Chapter 16: Sister (1)

Bulma began to open her eyes after receiving the warm rays of the morning star on her soft complexion. She let out a slow yawn as she stretched from the silky sheets that had covered her body for the night.

"I would like to sleep more, but I have the feeling that today will be a good day" Bulma told herself with a smile on her beautiful face.

She turned her head to the right and saw the stuffed animal that Goku had given her the night before, when they were at the amusement park.

'It's so soft ... so cute' Bulma lovingly hugged that stuffed animal as she rolled onto her bed. The day before was one of the most beautiful of her entire life, she would never forget it.

"Thanks Goku..." Bulma smiled when he remembered his friend, he made the most tedious days fun and brightened the darkest days, only he made him smile at every moment and in any place, it was something special... something that only Goku could do...

Without further inquiries about it, Bulma left her bed and got up ready to wash herself, as she sensed the day would be quite interesting... Sure, who knows...

More later.

Bulma had already showered and now she was dressing in her room. This time she decided to dress something light and simple: a white T-shirt with jeans and flip-flops.

She was spraying herself with perfume in front of her mirror when she suddenly began to hear voices in the main room. They were those of her parents ... but there was another one that was familiar to Bulma.

"It can't be, is it her?" Thought the girl in a state of bewilderment as she ceased her activity.

The girl, giving herself a quick brushstroke on her lips, staining them a crimson color, left her room in the direction of the origin of those voices.

She walked until she reached her destination, and as she did so, her eyes widened as a result of the surprise that had invaded her body.

"Tights ...?" Bulma asked as she recognized the girl she was sitting chatting with her parents. So, she had been correct.

She was a beautiful girl with short catire hair, next to a black beret on her head, her eyes were dark as night in her apotheosis.

She was wearing a red T-shirt along with black pants. She wore black sneakers that matched her pants.

"Well, I suppose both of you will have a lot to talk about so we leave you alone" Dr. Briefs mumbled, grinning as he rose from his chair.

"Oh yeah! They have cakes on the table in case you want to eat something, then see you girls, behave yourself well" said Panchy, who was the mother of Bulma and the other girl named Tights.

The two adults left the room, granting the girls privacy. It didn't take long for an annoying silence to completely invade that place.

"Hello sister" Tights spoke with a calm smile, it was time to talk to her sister.

Mount Paoz.

"Four hundred and ninety eight"

A voice sounded from the banks of a river in a lush forest on Mount Paoz.

There was Goku, training like he did every morning before visiting his best friend.

It had been two hours since he woke up and the first thing he did was eat well and abundantly in order to obtain the necessary energy to carry out his workouts.

"Four hundred and ninety nine"

The boy continued to perform his push-ups with the main objective of reaching his goal.

Beads of sweat lined his body before the arduous exercise he was doing at this moment.

Goku wore his heavy dogi to be more effective in his training, as recommended by Kami, his mentor and guardian of the earth, who trained him for two years.

If he trained wearing enough weight he would have a greater advantage when fighting, as his attack speed and versatility would be increased than training with light clothing.

"Five hundred ... Sigh ..."

Goku fell to the ground when he reached his goal while he breathed heavily due to the effort made for several hours.

He had already completed his physical training and now it was his mental training.

A warrior unable to maintain stability between his body and spirit was of no use, even if he trained his physique hard.

For that reason Goku made an effort to stay in concert until he reached the peak of his meditation, which was difficult.

These years training at Kami no shīnden he learned to stay focused, it took him a while to get used to but it was nothing that Goku couldn't get as usual.

He suddenly came to mind the image of Bulma smiling. He smiled too, and his smile widened as he remembered what he had experienced the day before with his partner in adventures.

'I will be the father of a girl...' He again ran around that thought, as happened last afternoon and part of the night.

A strange feeling filled his chest at the thought of that. Being a father to a girl was... What was being a father to Goku?

'Being a father is...' Goku didn't know for sure what it was like to be a father, despite having read the book that Bulma bought him he still didn't understand.

Perhaps he did not know the meaning of being a father, but what he really knew is that it must be something that made people happy... because he was very happy and content for that reason.

What he also knew is that with her life protect Bulma and her daughter, as well as her friends and all the inhabitants of the earth.

However, when she thought of his daughter, she was filled with a feeling of protection very different from the one he exercised over others. It was something very special, something intimate. Something intimate that only he could feel.

All those novel, strange and confusing feelings reigned in Goku. He couldn't identify any clearly, all of that puzzled him.

"This is all ... quite strange" Goku said trying to continue his meditation. In a while he would leave there in the direction of Bulma's house, to see the mother of her future daughter and also to meet his "sister-in-law", Tigths.

With Bulma.

"So, this is how it all happened?" Tights asked over a cup of tea after hearing the story from her younger sister.

"Yeah, that's how I got pregnant..." Bulma let out a tired sigh as she lowered her gaze.

Bulma was afraid that her sister would see him with disappointment at what had happened. Her having gotten pregnant, just at such a crucial moment... it couldn't be considered a positive thing.

Tights graduated as a college student when she was thirteen, something that was undoubtedly quite impressive and extraordinary.

For that reason Bulma always admired her sister and took her as a role model.

Despite having gone to college older, they were both just as smart. However, one had graduated and another had dropped out due to pregnancy.

"Wow, my little sister is pregnant... six months" Tights murmured, putting her hand to her chin, adopting a thoughtful air.

"I'm sorry... it was my fault... if there wasn't" Bulma began to sob as she hid her face with her hands in the failed attempt to stop the tears that slid down her cheeks.

Despite the six months that had passed, Bulma still felt inside her that it had all been her fault and that she had given an enormous responsibility to her friend Goku of hers.