Happy Ending (2)

"I am sorry. It's all my fault. I should never have taken you to my castle, then you wouldn't be in this position." Tears ran down his face. Lyana tried to wipe them away, but her hand was too weak.

King Ulric immediately grabbed it again and nestled it lovingly against his face. "The energy of the tree spirits keeps you alive, but it can only slow down your death, not stop it. I have to do it. Please understand."

"No." Lyanas gaze was blurred by the emerging tears. Now she could no longer hold them back.

"Please ..." she pleaded desperately.

But King Ulris gaze was determined. He looked up at the magical beings. "You gave me time in exchange for my heart. Now I ask you, give her the time she deserves and take mine." At that moment, Lyanas grandfather stepped in and stood with his back to him. "No! I cannot allow two lovers to be separated again."

"Two lovers? Father, what are you saying?" The Sun King called out, completely confused.

"Be quiet, my son. I know it's about your daughter, but this is my responsibility." He got down on one knee and bowed to the tree spirits. "I beg you, save my granddaughter."

After King Ulric realized what he was up to, he finally was able to speak again. "The tree spirits demand payment for everything. You have nothing to give them."

Lyanas grandfather just smiled at him and then turned away again. "In exchange for the life of my

granddaughter, I offer you Feronias heart." He put his hand on his chest and the mark appeared as if to prove it.

"You fool! You will die if you give it to them," said the Ice King angrily and Lyana also looked at him with incredulous eyes.

"I've already told you. Death is not a punishment for me. I was separated from my sweet Feronia for

so long." A tear rolled down his cheek as he looked at them sadly. "I miss her so terribly."

Neither King Ulric nor the princess could reply. The tree spirits began to hum and surrounded the old Sun King. His mark began to glow even more, until it slowly faded and the old man sagged weakly to the floor. Suddenly Lyana felt her strength return and the pain getting weaker and weaker.

She looked at her wound, but it seemed to close by itself magically.

King Ulric also watched Lyana heal and kissed her hand overjoyed. Then there was another kind of

chant and a large, bright glow of light came out of the tree. It floated towards the Ice King and finally disappeared into his chest. Completely astonished, he grabbed the spot where the light had entered his body and then put Lyanas hand on it. She felt a loud and regular thumping and looked up at him in amazement. "What does that ..."

"It looks like Feronias heart wasn't just worth a life to the tree spirits," explained the old Sun King, while his breathing became noticeably shallower. Lyana and her own father came up to him and grabbed his hand. He was already too weak to say more and so it only took a moment and he closed his eyes forever.

The two wept softly for the old man, but then she felt King Ulric tap her shoulder. When she turned around, he pointed behind him with a blissful smile. The clouds had cleared in the meantime and sunshine lit the garden. Two slightly transparent figures could be seen only a few meters from them.

Lyana recognized one of them by her silver hair, the other was a handsome young man. It took a while, but then she realized it was her grandfather.

The two lovers held hands, leaned their foreheads against the other's, and smiled. At some point

their figures were barely visible and then they were completely gone. King Ulric held the princess's

hand tightly.

Although she was exhausted by all that had happened, she had never felt so happy as she did at that moment. At some point they got up from the floor and for the first time in a long time she could fall into her father's arms.