Chapter 42 - Missing Violet Lamp Grass

"What do you mean you forgot what happened a hundred years ago? How can that be?" Se Heon asks. His mind still couldn't grasp what the dwarf was saying.

"When Vexanalla cursed our giant brothers, some of the curse spread to our village, making us forget our memories for the past hundred years. That also includes the language that the Moon Goddess has bestowed upon us." Kah Moon Tii explains. He turns to the Alpha of the Silent Wolves before he returns his gaze towards the two students. "The wolf tribe never knew that language so they weren't able to read it for us. However, they were the ones who helped us in remembering the past."

"Is there no way for you guys to remember that language?"

"We can if we drink the mana from the violet lamp grass. However, we were unable to open the gates because we needed to use that language." The chief says.

"Earlier, Alpha Ih Doo mentioned something about the Silent villagers waiting for an elemental to come. What do you mean by this?" Se Heon asks.

"We tried many ways in order to help ourselves remember the old language. We also asked for the Moon Goddess' help but again, she was nowhere to be seen. The only helped we received from the Moon Goddess was a prophecy."


The chief nodded. He gets up from his chair and fetches something from one of the rooms in their house.

When he came back, he was already holding out a worn out piece of paper.

"Here. We found this at the place where we held our rituals. It was along with the ashes of the offerings we gave to our Moon Goddess."

"How are you sure it's from the Moon Goddess?" Mi Young asks while she holds the paper in her hands.

"We can sense her mana from it. However, it's only a speck of her mana which means she wasn't using her full power." The chief explains.

"Or she wasn't able to use her power because she was abducted." The Alpha added.

Se Heon and Mi Young turned their attention from the paper and towards the Alpha. It was the black haired girl who spoke first, "You kept on saying that the Moon Goddess was abducted. How come a deity as powerful as her can be abducted?"

"Yes. We thought about that too. But if our Moon Goddess was indeed hiding, then what is she so afraid of? We know our Moon Goddess, even if there's a threat that is much more powerful than her, she will still do anything to protect us. But this time, she isn't responding to us at all. Which means that the only reason why she's gone is because she was taken away."

"Who can take away a powerful deity anyway?" Se Heon asked.

Mi Young looked at the Alpha's eyes and somehow, she could read what the other party was trying to say so she said it herself instead. "Unless she was taken by another deity as well."

The Alpha nodded grimly. "There's only one deity we know that can abduct her."

"Vexanalla? But I thought the Moon Goddess is much more powerful than her?" Se Heon questions. Mi Young nodded as well.

"That's true. However, the Moon Goddess is a forgiving deity. Even if her sister, Vexanalla, has done a lot of things to the forest, she still agrees to her invitations." The chief starts to say. "Before, we were able to remain calm because we know the Moon Goddess is more powerful than her. And she returns after every visit. However, after Vexanalla's last invitation to her, the Moon Goddess never returned. We tried to ask Vexanalla about it but she turned away from us and even gave our giant brothers a curse!"

"So the only explanation about the disappearance of our Moon Goddess is because of her evil sister, Vexanalla."

"How come she can abduct the Moon Goddess?" The Geo students asks. He was really getting curious about anything that has happened in this timeline.

"Just like other beings, the Goddess has a weakness." The Alpha says. There was a longing expression on his face as he continued his sentence. "We believe Vexanalla used this weakness to lure her and chain her somewhere in her lair."

"Did you try to save her?"

"Many times. But Vexanalla is just too powerful. And without the Moon Goddess, our abilities are starting to get weaker." The Alpha explains. He looks at Mi Young and Se Heon. "That's why we needed an elemental from the prophecy who can read the Old Relic and open the lair of the Cyclops. That way, we can let the dwarves drink the mana from the violet lamp grass. With that they can fully redeem their abilities, and maybe we can lift the curse from the giants."

"That's your plan?" Mi Young asks.

"That's our only plan." Kah Moon Tii says as he sighs in defeat. "Although we're not one hundred percent sure if it would work but at least we tried."

"What did this prophecy say about an elemental?" Mi Young questions. She's been hearing this prophecy for quite a while already and she's getting curious about it.

"Here, take a look…" The chief of the dwarves gave the paper to the maiden once more so she could read it.

Mi Young reads what was written in the paper,

"A hero will come one day,

This hero shall make everything okay.

Water, Earth, Wind, and Fire,

All of this the hero shall conspire.

An elemental that would save us all.

And make those sinners fall. "

After reading the prophecy, Mi Young looked at the other people in the room, "Why are you so sure that it's me? It can be Se Heon or anyone else."

The dwarf shook his head, "It's you. I may not have my full ability but I can sense that it's you."

The black haired girl turns to Se Heon who shrugs at her before saying, "If they say it's you then it's you."

"You're no help." Mi Young says. She then turns her head towards the chief's direction, "Fine. I'll help you but only because we also need some violet lamp grass. Prophecy or not, I'll do my best to help you guys. But I can't assure you that I'm able to help you find your missing Goddess."

"That's fine. As long as we can execute our plan."

"Cool then. What should we do first?"

"First, we need to make sure you are able to read the Old Relic." Chief Kah Moon Tii says.

The Alpha nodded his head as they both went to get this book they are talking about.

When they returned, they passed down an old book to Mi Young who looks unsure at first. However, upon seeing the letters written on the book, Mi Young and Se Heon's eyes both widen in surprise.

"This is the language of the Sage!"