Chapter 30: Love (2)

"Wait, Bulma!" Goku exclaimed grabbing her arm, which made Bulma turn around with teary eyes at her, longing for pure love.

"Yes, Gok...?" Bulma couldn't finish her sentence because she felt something soft pressing against her lips, which caused her breath to stop for a few insignificant moments.

When she opened her eyes she saw something that she never expected to see in her life: Goku was kissing her lips awkwardly and at the same time with great tenderness.

Wait... Goku was kissing him!

"Goku is kissing me!" Bulma repeated in her mind with wide eyes and she reciprocated by wrapping her arms around Goku's neck.

Bulma felt like she was going to pass out from the speed of her heartbeat, but she would never forgive herself if she broke that kiss.

'W-what should I do now?' Goku asked himself with a slight blush impregnated on his cheeks.

The black-haired man didn't know why but his body was asking him to continue with that action, so he gently laid his hands on Bulma's waist deepening that kiss.

That show of love continued to go on without knowing the limitations of time, until the two, longing for air in their lungs, took distance between them.

Bulma looked into Goku's eyes, telling herself that this had not been a dream. Goku, on the other hand, was quite confused, he didn't know what he had just done and why he did it, his body moved on its own and he obeyed.

"B-Bulma I... What have I done?" The dark-haired man finally asked hoping that her friend or whatever they were now, would give him an answer.

"You kissed me... Do you know why?" Goku shook his head at the question posed by Bulma "Because you love me as much as I love you Goku, that's what happens"

Love... Goku listened to that word again, ignoring the meaning that encompassed the term, but nevertheless, he began to get an idea. If Bulma had said that he loved her...

"Loving you means wanting to be with you every day, wanting to sing with you, wanting to eat, talk, watch movies, laugh with you?" The dark-haired man asked as he began to approach Bulma. "Loving you means all that, Bulma?"

"Yes Goku..." Bulma asserted with teary eyes because Goku had known how to express himself correctly, an achievement worked over nine months "That is love Goku... the desire to want to be with that person who makes you feel special... and that person is you Goku"

"Then I..." Goku finally understood what he felt, that feeling that he had been trying to decipher all this time, he wasn't sure but he didn't lose anything by saying it "I love you too Bulma" he finally declared.

Bulma jumped into his arms in excitement, she had longed to hear those words for quite some time and now that she had heard them she felt quite happy.

Goku felt extremely strange with himself. He loved Bulma. Yes, because? He didn't know exactly, but what he did know is that that feeling had made not only him, but Bulma happy as well.

Both remained embraced for several minutes, enjoying that magical moment that would remain etched in their minds for posterity.

"If we both love each other..." Goku introduced having the doubt if his relationship with Bulma was still in the state of mere friendship or had evolved.

"We're a couple now" Bulma replied with all the joy in the world, as she kept her head resting on Goku's chest. The most convenient thing for her son is for both of them to be a couple, that way they would have a structured home.

Of course, now the question had arisen in her mind of whether she should move to live with Goku in the distant Mount Paoz or if it was Goku who should move to live with her in the city.

"Living far away wouldn't be so bad either…" Bulma inquired as she would have plenty of space to create several science labs.

"What do couples do?" Goku asked curiously, he didn't want to stop doing what he had been doing with Bulma throughout these months.

"The same thing we did every day... but more things you'll learn" Bulma added with a mischievous smile as she lifted her head to kiss Goku's lips.

Goku didn't get in the way of his now girlfriend's action. Instead, he closed his eyes to try and focus on what he was feeling as Bulma kissed him.

He didn't know it right away, but she liked it. He didn't know why Bulma brought her lips to his, but he liked the feeling that ran through her body.

"Did you like it?" The blue-haired girl asked with a smile on her lips as she gently caressed Goku's cheek.

"I don't understand why your lips meet mine... but I like that feeling" Goku answered with sincerity "Can I try it?"

"Do you want to kiss me?" Bulma inquired somewhat surprised at that, What was a perverted Goku coming now? No, she loved her innocent Goku and she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Goku slowly approached the face of his beloved to perform the kiss in question. Bulma closed her eyes waiting for the moment she longed for...which she never ended up getting, so she opened her eyes to see why Goku hadn't kissed her.

"Hmmm... I'm really hungry" Bulma tried not to fall over at Goku's words, who scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Goku... As long as you don't come back here and give me a kiss, I swear you'll run out of food until the end of the month!" Bulma exclaimed very angry and the black-haired man gulped at her words.

"Okay..." a chibi Goku walked up to Bulma, who closed her eyes again to receive that kiss that she wanted so much... that she did end up getting this time. It was a short kiss, where her lips brushed just enough to feel each other.

"Couples have a habit of joining their lips... that's why I've kissed you before and I'll kiss you again" Bulma explained with a smile as Goku nodded understanding her explanation.

Bulma was on a cloud of happiness right now. If that was nothing more than a dream, she would prefer to remain eternally dreaming.

But she knew it was real, she knew that now she and Goku were a couple and she knew above all that he loved her as much as she loved him.

Goku was eager to continue discovering more things concerning being a couple. He had already found out about the kisses and wanted to know more. Maybe everything would change from now on, but if he was with Bulma, with her now girlfriend, he would have nothing to fear.

"I love you"

Both commented on that with a smile on their faces as they hugged each other again, enjoying the moment of peace that life gave them after so many problems that had arisen.

In outside.

Tights kept her head glued to the room where her younger sister Bulma and now his brother-in-law were, she had heard all the talk.

"Finally! They are finally a couple!" Tights exclaimed full of joy sharing the news with everyone present in the hospital waiting room.

Fusui raised a flag where the two faces of Goku and Bulma appeared circumscribed in a heart, she had also wanted the couple to take the final step for a long time.

Krillin was happy for his friend, thinking that he should start looking for a girlfriend, while Master Roshi made proud faces that were directed towards his young disciple Goku.

Tenshinhan didn't know what to say about the news, but instead he felt a lot of admiration towards Goku because the fact that he is a father by accident had not influenced his training; he managed to get stronger and win the tournament.

Yamcha, on the other hand, was with a depressive aura in a corner of that room while Puar comforted him by telling him about the new mobile application with which you could rent a girlfriend.

Oolong couldn't believe that his first real friends had actually become a couple and that they were about to have a baby, after all who would say. No one for sure.

Launch was also happy about the fact that two of her friends loved each other, she also hoped to find her better half one day although she would have a hard time due to her split personality... but with love you never know, appears in the most unexpected place.

Chi-Chi, unlike the previous ones, kept a forced smile on her face. She didn't want to show the frustration she felt right now because she wanted to be in Bulma's place right now.

She wanted her to be the one pregnant with Goku's child and not Bulma, she wanted to be Goku's first girlfriend and not Bulma, but all of that was just wishful thinking that would never come true.

However, she was happy to be Goku's friend even though deep down she wanted things to be different, so she was happy to be in her life even if it was just being friends.

'I hope to find love like she has' Chi-Chi thought with a smile while she directed a look to the sky, whose brightest rays slipped through a nearby window.

She wasn't going to deny that she was jealous of Bulma's position, but it's not like she could take a knife, kill her and become Goku's wife, right? She was going to accept losing her to Bulma and stay in the friendzone.