

Rose Vergiana (Vergia) - Song writer, Rapper, Dancer,


Dazy Ariana (Ari) - Vocalist, Visual


Sonia Brittany (Sonia) - Vocalist, Rapper


Lessone Caroline (Lesso) - Vocalist, Lead dancer.


Jeffry Alexa (Jef) - Vocalist, Main dancer


Kelly Tania (Tania) - Vocalist, Dancer, Rapper


Nia Jeffrin (Nia) - Leader, Main rapper, sub vocalist, Song writer

A horror  story.

There lots of sub characters you will be find out who when reading.




💙💙Oneli Thedasna

💙💙Anuththara Yumandhi

💙💙Sathini Hiranya

💙💙Vinuji Sedasna

💙💙Minsadhi Lehansa

💙💙Thenuli Sadunya

💙💙J. Sonakshi

💙💜️Cover by,

Chalaka Hansaneth



(Books x Secrets)