"The Rathian thinks they are far superior to any other people living on this continent, since Elves are closer to the forest, and the forest is closest to Alexio. Well, I'm just setting an example for arrogant people. I will tolerate no one if someone does that again," he said coldly as the wind blew.



"Might as well." He looked at it with a cold smile on his lips.

"You better be careful or else. You will taste my wrath." I felt goosebumps all over my body.

"We keep that in mind, my lord," I said, lowering my head.

"Good, now I should get going." The Lord said, and he vanished.


I cleared my throat before looking at my son "Let's go as well." 

"Yes, father." Killian said.


"The Lord seems to be in a foul mood." Killian said while walking beside me. I was also nervous right at the moment and couldn't speak.

"The Royal family made the right choice to help the beastmen, father." Killain.

"Yes, or else our kingdom will be on edge. We don't want to experience the wrath our lord did to the Rathian Kingdom." I said.

"I think we should warn the princess of Elyarus and also the five beast-men."

"Don't worry, I heard everything.' a girl came out of nowhere.

"We greet the Princess, Rhyne Althee Elyarus." The princess reveals her long wavy hair and amber eyes that were full of warmth.

"There's no need for formality since we served one lord." She said while smiling.

"Then I hope you will keep the secret safe." I said while smiling coldly.

"Of course, I don't want to see the Lord's wrath." Princess.

After a period of conversation, we returned to the base and began packing up our belongings since we were leaving.


Zain's POV

I waited for the crown prince to come out and report. Minutes later, I saw him walking in my direction.

"Your highness." I greeted the prince.

"Did you find him?" He asked.

"I apologize, your highness."

"*Shakes head* There's no need to apologize. He's not a simple person to catch."

"Thank you, your highness." I said.

"Let's rest early since we'll be going back tomorrow." said the Crown Prince. 

"Yes." I followed the crown prince while talking to him comfortably.

Someday, we will definitely find him.