Chapter 13: The Autumn Hunt:

In Dong Yue, there are two seasonal hunts, the Spring Hunt and the Autumn hunt. The spring Hunt is a mixture of those of noble birth, both female and male who wished to participate, whereas the autumn hunt is reserved for the young men from the royal family or those who married princesses.

" This year we have the honour of having Prince Sithuka as a spectator. Hence this year's rule will be changed a bit, the prize goes to those who caught the most valuable. Quality over quantity" The Emperor quoted. " May the autumn hunt begin, ". The sound of drums rang through my ears as the match began. " Do not disappoint me," The words of my father bore into my mind as I rode deeper and deeper into the forest. Beside me was An Hui Zhong, the adopted*(1) son of Princess Xin Yang ( Royal Aunt ) a classmate and friend.

Crawl, the sound of a crow's voice screamed in pain as I shot it swiftly. " Imperial Bie Gege*(2) I'm going and catch my foxy prey, good luck," Hui Zhong exclaimed as he cantered in the other direction. 'This kid'. I rode up to catch my prey as I heard hoof steps riding towards me, spinning my head in time I missed an arrow flying across me. The figure of Li Qiang Fan appeared in front of me with a murderous aura. "Li Qiang Feng ah Li Qiang Feng, if I didn't know you I would have accused you of murder," I uttered. 'Sadly for you, I won't let you kill me,' "Li Qiang Feng eldest son of Prince Rong bares a lot of hate towards Prince Zi's mansion according to the data he had been brought up to hate those from Prince Zi's mansion," the data Yu Xuan collected rose in my mind as began to be cautious of him. " The last time I saw you were a bit before the incident*(3) right?" he replied as I glare at him. ' I hate it when people bring this up and then they look at me with pitiful eyes. He changed the topic smartly. " Li Tian You wow you've only caught a sparrow. Come on speed up I've already caught a silver wolf that I plan on giving to Chu Yang Lin*(4). ' Jealously really does kill someone. When will you understand that Chu Yang Lin ain't good enough for you,'. Trotting towards him I whispered tentatively " My dear Tang di I'm pretty sure his majesty would not like to know all the dirt you and your father do behind him will he? If you know what's good for you STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY,". Galloping away I came towards a soft clearing as I spotted the legendary Golden Eagle*(5) soaring high above the sky beautifully. ' I don't want to hurt it' Taking out the dead sparrow the smell of blood alerted the eagle as it circled in the sky throwing the sparrow in the air as bait, the ' yes the fish has taken the bait or more the eagle in this sense' as the golden eagle lurched head first towards the sparrow 'wow beautiful,' in that split moment my arrow launched as a gust of wind blew past my eyes looking it from my sight. I caught it in its left-wing! 'ark' the sound of a falling aegle rang through the forest as I ran towards it ' No way I was only meant to disarm it but instead my arrow must have been blown of course as it hit it in the wing. Blood started to spur out from the wound as I pulled the arrow, luckily Yu Xuan had given me a set of hand daggers and some bandages. Taking the sword out of its case I watched as the eagle's eyes shot in scared of its life. Smiling I cut parts of the bandage and wrap it around the broken wing as I checked carefully,' Just some outside wounds will be healed in a few days. Though of course, she has to be checked up since I'm not a veteran' "I don't know if you can understand me but your wounds haven't been treated since I don't have any medicine on me and only have bandages. How about you follow me home and I'll treat you, and you help me win the prize and get my father's praise okay? " I asked foolishly. Putting it back on its feet I walked away slowly as I thought to catch something else. Stepping back the eagle took flight but before long it fell into my arms crying out pitifully. " Come on then since you fell into my arms I'll take that as a yes," I laughed sweetly. Popping it onto my shoulder, I got back on my horse and shot another three-shot, killing a deer, leopard, and two silver wolves. ' Huh, I'm quite lucky today.

' Dun, Dun, Dun the sound of drum banging three times signalling the end of the hunt' 3 hours is quick,'. Putting away my findings I hopped onto my horse as footsteps seemed to surround me closely. 100 meters, 80 meters until 10 meters where arrays of arrows shot towards picking up my pace I sped past my shadow guards father hired to keep me protected. Sliding to the left, my head missed a stray arrow as I saw the emblem of Prince Nan's house*(6).

' Prine Nan. Father doesn't usually have disputes with people from prince Nan's house. I'll have to remind Yu Xuan to look into it.'




Princess Chiu Yeung POV:

'The incense that Imperial father has burnt had already finished*(7) where is this Li Tian You? If he doesn't get back then the prize would go to Li Qiang Feng.' " Your majesty, since the incense you've burnt for extra time has finished can we announce that my son is the King of this hunt*(8)" Prince Rong announced. " Imperial Uncle Rong, since both Count Cheng'an and Imperial Tang Ge isn't here yet it wouldn't be fair to announce Li Qiang Feng as King of hunt unless you want Imperial Father to be seen as an unfairly biased ruler," I spoke ' Seriously is it that hard to wait. Stop trying to pave a way for Li Qiang Feng'. Chop, click, chop the sound horse hoofs grow closer as Li Tian You image appears ' Speak of the devil'. Getting off his horse Tian You made way towards the emperor bowing " Your majesty I'm sorry I arrived late I was caught up in something. Besides, look what I caught," he commented pointing up towards the sky as the wings of the rare golden eagle took flight flying down and landing on top of Li Tian You. " Amazing You'er you never cease to amaze me, but how did you catch the golden eagle?" Prince Zi asked. Once again everyone sat peacefully as they hear LI Tian You tell his story in amazement. The silence erupted with the outburst from Ban Junzhu Ban Hua*(9) " You gege*(10) I was wondering if you've seen Count Cheng'an on your way back here?" asked Ban Hau. " No," a curt voice replied, " Has he not arrived yet?".


1. Princess Yin Xiang's prince consort died of disease in his early 30 leaving the princess windowless and falling into despair. In a moment of hope, an orphan child was bought by her dear elder Imperial brother and the young boy was adopted and cared for as her child.

2. Means elder cousin brother (It's Bie and not Tang because they don't share the same surname. An Hui Zhong Is named after the late Prince consort. Tang is when they share the same surname.) Tang is when they share the same surname so their father is a sibling or cousin.

3. Wen Yue Lin's death

4. Prime minister chu's eldest legitimate daughter. She has a bratty attitude and behaviour. She doesn't treat her half-sibling well. She has been growing a crush on our ml adding more hate toward Li Tian You in Li Qiang Feng's case.

5. The golden eagle is a very rare animal it is a sign of an upcoming disaster or could be a sign of relief from disaster. It is said that Dongyue could be so prosperous and reign high because of the eagle. The first time this eagle appeared was when a drought spread and no rain had touched the ground for a good few years, the moment it was seen rain started pouring heavenly as its wings flew soaring higher and higher towards clouds. Since then when Dongyue had a bad situation it would always appear after it. Some citizens believe that the golden eagle( named after its unnatural body colour and how the sun seems to shine brighter whenever it was seen) was the bringer of hope after a disaster. Some parents use to say to kids that the golden eagle would eat them if they weren't good. Since it was first seen it could be known that the Golden eagle was Dongyue's protector and friend.

6. Each house has its very own symbol. Royal birth would have two symbols the royal house and their one. Royals= Dragon. Represents power and good luck. Prince Zi = Cran. Embodying longevity and peace. Prince Nan = Tiger. The Tiger is considered the king of all beasts as it symbolises power and a great deal of nerve. Prince Rong= Panda. Represents good luck and happiness, peace and friendship. Etc.

7. Usually 30 mins

8. It is a tradition that they'll be a king/ queen of the hunt every time. Last year Prince Nan's son Li Wei won and Li Wei present his hunted food to his wife Yan Xiu Jiang naming her the queen of the hunt.

9. Ban Hua's father Ban Huai is the emperor Bie di. Ban Huai's mother the late Princess Chunxing is the emperor's aunt. Ban Hua was given the title Junzhu and later married Count Cheng'an.

10 endorsements were used between the cousins.