Chapter 15: The Autumn Hunt (3)


Not long after the two exceptionally handsome boys entered the scene and left along with Prince Tian You, Tian Yao Junzhu began handing out the antidote not to the ranks and social class but to the people who were closet to the young lady ' seriously is every one brought up in Prince Zi mansion know nothing about people of the higher class should have special preference over people in the lower class. I was taught this in my lesson wasn't she?'. After digesting the antidote I felt nothing in particular only too much-unused energy but for a little princess like me I never use up all my energy. Tian You came out not long after with the young miss standing and looking much better. She had large brown eyes, long dark brown hair and a small nose with little freckles that only makes her eyes stand out more. Her hair was tied into a ponytail with a silver hairpin. She was wearing a light green hanfu with a flower pattern belt holding it together. The two standing together were matched, as the saying goes beautiful angel standing next to a handsome prince. "Wow, could Prince Zi mansion be holding a wedding soon?" "No wonder Li Tian You never approaches any other girls,". whisper like this could be heard as the pair made their towards the front bowing to the emperor. ' Although they aren't bowing towards me though, it makes me feel good to know that b****h is underneath me just like a maid and Li Tian You is mine. " You'er this lady beside you is?" asked Prince Zi. " Imperial father this is Shang Gu and she is JUST a lady friend," he replied.

' Just a lady friend huh? Wait why I'm so focused on this.' " Only just a lady friend," Marquis Hou*(1) said. " So there won't be anything to celebrate over, what a shame... Anyways there will be a banquet to roast all your prey so feel free to roam around the grounds but please stay only in your tent when it grows dark we will be staying a day here before going back to the capital. Let us return to our tent," Father reminded us we all bowed and watch him return. Imperial father's tent, of course, was the most luxurious but mine wasn't that bad so I could deal with it for a day or two. I watched as Shang Gu ad the other two men return to Tian You's tent a pang of anger hit me as I sat lost in thought of why.....



Two days ago my lord had sent me on a mission to continue to monitor the Jitsu sect. Jitsu sect was rumoured that it was a so-called demon sect but in truth, white can turn black and black can turn white who would know the truth. This is why Tian You asked me to find out everything about them but unexpectedly they caught me spying on them and whilst I was running away I believe a needle was stuck near my leg when found it I pulled it out but it was already too late... Not long later I began to feel drowsiness and the next thing I remember was my head falling onto something soft and green after that was only a blurry vision of a young man helping me onto a horse and that's when I fainted. I woke up to be surrounded by a pale-looking young master, both mister Shang Guan and Yu Xuan ge*(2), after finding out what happened I made You gege*(3) drink a good dose of his beloved medicine... my blood. " Shang Gu later on if I ever tug the hem of your Hanfu act like you're close with me and call me you gege," commanded you gege " Why," I asked. " Some flies have been bothering me and I need someone to clear them away,". ' am I only a fly swatter?

The Shang Guan twins had already left for Moon valley after leaving the tent.

My heart fell when You gege only introduced me as a lady friend but who am I to judge him. To him, he always thinks of me as only a lady friend. " I've asked Tian Yao already and she said you could stay in her tent as there is space, " he whispered. I nodded quickly as a delicate sassy voice interrupted, " You gege your so strong that you caught a golden eagle as your prize," she pushed me apart as she clung onto You gege!!! ' hmmm two can play this game' " You gege this is?" I asked sweetly and softly. Having an excuse to remove his hand from her he pointed and replied " This is Chu Yang Lin the lineal daughter of the Prime minister,". I mutter out loud enough for her to hear "Oh just someone who uses her father's title but has known of her own,".

" Why you lowly servant how dare you," She shouted, raising her hand as Tian You blocked her whilst also scratching her Hanfu. SLAP! I gasp in shock as Tian You slap her for me remarking" She is part of my people! Who gives you the courage to slap Prince Zi people? Is it your HONEST father? Looks like he is not so honest," " You gege how could you slapped me for that bitch," she stated while crying, to be honest, I felt a little sad for her childe is always heartless when would there be someone who could make sure childe still has a heart. Chu Yang Lin was wearing a yellow Hanfu embroiled with little birds perching on a tree branch and a little carnation flower on the bottom the Hanfu is pretty but it doesn't match her she has put on too much exquisite makeup, and her hair had too many ornaments in it, not to mentioned her temper. " Li Tian You how dare you to you even have a heart, look how much Chu Yang Lin likes you but you don't even look her an eye. Are you even a man?" shouted Li Qiang Feng whilst grabbing onto the collar of the childe. 'Goodness Li Qiang Feng do you not want your life? it's well known that childe is a ruthless and heartless person'. The slapping of his hand You gege uttered " Miss Chu we arent even this close please do not keep calling me you gege. Shang Gu let's go I want a word with you," " Li Tian You how dare you..... Yang Lin mei are you alright?" Li Qiang Feng shouted as Miss Chu 'fainted'.

Not long later we walked into a quite beautiful clearing little green dragonflies floated around us as dusk began to draw in. His voice came into my hearing as I stopped admiring the view " Shang Gu do you like me?" ' Wait WHAt? Does he Know? Ok maybe I'm just scaring myself. He might only be asking on friendship terms' " You gege is my saviour, of course, I like you," replied " I don't mean the like between friends I meant between man and women," he reveals " Haha what do you mean childe I only ever thought you as my friend," I replied. " Shang Gu stop lying I saw your memories when I insert my spiritual energy into you your talk with Yu Xuan...." he counterattacked. ' Since the cat is out of the bag might as well admit it " I've liked you since the first day I met you..." I whispered, " I'm sorry but..." he began to say cutting him I quoted " I know you don't like me, but I'll wait for you. Even if you end up not finding the one you like but I'll always be here for you as a friend,". " Thank You for understanding but I still have to say I'm sorry Shang gu," I laughed joyfully as my heart began to feel a little sour but happy altogether. " But I'm curious why would you like me?" he questioned. " I've liked you since childhood," I muttered " Childhood?" he imply, I whispered my answer but I don't think he heard me as a gong sounded, covering my voice, implying the start of the banquet.

Young Master was given some well-bred horses and money and he asked for this money to be given to people in Hu provide as they are experiencing a famine crisis. The horse however he wanted. Why though? He didn't want money but he wanted horses? Sometimes I can never understand You gege.

Back then I whispered I liked him since childhood because he rescued me from that hell hole...


1. Marquis Hou, Ban Huai, Ban Hau's father, the emperor's bie di son of the princess Chunxing (mentioned before in chapter 12 glossary).

2. Because Yu Xuan is older than Shang Gu and they've known each other since young so calling Yu Xuan Ge is just an act of respect.

3. Li Tian You's nickname from Shang Gu

4. Gu Qin is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument. It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favoured by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement, as highlighted by the quote "a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason,"