Chapter 10: The training grounds (1):

Tian You POV:

Along with the princess and prince consort, who had decided to tag along, I slowly walk towards the training grounds keeping up a pleasant conversation with the first and second princess. My black and white han-fu blew gently along with the breeze as my sticky hair was tied in a bun with a metal hairpiece holding it together. The training grounds were located at the back of the palace, with many twists and turn due to confusing assistants. Fortunately, I know the whole palace like the back of my hand. The empty grounds of the training grounds differ from so many years ago.


17 years ago

"Mother!, Mother I heard Imperial father say you are taking into the imperial palace to greet Royal grandmother. Is it true?" I shouted as I burst into my room whilst she was packing some of my clothes. " You'er calm down my child. And yes it's true Consort dowager misses you and so does your Royal Aunt," she cried smiling. "We will be staying at your Royal Aunt's palace for a few days, so remember the manners and etiquette you were taught,". I nodded my head in agreement though I had no means of doing so, maybe mother can read minds because she sighed when I said so. Ahh, mother really can read minds.

* A few hours later*

Mother had stayed to talk to the Royal grandmother and Royal Aunt. They told me to go and have fun in the playground behind the Rose garden when I got lost. It seems that there is more to the Imperial palace than what reaches my eyes. I walk around endlessly for 30 minutes before I declared that I was finally lost. 'WHOOPEE! I'm loss'.

" HUM you disgusting servant. I the distinguishable fifth Princess of Dong Yue command you to stop this foolish play and let go of me," A delicate voice screamed," Help anyone HELP ". " You brat you could save your breath no one can hear you here. And stop playing a princess. As far as I'm concern Dong Yue only has four Princess" A harsh voice shouted. I quickly turned a corner to where the voices originated from. I hid behind a wide pillar as I took a quick peek, so it was another case of kidnapping. Huh, these kidnappers are getting, even more, courageous to kidnap a princess, it seems they don't do any background info check before kidnapping anyone. I took a quick peep on the little girl, her forehead marks could only be given if you are of royal birth it is treason to copy this makeup mark. There were only two people at this scene apart from me. Two adults one holding her and the other trying to take her hair accessories and shut her up at the same time, and of course mustn't miss the princess, apart from a scared look she was alright and not in life-threatening danger. I look around carefully as I saw that this place looked something like a training ground. Two Qiang*(1) were lying across my feet. ' Qiang. Father once told me how to use them, there are two I only have one-shots each to kill both of them without hurting the girl. Father says if you ever need to hurt someone but not kill them you should aim for their legs and freeze them up so they don't die nor run away. 'I can do this!'

' Swoosh, Swoosh ' both of the Qiang were thrown at the same time each aiming for someone's legs I closed my eyes in fear as I heard a loud sound crying in pain, I quickened my pace and hit the acupuncture to freeze someone up. I step back and watched the two adults frozen up, one on the floor holding their knee and the other still holding the little princess but had a look of pain on his face. " BRAT who are you unfreeze me immediately and I might have mercy and let you go," Strummed a deep voice. I slowly wrenched his hands open and freed the girl, I gently caressed the little girl's head as I whispered " Little girl are you ok?".

" Thank you childe for your help but I'm afraid my Imperial father must be very worried. So what do we do with them," she spoke " So you are a princess. Well, do you know your way back cause I'm kind of lost if you do we can find some help," I replied. She nodded and led towards a small pavilion where many servants and a guard were near the emperor shouting for the fifth princess. "Ming'er I have finally found you! Where have you been? Are you hurt?" he cried. Bowing slightly the little girl spoke up saying " Imperial father some kidnappers lured me towards them with candy, thankfully for this child I was free he also caught them, they should be still at the Imperial training grounds." The emperor tearfully eyes moved towards me as he asked, " Thank you, young man, for saving my daughter. What's your name ? Which house do you belong to? What is your father's name?". I froze up not knowing what to do as the fifth princess nudged me saying " My imperial father is talking to you,".

" M- My name is Li Tian You," I stammered " Imperial father is Prince Zi, Li Chong Hai. I belong in the Royal household," "You'er! You'er! Where are you?" Mother ran towards me and screamed, " Are you hurt? I heard from the maids and eunuch that there was a kidnapper who had sneaked into the palace posing as merchants,". " Tian You greet Royal Aunt, Royal grandmother and Imperial Mother," I mentioned as my aunt and grandmother approached me in a more dignified way. Whispering to mother I told her everything and about how the emperor is right behind us, her eyes widen at the mention of the emperor and quickly greeted him " Wen Yue Lin, Prince Zi's Consort greets the emperor,"

For the time I stayed at the palace, Meng Yao was the only person who played with me. Leading her to fall in love with me...

*End of flashback*

" Huh Imperial Bei Ge, I remember this was the place I first met you. Look how time flew Back then I was only 5 and now look at me 22 years of age and married," Her voice brought back into reality as I nodded in agreement.


1. Qiang is an ancient weapon used for soldiers. It has a red feather head at the top hence its name.