Chapter 35: Talking


The crying of the baby coming from the room made both lovers return to her being, all the passion that had arisen like a wave disappeared carried by the crying of his daughter...

"I-I'll go see what's wrong with him" Bulma stammered and when Goku tried to say a word, the blue-haired girl ran out of the kitchen.

She possibly she was grateful that Bra had interrupted them before they did something wrong... though deep down a part of her would have wanted to silence her daughter.

" can I think that of this cutie?" Bulma wondered pulling her daughter out of her crib and taking her in her arms with a big smile.

Bulma gently shook Bra so that her crying would stop, although her mind wasn't there right now…she was trying to understand what she had been about to happen moments ago with Goku.

"I need to talk to someone about this" Bulma reasoned, knowing that the only person she could talk to about something like this was her sister Tights.

Meanwhile Goku was in the room where he slept next to Bulma, he was sitting on the bed dressed in an orange anorak and black pants that he bought with Bulma before they moved in.

Goku was trying to understand what had happened a couple of minutes ago in the kitchen with Bulma, he was having a hard time understanding.

It all started with a kiss.

Well, they did that from the beginning of their relationship. Then they put their tongues together, something new but it was something they did a long time before they moved, so good.

But from that moment on, an electric sensation shot through his body. A feeling…no, an innate urge he'd never had before that manifested itself in him for the first time: lust.

His mind urged him to slow down but his body did not obey, instead obeying the desire to possess Bulma that came from deep within him...

Was that correct?

He didn't know for sure, but he wasn't going to deny that he thoroughly enjoyed it and he was sure Bulma did too, for she hadn't even made a move to stop.

"I didn't know that loving could be so difficult" Goku whispered, letting out a sigh as he lay down on the bed and put his hands to his face.

Time after.


A slightly awkward silence reigned between the couple, who were currently eating while her eldest daughter rested.

Bulma had tried to call Tights several times but she wouldn't pick up the phone, she guessed it must be the lack of coverage or she was busy.

She knew that she had to talk to Goku about what happened in the kitchen and vice versa, but neither of them knew how to introduce the topic.

Goku was eating slower than normal, his mind was elsewhere despite the fact that he had quite an appetite as usual.

"Can you pass me the ketchup?" Bulma asked holding out her hand, is that really what she could say? Well, at least that was a start.

"Oh sure" Goku nodded and handed the ketchup to Bulma, who slowly poured it over her plate.

It was a circular table made for five people, although right now it was only Goku and Bulma. When her daughter grew up she would join them.

"Listen" both spoke in unison at that moment and showed a smile on their lips.

"You first," Goku urged smiling, he wanted to know what Bulma was going to tell him even though she already saw it coming.

"Well, you see... what happened between us today... it was my fault, it's that I saw you half-naked and with that body you have I couldn't resist my natural impulses... I'm sorry, I guess I've ruined it everything" she confessed sadly.

Goku smiled upon hearing those words, he didn't know what was happening with her body since he saw it as normal, despite that he raised his hand and caressed Bulma's cheek.

"Well... if I'm honest I couldn't control my body, something inside me told me to keep going but I thought that doing that wouldn't be good" Goku spoke as he scratched his cheek smiling.

"It's not that it's not good... but doing it now would be a bit hasty for our relationship, it's better to go step by step, don't you think?" asked the blue haired girl receiving a nod from Goku.

They would go at their own pace without any pressure, after all they had a long life ahead of them to want to rush everything.

Bulma put her hand on top of Goku's looking at him with a smile and the dark-haired man put his other hand firming the grip smiling hopefully.

"If you want *cough* we could go *cough* to a karaoke to see who of us sings better although I'm sure I'll win" a chibi Goku uttered pretending to cough as he glanced at Bulma.

Bulma let out a huge laugh at hearing such words, Goku knew how to surprise her.

"Okay, if I do better, it's your turn to change the girl's diapers this week and if you win, I'll be the one to change her diapers" Bulma added with a defiant smile.

"I accept the deal" They both shook hands in agreement as they smiled, with the voice that Bulma had everything to lose.

At night.

Goku and Bulma rested peacefully on their bed while the latter hugged the former's back very affectionately.

They had enjoyed a fun afternoon at karaoke, then went out for some ice cream and Goku insisted on going to a restaurant for lunch.

This was their day-to-day as a family, although Goku went out to train for a couple of hours while Bulma was in charge of washing her daughter, putting talcum powder on her butt and giving her a bottle before going to sleep, not without having sung to her one nany.

Yes, Bulma lost at Karaoke, because Goku sang much better than her and even the owner of the place admitted it without hesitation. Bulma created a monster, now all that was left was for Goku to become a singer and give concerts.

"Food..." Goku whispered in his sleep, knowing what he was dreaming to be drooling like that.



A shrill cry burst into that room, where silence had reigned for several hours.

Bulma got up quickly and turned to the left, the area where her daughter's crib was located. She lovingly took Bra in her hands and moved her to make her stop crying.

"Sshhh, don't worry...your beautiful mommy will take care of you" Bulma murmured kissing Bra's forehead as she hummed a slow tune.

Bra seemed to calm down for a few moments until she let out another cry despite her mother's comforts to ease her crying.

Bulma turned on the light in the room and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed, slipping the left strap of her dress on and to breastfeed her daughter, who was sucking on Bulma's pink nipple extracting the milky fluid for the breast. her organism.

"That's it daughter, eat until you're full" Bulma spoke with a smile and Bra seemed to obey as she spent a minute and a half sucking breast milk.

After a few moments of pacing around the room rocking the child, Bra managed to fall asleep again and Bulma lay down on her bed, placing a kiss on her small forehead.

Bulma turned to Goku with a huge vein on her temple, the dark-haired man sleeping peacefully with his bat-shaped mask that Bulma bought him several weeks ago.

"That idiot...despite Bra's cries, he hasn't even flinched" Bulma uttered between clenched teeth and, not containing her anger towards Goku, kicked him in the butt that made him fall off the bed under Bra's devilish gaze. bulma.

Goku took off his mask with a look of confusion and his bewilderment grew bigger when he saw that Bulma laughed out loud uncontrollably.