Chapter 7: Hospital

Nurses came and went circulating through the corridor of that hospital where Bulma, in anguish, was waiting for news about Goku's condition.

Hours earlier, when she found the injured black-haired man at the Capsule Corp entrance, Bulma hastily called an ambulance and since then she hadn't been able to relax, not even for a second.

Bulma was sitting in a corridor with a face of anguish and concern, as her best friend had entered the ICU in serious condition.

She knew that Goku had gone through more serious things than that but seeing him so bloody and injured had disturbed her, also she did not have the hermit's seeds nearby to heal quickly.

She hated to admit it but if the black-haired man did not come out alive this time she would not know what to do with her life, because she would lose her best friend and the father of her future child.

And what she least she wanted is that her son grew up without a father, she knew that she could educate him by herself but still she would need a father figure on which to lean.

Luckily, she grew up with her two parents, but there were people who did not suffer the same luck and were raised by a single parent or none, in certain cases.

Goku was the example of this, he grew up with his grandfather in a forest and despite not having parents and living only from the age of seven, his heart was pure and innocent like that of a newborn, although he was not very intelligent so to speak. A great person.

'Please resist Goku' Bulma said mentally clenching her fists as she saw a nurse running into the room where Goku was.

"We need more morphine and hydrogen peroxide, give me cotton wool and a scalpel to close this wound, where the hell is the nurse? The patient is losing blood" the doctor was heard saying from the other side.

The nurse rushed in before the doctor's words and Bulma was about to punch the nurse for moving so slowly.

Bulma waited unsuccessfully for several minutes for news from the other side, until the doctor came out shortly after with a mask on her face that made it impossible to decipher the facial expression that she currently had.

"What's wrong doctor?" she asked Bulma suddenly getting up when she noticed the man's presence.

The doctor slowly removed the mask, revealing a small smile impregnated on her face.

"The operation has been a success Miss Briefs, the patient is stable if he wants, you can go visit him" added the doctor calmly looking the blue-eyed woman.

Bulma nodded, relaxing for a few moments, so she walked following the doctor until she entered the room where the black-haired man was resting.

When they arrived they saw Goku with a grimace embedded in his features while a black-haired girl tried to feed him, without success.

"Please sir, it's for his sake, you have to eat something" the girl spoke and the black-haired man refused, until she noticed Bulma's presence and smiled happily.

"Hi Bulma!" Goku yelled trying to lift his hand but felt a pain that made him groan.

"Are you feeling better?" Bulma spoke holding back her tears, she did not want to cry in front of other people.

"Yes, although I don't like the food in this hospital" the black-haired man replied, looking with a grimace at the food that the nurse had tried to offer him earlier.

"Without wanting to bother, we will leave you alone" the doctor spoke politely and the nurse, devoting a pout to the black-haired man for having despised his food, left the room leaving Bulma and Goku alone.

Bulma, unable to contain herself for much longer, burst into a sea of ​​tears laying her head on the black-haired's shoulder.

Goku, feeling some compassion for Bulma began to caress her hair by patting her back saying "please don't cry" repeatedly.

"You had me quite worried! What were you thinking to come back so hurt?" Bulma asked hitting Goku's chest with his fists.

"..." a deathly silence was Goku's response, there was a reason why he arrived injured but later he would tell Bulma, when she was more relaxed.

"Why do not you tell me anything!?" Bulma questioned sobbing, again without getting an answer to her question. "Goku, now things are different, we are going to have a child and you must be there for when the child get to the world"

"..." the black-haired man knew that Bulma was right, now he had a great responsibility ahead of him, but if he hadn't defeated that monster perhaps no one would have.

Bulma took a cloth from her bag and slowly wiped away her tears, while the black-eyed remained silent, saying nothing, looking sadly at her friend.

"I'm sorry Bulma, I really didn't mean to make you sad." The black-eyed man spoke in a broken voice and Bulma's blue eyes focused on him.

"Well, you've already done it!" Bulma replied with watery eyes and the black-haired man nodded trying to comfort her friend and the mother of his future son.

"AAAAHHHH" Goku shouted with extreme torture when he felt a great pain in the area of ​​the ribs and Bulma was alarmed fearing the worst that could happen right now.

"Goku, are you okay ?!" the blue-eyed asked feeling afflicted, waiting for the boy's answer, to know if she would call the doctors or not.

"C-calm, it was a s-simple pain" replied the boy with a smile and Bulma sighed in relief.

"Never give me a scare like that again!" Bulma yelled and the black-haired man scratched the back of his neck with a nervous smile, before saying the following words:

"Bulma, could you do me a favor? I have seeds of the hermit in my house, if you bring them I could recover right away so we could leave this hospital, I don't want them to inject me" he asked with a shiver running down her spine.

"It's true, I'll go" Bulma answered with determination and the boy smiled animatedly at her words.

"I knew I could count on you, you're really great" the black-eyed added showing her his thumb and the blue-haired girl nodded sadly at such words.

"With a last model plane I will arrive in less than two hours, first return as quickly as possible Goku" Bulma uttered corresponding with the thumb and the boy smiled, trusting in his best friend.

"Thanks hehe" the black-haired man thanked and Bulma began to take her things, to leave the hospital in the direction of Mount Paoz, home of Goku.

"See you" Bulma said goodbye leaving the room, while the jet remembered the battle she had with that subject a few hours ago.

'Then Akrkaitz showed me his ace up his sleeve, luckily I managed to defeat him although I was quite wounded from the fight, so I must continue training' inquired the black-haired man with his eyes closed.

The hours passed quietly for the young man, while thinking about the latest events he had lived with Bulma these days.

"I'm here" a voice sounded in front of him and he saw Bulma smiling tenderly at him. "Thanks to my plane I arrived very early and I was able to return as soon as possible."

"Great, and did you find the seeds?",Goku asked, returning the smile, while his friend nodded taking a small bag from her pocket.

Bulma handed a seed to the raven, who swallowed it instantly. In a matter of seconds he was out of bed doing some exercises and stretching.

"Now I'm like new, we can go Bulma" Goku smiled sighing, because they wouldn't have to inject him.

"Goku but ..." Before Bulma could reply, the black-haired man carried her bridal style and jumped out the window, calling the flying cloud from her instantly.

"Tell me when you're going to do something like that!" Bulma exclaimed blushing and the black-haired man nodded with a bead of sweat. "I thought for a moment ... that you would abandon me, when I saw you so hurt, I thought that everything we had lived together ... would become simple memories" added Bulma looking to the stars.

"Bulma ... I will never abandon you no matter what happens, I promised that I would be with you and that I would protect you, and I will not fail my promise" Goku replied looking at the blue-eyed, who nodded with a tear running down her cheek.

"I know, now let's go home, sure you're hungry" Goku nodded, raising his head energetically and Bulma laughed at that reaction.

hey both continued laughing and chatting as they flew under the stars wherever their destiny would take them.