Chapter 23: The tournament begins (2)

Several people were standing outside the venue where the current edition of the martial arts tournament would be held, waiting to be able to register and win.

"Wow Krillin, it seems that you're the only one who hasn't changed in these nine months" a pig with pink skin and dressed in a green shirt and pants spoke with a hint of mockery seeing a bald boy dressed in an orange gi.

"Look who's talking, the little pig that never grows up" Krillin spoke with a vein standing out in his temple while Oolong and others laughed.

Among them a three-eyed boy, another white-skinned boy next to him, a long-haired boy dressed in the same dogi as Krillin, a blue cat floating in the air, a blue-haired girl with a black shirt and military pants, and a short old man, white beard, with glasses and a shell on his back.

"Mmm this is weird, Goku hasn't arrived yet" Yamcha spoke with a strange grimace, although in the last edition Goku came at the last minute wearing a leopard skin.

"He'll come, he's probably doing last-minute training" Master Roshi spoke touching his beard "Ah, I almost forgot. Bulma called saying that she couldn't come, she said that she was sick"

"It's a shame, I wanted him to see me winning this tournament" Yamcha spoke making a pose while Puar looked at him with stars in his eyes.

Krillin smiled nervously at the sight of the desert bandit while Oolong snorted at that.

"Goku should hurry up, the inscriptions are about to close" Tenshinhan spoke looking askance at a table where two men were sitting pointing to a list of those who signed up.

Then, they heard some steps that began to be heard closer, and they saw a dark-haired man with pointed hair and an unmistakable smile and who was wearing an orange dogi.

"Hello friends, how are you?" That dark-haired man spoke smiling, nine months had passed since the last time they saw each other at the surprise party they organized for him.

Party that ended with an unwanted pregnancy for Bulma and a fatherhood that caught Goku by surprise.

"What joy! I thought you wouldn't arrive on time Goku" Krillin mentioned with a happy smile installed on his face.

"Well I amused myself doing some stretching" everyone rested their eyes on Master Roshi's figure at Goku's words "I see that all of you seem much stronger"

Roshi saw that his little disciple had changed somewhat compared to the last time he saw him, he didn't know what exactly but he would find out during the course of the tournament.

"Of course, we all come with the intention of winning this tournament" Yamcha added clenching his knuckles and the jet smiled with emotion.

"This time we will see who of the two is stronger Goku" the three-eyed boy thought as he looked at his friend with a defiant smile.

"Hello Launch! It's good to see you again "the boy greeted approaching the girl.

"How are you? I haven't seen you since the time you and Bulma were in that park" Launch spoke, causing pleasant surprise in those present, except for Goku.

"What were you doing with Bulma in a park?" Krillin asked curiously making Goku nervous, Bulma had made it bluntly clear that she wouldn't tell anyone about her pregnancy.

'I asked Goku to accompany me to the mall to do some shopping'

"W-well, Bulma asked me to help her go buy some things at the mall" the dark-haired man spoke nervously, remembering the answer Bulma gave Launch that day.

Yamcha was surprised, because she could have asked him or anyone in the group for help. However, he let it slide just like the rest.

"Speaking of Bulma... she has said that she is sick and that she will not be able to come" Krillin mentioned to his friend Son Goku.

"Ah... I hope she recovers soon hehehe" Goku added scratching the back of his neck. "By the way, have all of you signed up yet?"

"Yep, the only one missing is you" answered Oolong and the dark-haired man let out a "WHAT?!" before quickly running off to sign up, while his friends shook their heads at that.

Goku was still Goku.

With Bulma.

Bulma was sitting on the couch in front of the TV waiting to see how the tournament that his friends were participating in would unfold.

"Yes... I understand, thanks... see you later, take care..." Bulma ended the call with a sigh, she had only called his friend to ask her how she was doing and they ended up talking about the evolution of trains in the last century.

"Who was she?" asked a girl sitting next to Bulma, it was her friend Fusui.

"A friend from college, is a bit... weird, of course someone who had a schedule to go to the bathroom was not normal" Bulma answered smiling "I'm glad to know that Ken and you have started your relationship, I knew that that would soon be over"

"W-well..." Fusui lowered her head somewhat blushing at Bulma's words "How are you doing with Goku? Have you already declared?"

Fusui smiled mischievously upon seeing Bulma's flushed face, the blue-haired girl had to clear her throat at her friend's words.

"This conversation sounds interesting"

Bulma heard her sister's voice approaching the room and sighed, surely Tights would harass her with strange questions.

"I'm Tights, Bulma's sister," the blonde introduced herself, extending her hand to Fusui, who returned her greeting without any problems.

"Fusui, a friend of Bulma" said the girl with a smile "Now tell us both, how is your relationship with Goku going? drop it in great detail and keep nothing"

Bulma lowered her shoulders in defeat as she watched her sister and her friend screech like fangirls. Fusui was holding a small banner where Goku and Bulma's faces were in a heart while Tights had a sign that said "Goku and Bulma forever".

"Ok it's good..."

More later.

All the tournament participants were gathered in a spacious room with several tatami mats where the preliminary fights would take place, eight fighters would go out to face each other in the final phase of that tournament.

The participants chose a number that told them who they would fight. In which case they would fight whoever had the number next to theirs: one against two, two against three... each section of numbers corresponded to one of the tatami located in the room.

"It's lucky we don't have to fight each other at the moment" Yamcha mumbled sighing in relief and Krillin nodded at that.

"We only have to win our fights and qualify for the final phase" Krillin spoke smiling.

Goku still hadn't seen his target, he hoped to when he made an appearance on his turn to fight.

"What's wrong Goku? It seems as if you were looking for someone" Krillin noticed Goku's state and made that comment.

"He was looking for a friend named Akemi, she said she would come to the tournament" Goku mentioned remembering what the "admirer" told him.

"Wow, looks like you haven't been wasting your time huh?" Yamcha spoke, smiling mischievously, and Goku scratched the back of his neck.

Goku was about to tell them "she's a girl who claims to be my fan that I signed something called an autograph on a napkin for" but was interrupted.

" really is you, isn't it?"

Goku and his friends turned around as they heard a female voice behind them. She was a beautiful black-haired girl with a traditional Japanese hairstyle, wearing a dark blue kimono and white pants. The girl smiled looking at Goku, who seemed quite confused.

'Finally I find you Goku... finally you will keep your promise and we can get married' inquired that girl with a smile approaching the black-haired man.