Chapter 22

King Ulric seemed unimpressed. "So you're rejecting my gift?" His tone suggested that he probably

wouldn't just let that happen.

"Well ... if you insist, I will of course accept it gratefully," she gave in. A gift from the king should

be accepted as a precaution. Even if she did it more out of fear, she was secretly happy to be able to

call the pretty necklace her own.

Alisen immediately took it out of her hand to exchange it for Lyanas emerald necklace.

With a tender smile, she touched the little flowers on her neck. Maybe that wasn't such a bad birthday after all. She turned back to the king to thank him, but he was already on his way back.

In the meantime, Baridi took care of the women. "We will now bring the children back and then King Ulric has to close another deal," he explained to them. "It shouldn't take long and you are welcome to go to my father's house with me, he doesn't live far from here."

"We'll be happy to do that." The suggestion was so normal compared to the rest of the day that Lyana didn't have to think about it for long.

So first of all they brought both children back to their father. However, the children did not want to part with the princess at all, but finally allowed themselves to be bribed with something sweet. On the way to Baridis father, the king complained about the long farewell and then fell back into his usual silence.

Their paths parted at a crossroads. King Ulric went in one direction with his wolf, Lyana and Alisen followed Baridi in the other. His father lived in a pretty little house right next to a bakery from which a seductive scent came.

When Baridi knocked on the door, an older man opened the door and immediately smiled in a friendly manner. "My son! What a nice surprise. I see you brought guests with you this time."

The valet hurried to introduce the two women to his father. "This is Your Royal Highness Princess

Lyana from the Sun Kingdom and her maid Alisen."

Baridi's father looked at the princess in astonishment. "From the Sun Kingdom?" A shadow crossed his face. So fast that Lyana wondered if she had just imagined it. For a moment she might have thought the old man looked worried.

"How rude of me. My name is Nevis, please come in. My son will lead you to the living room, while I'll prepare some tea." He stepped aside and Baridi led her into a small but cozy room. There were many shelves with cans on the walls. Plus, it just smelled amazing. It was a floral and at the same time fruity note that filled the whole room. "Is that tea in the cans?", Lyana asked curiously.

The valet nodded proudly. "My father has been making it himself for several years. The best in the

whole area here, if I may put it that way."

"That's really impressive," Lyana replied and meant it. She didn't know much about tea, but she loved drinking it and was excited to see what Nevis would serve them.

At that moment the old man came back and distributed the tea on the large table in the middle of the living room. "I hope you like it. It's a new exotic mix of peach, rose petals and green tea."

The princess took one of the cups and sniffed it. "If it tastes as fantastic as it smells, then it will be hard to get me out of this house," she warned him with a laugh. They all sat down and just enjoyed the wonderful aroma of the tea for a moment.

"This is a very nice necklace, by the way, princess!" Nevis admired her jewelry. Lyana touched the

necklace automatically and smiled. "A gift from His Majesty. He only wanted to express his gratitude with it."

Nevis leaned closer to her in amazement. "King Ulric bought you this necklace?"

Lyana nodded cautiously. Did she say something wrong? Or maybe it was hard to imagine that the

king was doing something out of sheer niceness.

The old man thought for a while, then turned to Baridi in a serious voice. "My son, be so nice and please get some of my new tea from the warehouse together with Alisen. The king would definitely like to try it."

Baridi seemed to have an inkling of what his father was trying to say, but he followed his wish and

took Lyanas maid outside with him. Lyana herself was also aware that the old man had something to talk about with her that was not intended for others to hear.

But for a long time he just looked at her thoughtfully. She already thought she was wrong with her

assumption when he did start talking. "You are indeed the Princess of the Sun Kingdom, there is no

doubt about that. You don't get to see such radiant golden hair here. But if you would allow me to ask this, what are you doing here in this country? I actually guess that this is not a voluntary stay."