Chapter 16

Only cautiously she approached the open door and dared to look outside. What she saw there almost

took her breath away. She stood in front of a beautiful garden, full of flowers and bushes. Around the garden was a large glass dome that let in the bright light of the moon. It fell directly on the great wisteria that stood in the middle of the garden. The blossoms of the tree worked so magically in the light of the moon that Lyana walked closer and closer to them. Only shortly before did she notice the body that could be seen on the other side of the tree.

Her heart seemed to stand still for a short time from the sheer shock. Was she noticed? But the body didn't move and Lyana found some courage to get closer.

It was King Ulric, but his eyes were closed and he appeared to be asleep.

Completely taken by surprise by the situation, she no longer knew what to do. All she could see was

the sleeping king, who was leaning against the tree. It didn't look particularly comfortable and even

Lyana slowly felt the cold creep into her feet.

She crouched down and looked at her blue-blooded kidnapper. Even when he was asleep there was

something sullen about his face. As if he couldn't even find peace here. Still, this man was insolently beautiful. Suddenly she saw something on his cheek. There were traces of tears there.

Lyana had to look twice so as not to doubt her own sanity, but it clearly looked like the dried traces of tears.

How was it possible for a tyrant like him to cry? Didn't you need a heart for that? Suddenly she remembered her arrival at the castle. She fell right into his arms. When she put her hand on his chest to push him away, she hadn't felt anything. The princess was sure that her hand was right there where his heart should have been beating. But she couldn't feel anything, almost as if ... he actually had no heart. But the man in front of her suddenly seemed so vulnerable that she was downright ashamed of the thought. She would like to reach out her hand to stroke his hair and say that everything is fine. But of course she couldn't do that. Even if he looked so vulnerable, he wouldn't want her sympathy. He would just get angry. So she slowly withdrew and disappeared back into the corridor.

She turned around one last time. Her heart contracted painfully at the sight of the garden.

Automatically she grabbed her chest, as if she could suppress the pain that way. She had never seen

a more beautiful garden than this one. At the same time he seemed so sad to her, as if something

was missing. It was as if he had a soul of his own that mourned something or someone. Just like

King Ulric.

Even when she was finally able to tear her gaze away, she never let go of the image of the king in this garden. Whatever had happened, when even a scary and strong man like him had to cry, it must have been the reason for the anger that simmered inside him.

It was really bewitched. As soon as she thought she had seen through him, he showed her a side that

made her doubt everything. However, she became more and more aware of one thing. She really wanted to find out what story was behind it. But first it was the turn of the trip to the village.

Yawning, she came back to her room and quietly slipped inside. She was still amazed that she could

wander through the castle unnoticed. Even the watchful King Ulric didn't know about it.

Tired, she snuggled back into her bed. Although so many things were still buzzing around in her

head, she noticed how tiredness caught up with her and then she was already asleep again.

It was as if she had only just fallen asleep when she was torn from her dreams again. A persistent

knock made her eyes open in annoyance. "Come in," she called with a sigh and sat up. This time the

knock turned out to be Alisen and Baridi.

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness," greeted the valet. "The king wishes an early departure.

Since the journey will take a little longer, I advise you to wear something warm. Unfortunately, breakfast will be served during the journey today. King Ulric does not want any unnecessary delays."

Interesting, so eating was now unnecessary? And that from someone who thought she was way too

thin. However, Lyana was hardly surprised any more. Since she was just a prisoner, she would of course accept it as always. "Fine with me. Is there anything else I need to know for this day?"

"You will receive all further information from the king during the journey." He was about to leave when something else occurred to him. "You will of course share a sledge with him."