Shopping with members

(Next day morning.)

They all woke up.  Time passed as usually...

(At the noon)

They went to the supermarket by their new car. While Jeffrin was driving others were singing and laughing. "Please shut up your mouths." Jeffrin begged. They all shocked and looked at Jeffrin. They stopped what they were doing. Few seconds later Jeffrin started to mutter a song. 🎶🎵

"Jeffrin…" They all yelled. "Okay okay. Sorry. Just kidding. You can sing." Jeffrin apologized. Then again they all started to sing. They went to the supermarket after parking their car at the car park. They went in. Alexa took a Trolly. Brittany and Tania took another and also Jeffrin and Ariana too. "Guys listen well. Don't buy unnecessary things." Ariana warned. "I hope Lesso will be with us." Ariana muttered. They went away with sad faces.

(in the market)

Brittany and Tania straightly went towards the confectionary section. "I want this." Brittany tried to take one packet of it out, but some packets fell down with it. Ariana arrived that place because of the noise. "What the hell?" Ariana growled. "Clean up now." Ariana grunted. "Okay." Tania said in a skittish voice. Anyway they arranged it. But they bought lots of sweets and chocolate. "Will Ariana blame on us again?" Tania asked. "I don't think so." Brittany replied. But Tania removed some items they don't need. Brittany stared at her and went away. "OK. But let's keep these." Brittany went away. "Hmm." Tania replied. 

Jeffrin was finding a Vanilla flavored liquid bottle she found one near to the soya sauce bottles. The vanilla bottles were made with glasses and the soya sauce bottles not. "May I buy this?" Jeffrin muttered. 🤔🤔🤔Because as long as everything were broken by her Ariana never let her to buy it. "But that's not my fault. They are flying away from my hands." She muttered. Ariana came towards Jeffrin. She saw Jeffrin looking at bottles.  "Be careful Jeff. Don't broke anything. I can still remember what you have done when we came the last time. A jam bottle was broken by you. Also a cart were broken by you and Tania. Ah! When talking about carts where is Alexa?" Ariana asked.

"I don't know." Jeffrin replied. Jeffrin said while hiding the vanilla bottle in the cart, but unfortunately Ariana saw it. "Jeffrin are you hiding something from me. What's that? Take that out now." Ariana ordered. "Seems like you still angry." Jeffrin tried to skip. "I think I don't need to repeat. Get it out in this instant." Ariana growled.😡😡😡 "Okay okay. You sounds like a devil in the hell. Damn it." Jeffrin grinned while taking the bottle out from the cart. The words were too much enough to drive Ariana angry and with the bottle too definitely not a good reaction. "What the hell you are doing? I told you not to buy glass bottles. Vanilla. Wait a minute." Ariana checked the allies and took out a soya sauce bottle. "Take this." She put it into the cart. "But this is not…." Jeffrin tried to say something but Ariana cut her. "No more talks. Just buy." Ariana tried to went away. "But this…" Jeffrin again tried. "I said no more talks." Ariana grunted. "Ariana are you mad?" Jeffrin asked. "What did you said? Yeah I am mad because I can't control you guys. If Vergiana were here and Lesso too." Ariana sighed. She was about to cry.😰😰😰😰

Alexa, Brittany and Tania too heard this. Alexa tried to hide her cart but Ariana saw her. Even Brittany and Tania too tried to hide the chips packet they were eating. Ariana saw it and went over angry. "What the hell you were thinking? Brittany, Tania can you hear me? Oh my god. Luckily there are no much people here. Just look at me when I'm talking." Ariana growled. "Oh boy." Jeffrin muttered. Alexa heard it and she smiled. Ariana noticed it. "Alexa, what's this? Don't buy everything you see." Ariana again grunted. Ariana sighed. "Ah, just never mind I am sorry for it. (She was about to cry) when you guys were all done come to the cashier. I'll be waiting at there. I need to calm down myself. So please obey me. Just don't damage anything in here. Okay I'm leaving." Ariana left.

"What the hell wrong with her?" Tania asked. "I don't know. Maybe she was worrying about the things happened." Alexa replied. "May be." Jeffrin agreed. "I think so." Brittany said. "Oh dear I have never seen her being that much angry." Jeffrin again talked. "Why?" Tania asked. "Seems like she didn't read the label. Never mind I'll take both. This is soya sauce not Vanilla. But never mind." Jeffrin took both. Others smiled. "Okay are you all done?" Alexa asked. "Yes we ae." Brittany replied.  "Me too." Jeffrin replied. "Well then let's go. Instead of wasting time like this. Ariana might be waiting with an evil face." Alexa hurried. Brittany, Tania and Jeffrin followed her. When Tania and Brittany pass through the cashier after handover all the things they bought the casher girl stopped them and told them to pay for the sweets on their hand. They were still eating. "Ah ok Ariana will pay them." Tania told and she went they went out. Ariana paid them all with a wonder. They have bought a lot. Jeffrin understood what Ariana was thinking. "I think it's because of Christmas." Jeffrin explained. While Ariana was paying the cashier lady talked. "Excuse me miss, aren't you UNJA?" She asked. "Yes we are." Jeffrin replied. "Oh my god cool. i'm a huge fan of you all. Can I get an autograph please? Also I want to ask about Lesso. I saw all the updates in Media. I wish she could get well soon." She talked.

"Thank you." Ariana gave her an autograph. "Love you all. Forever Angel (Their fandom)." The girl yelled. They smiled and went out. "Medias are too powerful." Ariana mumbled. Others smiled. "I'll go and get the car. You guys come." Jeffrin went away. Brittany and Ariana were carrying the carts. There was a slope to the one who carry carts. So Ariana and Brittany used it while Tania and Alexa were using the staircase. On the way Brittanys' cart fell off from her hand. It moves down. All the items in it too fell off from the cart and rolled down the slope.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 "What the hell?" Tania yelled.  Brittany ran with her cart. Luckily there were not too much items on Brittany's cart. "What the heck you were thinking?" Ariana growled. "I am sorry. I was just…you know when daydreaming...."Brittany cut off.

Tania and Alexa ran down the steps and helped Brittany. Ariana too went to help. Jeffrin came near that place by the car.

"What the….?" Jeffrin was shocked and she cut off the last few words. 🤨🤨🤨🤨Tania explained all to Jeffrin. They put all the things into the car. Brittany's hand was injured. "Your hand. Never mind we can apply medicine at the hospital on our way to Lesso." Ariana told. They went to visit Lesso. On their way others started to complain about what happened. "OMG just look what happened because of your sleepiness. Brittany you are really really a sleepy head." Alexa started.😡😡😡 "Hee.." Brittany admitted in a shy voice. "Anyway to which hospital are we going?" Brittany asked. "May be the hospital which Lesso was in. then we can visit Lesso too." Tania replied. "What the hell?" Jeffrin growled. "Why?" Alexa asked. "Seems like no one of you had heard me. I told it when I saw Brittany's scar." Ariana growled. "Did you?" Brittany asked. "Hmm" Jeffrin replied instead. "I only heard the word Hospital." Tania said. "Me too." Alexa proved. "Ah, I am all done with you guys." Ariana sighed. They all went to the hospital and Brittany was laying on a bed. Others were standing near her.


"Ah my head." Brittany said while getting out from the car. Suddenly she was fainted.


"What happened?" Jeffrin asked from the doctor who checked Brittany's condition. "Just lack of energy." Doctor replied. "Thank you doctor." Jeffrin thanked. "Anyway her hand was injured. I'll send someone to take care of it." Doctor went away. "Didn't you eat well? Why lack of energy?" Ariana growled.😡😡😡😡 "Ah I just ...…" Brittany cut off some words when explaining. "Never mind. Just don't skip meals from now on. This warning is not only for Brittany. This is for you all." Ariana warned. "Yes ma'am." Jeffrin saluted. After few minutes a young doctor arrived that place. There were another person too near Brittany's bed. The doctor came to visit her. Also Brittany too because their head ordered to do so.

The doctor got attracted by Brittany's beauty and also her voice. 😍😍😍😍😍He came near Britany and started to check her wound. "Nothing serious. I'll apply some medicine to this beautiful young lady." The doctor smiled to Brittany. A heartfelt of lovely smile. Brittany turned into red because she got shy when other members laughed secretly while looking at her. It's so hard for them to keep their smile in. finally Ariana laughed but instantly she turned it into a cough. "Jeffrin please give me some water." 😂😂😂😂Ariana asked. At that time the doctor was being ready to inject the other patient next to Brittany. "Okay." Jeffrin tried to get a glass. But unexpectedly it fell off while making a huge noise. Tania got afraid by the seen and screamed. The young doctor afraid because of it and turned towards Tania with the vaccine in his hand. Brittany was sitting next to him. When he turned towards Tania the vaccine injected to Brittany by his mistake. Brittany wailed because of this unexpected moment. She even went over angry and she punched the doctor by her free hand. She even hit the doctor's leg. Poor doctor. "Ouch my leg." The doctor yelled. Nurses quickly came towards the doctor and troubled him to know about what happened. The doctor somehow managed to sat on a chair. He sat on the chair which was next to Brittany's bed. Then Brittany again tried to hit the doctor. But luckily Alexa and Ariana noticed it and stopped her. "Calm down Calm down." Ariana talked. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Then Jeffrin apologized from everyone. After that a nurse applied medicine on Brittany's wound and they went to visit Lesso. Lesso was still living with the help of machines around her without caring about what's around her. 

Time passed....they went to the bungalow.

They came home at about 5.00 p.m. All were very tried and exhausted. They all had a wash and arranged the things they brought. All gathered near the dining room the time was 5.45 p.m. Jeffrin start to speak about the past story that the grandpa told to them. Then suddenly the light that was above the dining table dimed it. Widows opened and closed a heavy wind blew. Then the time was six the grandfather clock also starts to ring. All got shocked and screamed. "What's going on?" Ariana asked very scarily. "Don't know. Don't know." Brittany while closed her eyes. "Is this a night more?" Asked Tania and added. "Hay Jeffrin hit me." "Why?" Asked Jeffrin in a very low voice. "Just hit me." Tania yelled. Then Jeffrin hit her. "Ouch. Oh! My god. It's not a nightmare. It's true." Yelled Tania. "Yes." Alexa shouted. The grandfather clock rang for the 1st  time and it stopped all were normal then the grandfather clock rang for the 2nd  time then all the horrible things happened again. There was red paint bucket in the second floor. Suddenly it came rolling down from stairs at stopping near Jeffrin chair. Red paint was all over everywhere. The sauce bottle that was on the table fell and made a sign with sauce. All were looking at that. Suddenly the paint bucket that was near Jeffrin's chair explored. Jeffrin screamed others too were scared. Grandfather clock started to ring for the last time. Jeffrin looked down.👻👻👻

There was a cross sign under her chair. Also another different sign on the table. All the members were confused. When the grandpa clock stopped ringing everything came back to normal. There was no any sign on the table nor the floor. "Nothing had happened. No evidence." Alexa muttered. "Don't know." Others said. "But I got one thing." Jeffrin said. "What?" Ariana asked. "There is a connection between the sign and the grandpa clock and the ghost." Jeffrin replied. "What?  Why are you saying something like that?" Brittany questioned. "Look. All the things happened every time when the clock rang. Also when it stopped everything came back to normal." Jeffrin said.

After all they got there dinner. It was just 8 O clock, they ate early because the were very tired after happening all the horrible things. As it was just 8 O clock so they all went outside. "Hey Tania shall we play tennis.🎾🎾" Brittany asked while putting her hand around Tania's shoulder. "Oh it's a great idea." Tania replied. They two went to upstairs↗️↗️↗️ to bring the tennis  rackets. Jeffrin, Alexa and Ariana went outside, on their way outside there was sauce pan on the table near the door🚪🚪🚪Jeffrin took it and went outside.

"Why are you taking this pan outside?" asked Alexa in suprise. "Just! I saw it was on the table, this might be useful for us" replied Jeffrin. "Where is Tania and Brittany" questioned Ariana. "I saw that they two went upstairs." Jeffrin replied. "Ohh!" said Ariana and went to the garden. "Shall we make a small fire.🔥🔥🔥 Mmm. Over there." Alexa asked. "That's a great idea." Ariana said. "Then I will go and bring a match a box." Said Jeffrin and start walk inside. "Wait." Alexa yelled.

Jeffrin turned to her side and asked, "Why?" "I have a match a box with me." said Alexa. "Alright." said Jeffrin and stepped to the corner of the garden to bring some sticks🪵🪵🪵🪵, she brought them near to the place that Ariana and Alexa were. Ariana arranged them nicely and lit them. The fire was very strong. It was just a medium fire. Jeffrin,  Alexa and Ariana sat around the fire on small wood benches. They were on a sweet conversation. Jeffrin was holding the sauce pan too.

Suddenly Tania and Brittany came out running 🏃‍♀🏃‍♀ with a net, a ball and the tennis rackets. Ariana saw them. "What were you two doing upstairs" asked Ariana. "Brittany and I went to bring these things" said Tania while showing them to Ariana and others. "Are you two going to play tennis🎾🎾 here" asked Alexa. "Hmm" said Brittany. "Why are you holding  a pan" questioned Tania. "Just!" said Jeffrin. "Are you three commimg to play tennis" asked Brittany while keeping all the stuffs down. "No No we are not not commimg you two play, we were on  a sweet conversation about about our concert" said Ariana.

"Oops sorry😕😕😕" apologised Brittany and Tania  and added " aren't  you all tellimg us the conversation about our concert. "I will tell you two tommorw, we are just talking about the advertisements and small other works. "Ok" said Brittany and went to tie the net Tania helped her. They started to play.

The time passed...🕣🕤🕥🕦 but still Brittany and Tania were playing, others were watching them. When Brittany hit the ball suddenly the racket thrown away with the ball. "Oh my god" yelled Brittany at once. "Why did you throw the racket you should only hit the ball" said Alexa. Everyone laughed😁😁😄😄😄😄 Brittany too laughed. "Hey Brittany here you are" said Jeffrin while throwing the pan to her. "Why this" questioned Brittany. "You play with this now we will find your racket later" replied Jeffrin. "Hmm thats a great idea there must be a work from that pan" said Brittany and started to play.

" This pan is better than I thought" mummbled Brittany. Jeffrin searched for the racket but didn't found it. The corner of the garden was very dark🌑🌑🌑 so Jeffrin was scared to go alone to the corner of the garden. "Are you all finish playing tennis" asked Jeffrin. "Oh yes" yelled Brittany. "Shall we go and search the  racket" asked Jeffrin. They all went to search it. While they were  searching it suddenly a huge sound came. They got shocked and turned to the side which the sound came. They saw that the window 🪟🪟🪟🪟 was broken and the tennis racket was down there. "OMG" yelled Jeffrin. They went near it. "How did the racket has come here" asked Ariana and added "Look there is blood on the racket" There was blood on the grip (Holding part of the racket). Then a horible smile was heard. The wind🍃🍃🍃🍃 started to blow fast and the moon was covered with the dark clouds and it became more dark. The grandpa clock also started to rang. It was 12 O clock(midnight). Foxes started to growl and the all horible sounds came. People wearing white clothes 👻👻👻 were floating around the bungalow.

Everyone was very sacred they gathered closer and Tania started to pray. The pan that Brittany was holding suddenly dropped down. At that moment the grandpa clock was ringing for 3rd time. The pan was suddenly started to melt into a red liquid. The ringing of the clock was stopped all the things became normal as usual.

All was speechless😟😟😟. Ariana as the eldest member told others not to be scared, and she took them inside the bungalow. Everyone sat on the sofa🛋️🛋️🛋️. Ariana and Jeffrin went to the kitchen to make some milkshake. Brittany was so upset about her racket. Tania was trying to console her. Ariana and Jeffrin were busy at making milkshake🥤🥤. "Jeffrin bring the fruits and the fresh milk bottle from the fridge" said Ariana and added "and there is some Ice cubes🧊🧊🧊🧊 in Deep freezer , the salt bottle and the sugar bottle over there and the kinfe , blender jar......." Ariana couldn't continue Jeffrin yelled at once "STOP IT! Why, don't you have hands and legs to work AHH!".  " I don't like to be more tired" replied Ariana. "Then give me your two legs and hands for me then I can work more...... " Jeffrin continued yelling. "Is Jeffrin gone mad what nonsense is she speakimg like an express train🚄🚄🚄🚄🚄" thought Ariana. Ariana didn't understand anything as Jeffrin was spwaking so fast. Alexa came into the kitchen and she saw Jeffrin as rapping. "Hey Jeffrin are practicing your new rap" questioned Alexa. Then suddenly Ariana started to laugh🤣🤣😂😂 very loudly. "What" questionedJeffrin. "No, I asked are you rapping" siad Alexa. "YEAH! Can't you see......." yelled Jeffrin and started that nonsense again. "Ohh whatever" said Alexa and she left the kitchen. After a few minutes they started to make the milkshake.Jeffrin cut the fruits Ariana blendered and finally they  poured the milkshake into 5 glasses. Then they btought them into thr living room. When they were commimg Alexa and Brittany was eating cake 🍰🍰. "Are you two eatimg cake" asked Ariana  while serving the milkshake. Now Brittany was happy. They took a selfie and drank milkshake. Few minutes later Brittany ran outside and started to vomit, since she ate cake with milkshake. Alexa also felt as vomiting but she didn't vomit she laid on the sofa. Jeffrin helped Brittany while giving some water💧💧💧💦to her.


BxS (Books x Secrets)