Chapter 52

They made their way back to Lyanas room when she remembered something. "Have you now had

the opportunity to take a look at this letter?" Her hopes were high, but she could clearly see how

uncomfortable it was for him. As sorry as she was, she couldn't spare him this time. So she stopped

and took Baridis hands. "I have to know that. After all, it's also about my family."

The valet looked down at the floor with a sigh. "All I know is that, as I suspected, it is not a war. It looks like King Ulric has used you as leverage so that your father can come here with as few soldiers as possible. He said he wants to look at the person who is to blame for everything and ..."

Here he stopped.

"And what?", Lyana urged him impatiently.

"And watch the life slip out of his eyes. It didn't sound like he'd let the rest of your family get away with it." Lyana took a deep breath and this time it was Baridi who held her hands so that she wouldn't lose her footing.

"The person to blame for everything ... so my grandfather will come tomorrow. And King Ulric will

..." Her voice faltered and she could no longer speak.

So there had been his plan all along. That's why he needed her alive. He wanted her grandfather in

exchange for her. Did her family know what he was up to and what danger they were in? Did her

grandfather know who King Ulric was? It had been 49 years. She couldn't imagine that her grandfather knew what had happened during that time. She had to warn her family somehow, but how?

"You should rest, Your Royal Highness," Baridi said worriedly, tearing her out of her thoughts.

Lyana just nodded and allowed Baridi to bring her back to her room.

Alisen was still waiting for her there and immediately took her from the valet and brought her to the

bed. When she was about to accompany Baridi to the door, Lyana grabbed her hem. "Can you stay here today? After all those lonely and cold nights, I don't want to be alone today."

Her maid looked uncertainly at Baridi, but Baridi agreed and Alisen was allowed to stay with her.

She helped her get ready for bed. After that, Lyana had to convince her maid so that she wouldn't

sleep on the sofa, but in bed with her. Only then was she really satisfied. The events of the last few days still gnawed at her very much.

"How did your meal go, Your Royal Highness?" Alisen asked her as they lay next to each other.

Lyana turned on her side. "Well, King Ulric was unexpectedly there. So it was a bit tense."

Your maid widened her eyes. "Has King Ulric actually appeared? He hadn't entered the dining room for days."

The princess nodded. That was exactly what Baridi had told her. "I also found out what he has planned for tomorrow." Alisen immediately took her hand. She was probably aware right away that this couldn't be good. "He's going to kill my grandfather ... I just don't know what to do." She began to cry softly into her pillow. Her maid meanwhile did not know how to comfort her and so she began to comfortingly stroke the princess's blonde hair. Until she finally calmed down and fell asleep shortly afterwards.

But her sleep was very restless. In her dream she found herself in the garden again. One person sat

under the great wisteria. But it wasn't the king. She went closer and realized that it was a young

woman. She looked at Lyana with a smile that made her heart warm. Her long hair shone silver in the light of the moon and she was surrounded by little tree spirits.

Lyana was afraid to feel the same terrible feelings as the last time she had touched these creatures

and therefore shrank back slightly. But the woman waved to her and gave her a reassuring smile. So

she went on. When she came into contact with one of the tree spirits, she felt guilt, sadness, but also

an immense confidence and trust. It was a bitterly sweet mixture.

Now that she had completely lost her fear of the little creatures, she sat down right next to the young woman. She was even more beautiful than in her painting. Even now, it would never have occurred to her that she was the king's sister. "What are you doing in my dreams?" She asked softly.

Princess Feronia just kept smiling and took her hand. Lyana was amazed how real she felt. That shouldn't be possible in a dream. She gently squeezed the Ice Princess' hand and looked at her seriously. "I know you want me to help, but I don't know how."

Feronia just shook her head and tapped Lyanas chest with her finger. "You have everything you need," she said in an angelic voice. "Show him the way, open his eyes. Deliver the three of us from our pain. As long as this does not end, my soul will not be able to rest either. It was my mistake and I paid for it. There is no reason for them to suffer." She raised her hand, which Lyana was still clutching, and kissed hers briefly. "It's time." She got up. Humming and surrounded by the tree spirits, she walked through the grass glistening in the moonlight. Her shape was slowly becoming


"Wait", Lyana called and was about to run after her. But the ice princess walked on until her form

had completely dissolved and neither she nor the tree spirits could be seen any more. That was also

the moment when the princess woke up.