Chapter 8: Marriage Alliance (2)

Tian You POV:

*Two hours ago *

"Dongyue Kindom has five princesses. Princess Yun Xi is the oldest, her birth mother is the late Empress. Princess Yun Xi is 28, and the Mo family's oldest son Mo Yi Chen is her Prince Consort. Princess Xin Yi is 25, and Xie's family son Xie Qi Lin is her Prince Consort. Princess Chiu Yeung is 23, unmarried, since her mother was a lowery maid she was always tormented by the other Princesses. She entered the palace at 6 years old, " Yu Xuan told. As he took a quick breath, I interrupted " Why are you paying so much attention to the third princess huh?" " um no reason," he piped looking sheepishly. I returned his sheepish eyes with a query look as Yu Xuan blurted out " Well childe you and Princess Chiu Yeung are both unmarried so... ". I bang on the table furiously as I shouted " Do you know what you're saying? Let me remind you my heart and soul only belongs to one person and that's Xin Er! " " Calm down your highness, I was only joking ... anyways the fourth Princess Meng Yao this year is 22 years old, Liu family, son Liu Zi Hao as her Prince consort and finally Princess Yue Ming 21 years of age, Au Yeung family, Au Yeung Zhong as her Prince Consort. The fifth Princess Consort Chin died of miscarriage when trying to give birth to a Prince. Mother and son both died," He informed me.

'Princess Yue Ming I know her far too well'



*Entering the palace*

' The Emerald Hall isn't called that for its emeralds but because of the story behind it. Every year there is a tea party held in this very hall to celebrate the emerald moon. '

As I walked into the hall alongside Imperial Father and Imperial mei to greet the emperor. The seats are arranged in the level of position and their relationship with the emperor. Sitting across the Emperor was Consort Dowager*(1) and Princess Xin Yang (Emperor's blood sister) Noble Consort Run and Consort Bai seat are arranged underneath them. Sitting on the right side in rows are all the Princess and Prince Consort. Our seats are arranged on the left side, next to Apollo State envoys. " Greetings to the Emperor, Royal grandmother, Royal Aunt, Imperial Tang Jie*(2), Imperial Tang Mei*(3) and all the consorts," I and imperial mei chanted whereas father chanted " Greetings to the Emperor, Royal mother, Imperial sister, all Princess, princess Consort, Consorts.

As we sat down I saw sitting opposite me was the childe on the street but he was sitting in the Third Princess spot. I smirk ' How interesting '. " You'er have you thought about your marriage yet?" addressed the emperor. ' Why would the emperor suddenly ask me that? Father usually doesn't like me as I spend my time in Jiang Hu*(4) so why would he suddenly ask me to follow him to the capital." In response to the emperor's question, You'er is still young and doesn't want to build a family yet as I haven't found somebody I like yet." I replied, sorry Xin'er my love for you has to be kept in dark for you to not be hurt. " Oh never mind then," the emperor answered. 'Something wrong, the Emperor knows I refuse to Intervene in the court affairs so why would he want me to get married.

" Here comes the Apollo State envoy," A voice announced. Striding in came a young man leading the envoys carrying gifts. " I, Prince Sithuka Yasulf IV send greetings to you Han's Emperor, Our Khan has reminded us to gift you this jewellery and fabric and many more . " announced the second Prince " We hope you would enjoy these gifts," ." Prince Sithuka when you return to Apollo state please send my thanks to Khan Adiv. To evade another fearsome war, I remember when the peace treaty was announced we had agreed to have a peace marriage alliance, I wonder if Khan has decided who would like to fulfil this marriage alliance?" Imperial Uncle*(5) asked.

" In reply to Han Emperor's question, father has assigned this marriage towards me..." the prince replied " So have you decided who you would like to marry? Emperor asked " I would like to ask the Third Princess Li Chiu Yeung for her hand in marriage!" he replied I laughed in my head as I found this scene even more interesting.


1. Is the late emperor's consort but not the emperor's birth mother, although they aren't mother and son but both care for each other as though they were related.

2. Means older cousin sister on father's side.

3. Means younger cousin sister on father's side.

4. Is the Martial arts world.

5. The Emperor is Tian you's fathers younger brother. Back when the late emperor was still alive Prince Zi was the eldest Prince and also Crown Prince but due to the scheming plans of the current Emperor's birth mother (the late empress) he was denounced and the second Prince, became Crown prince and later the Emperor. The late Empress had her upcoming, dying on the sword of Prince ZI when it was founded out she had joined in an alliance against a neighbouring country trying to colonise the Han kingdom, hence Prince Zi still got his revenge and did not try to take the throne. Although many tried to convince him in joining to plot a rebellion, he remained loyal to the emperor and even moved away from the capital to not hinder the emperor and cause unnecessary rumours.