Chapter 132 – A Small Request

"So, Zhong Yu-ssi? Can I ask you a quick question?" Mi Young asks while looking at the man who was busy assessing all the doors around them.

For some reason, the door where Hae Choon went into vanished, which made the black haired girl feel really worried for her companion. However, Zhong Yu said that Hae Choon would be alright since he's a strong and genius person. Mi Young kept her mouth shut after that.

And now here they are, with the black haired girl following closely behind Zhong Yu while the other party continued to assess each door.

"What kind of question is that?" The tall man says while looking closely at another door.

Mi Young thinks about it for a few seconds before asking the question even without the man's permission. "Why didn't you tell any of your friends about you working for the Great Sage?"

"I don't work for him. I work 'with' him." The man corrects.