Chapter 22: Moon Valley (3):

Author's POV:

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Han Shan Yue, this name was one I came upon the spot so it turned out quite useful in the early days many people would mistake me for Li Tian You but no one would suspect someone who had the same face but a different name and status. Anyway as I took over Ghost Valley I changed everything most of the ladies Master picked out had died from the wipeout so I created Moon Valley refurbishing everything. Now Moon valley is built in the front of a river and it was a pretty sight to hold when the moon reflects on the river. Hence the name Moon Valley. For three years Moon valley had been heard all across Jiang Hu run by the disciple of Master Fu Feng Yu. The newly built Moon Valley that everyone expected to get revenge on the supreme alliance except it didn't instead it was a place for whoever wished to reside in it not caring about anything that happens in the world or Jiang Hu, daylight heaven for it was decorated beautifully. As for Han Shan Yue, he turned into a cold domineering overnight as his master died a few days before his birthday.

Now that someone from the supreme alliance came knocking on their doorstep what do they want now. Whatever it is I don't need any more blood to be spilt by my hands. Got into a black and dark blue hanfu also applying the face transformation skill to myself in case someone finds out my birth identity. The usual jade-like appearance was turned into another handsome man but with a small mole near his chin enticing those who looked at him. As for hair, it was always half up half down ponytail with two front pieces the front holding it up with a dark blue ribbon. A stern demurring appearance was put on as I walked near the mirror checking everything was ok and stepped out towards the light sword hall walking near towards the table where our guests were seated.

The link I used as reference:

" Han Childe I'm Yu Wen Jiang Lao's only son I was hoping you would come along to pay respects at my father's funeral," Yu Wen Feng stated. ' Would you travel all the way just to ask someone to pay respect to their father? You would always send a letter.'. " Brother Yu*(1) I have sent someone from Moon valley to pay respect already they should have arrived already. How about we skip right into the topic," I commented. " Brother Han is quite straightforward. When my late father was alive he would usually talk about you, about how you were already so young yet so capable, at 20 years old and already the moon valley leader. I skip into the topic, Father had always wanted to ask Moon Valley to join in the supreme alliance as one of the big sects but he and your master had a feud and believe that you wouldn't talk peacefully with him. Since my father has gone peacefully then as his son I would like to fulfil his wish. Yu Wen Feng here is sincerely hoping to invite Moon Valley to join the supreme alliance filled with all the Jiang Hu sects and gangs, I hope brother Han would consider my invitation," He mentioned. " Brother Yu it's not that I don't want to it's just that everyone knows that Moon valley emerged from Ghost Valley, most of the outer disciples are survivors from the Ghost Valley wiped out. And besides, I'm not sure most of the people in Jiang Hu have not forgotten what Ghost Valley had done," I replied. " The matters of the past generation would always be history as for what people in Jiang Hu think, they're willing to accept this alliance as long as you take Chang family orphan son and daughter as your inner disciples. I've heard that you only have outer disciples and non-inner so this is the best outcome for both parties," he uttered. "Why me? Jiang Hu had a lot of high cultivators who will willingly accept Chang's family's orphans," I asked. " Well no one in Jiang Hu is even more suitable than you, besides their father had a strange temperature and picked you as their guardian if anything happened so since Uncle Chang had passed away I can only place these two in your hands," he posits. " And nobody in Jiang Hu had any disagreement about this?" I provoked. " It was in his will, so nobody could say anything," he presumed. ' Aiyo, if he is anything like his father then that's another old fox I need to beware of'. " Brother Yu I'll keep your consideration in mind let me have a few days to think about it," I replied as he nodded "Tao di give Brother Yu and his accompanists some guest rooms, ". " Mister Yu this way please," Tao di announced. clasping my hands in front of me we bowed towards each other as Tao di drove him away.

" Senior brother, are you going to do as he says?" Shang Guan Yue asked me as we were out of earshot. Before I could reply I heard a crushing sound like someone stepping on a branch, using my magic I made her appear she immediately kneeled in front of me shivering in the fear, and the standing disciples immediately bowed down and cried " Please calm down valley lord," this was the scene that Yu Xuan ( who I ordered to send a letter to father saying I'll be out), Shang Gu ( who I had sent to grab snacks and water) and Tao di ( who had been ordered to send the guest away to their room). They all kneeled in fear excluding Shang Guan Yue because he believed that the young girl looked a bit familiar, taking a closer look he realized who it was ' Chuan Hua *(2)? It's miss Chun Hua, that girl what is she doing here?' He thought ' Oh my God no she came and bothered to eardrop. Senior brother would punish her severely to continue the impression that he is an intimating yet handsome young man. Goodness, what to do? I can only do this I'm sure senior brother will not punish me that severely'.

" Senior brother she a lady I found being bullied by some thugs so I took care of them and brought her here to work as a maid. I never knew she would eardrop, she's new so there is a lot of rule she doesn't understand. If senior brother wants to punish her then please punish me instead for being unable to manage my servant," Shang Guan Yue shouted ' oooh this is new he's quiet one most of the time, so why would he take the punishment in this lady's stead? If I do punish them I'll be seen as a ruthless demon who doesn't hold on to brotherhood, hmm this matter is kinda personal I should send everyone out first before I did that this lady rushed in saying " Valley lord I'm the one who broke the rule please punish me instead, have mercy on ge ge*(3),". " Tut Tut did I say I was going to punish you? yet you both seem to die for punishment. Everyone apart from Yu Xuan, Shang Gu and second Junior brother*(4)" GET OUT NOW," I shouted, everyone, scurried out in case they were the subject of my anger. " Everyone's out now get up and speak properly Yue di*(5), who is this girl?" I asked as he replied, " Senior brother, she is miss Suen Chun Hua, an orphan who was selling herself to bury her mother when I met her, I gave my subordinates some money to bury her and took her here to work as my ahem..... servant,". ' Eh why do I see a hint of red in his ears, he's not usually this shy unless... of course, that would explain why he protected her in the first place, love could do wonders..... Xin Er how are you ?..... " Hmm, well still she violated the rules and still needs to be punished. As this is your first time violating it, you and Shang Guan Yue are locked in the library until you have copied the 300 rules and regulations 100 times. Someone come escorted Miss Suen into the library for Shang Guan Yue he will go later," . 'No harm in giving them a helping hand right?'.

As the lady left YU Xuan asked again what had happened and the story was retold again. "So childe what are we going to do now?" Shang Gu asked. " Shall I tell you guys a story? There was once a man who wanted to take revenge on a whole group of people because he believed that inwardly or outwardly that group of people still caused his master's death, he wanted revenge but he then met a girl and you could call it sweet love but they had no end yet. Anyways this girl convinces this young man to let go of his revenge plan and although the man still can't forgive this group of people he learns to tolerate them. So maybe making peace isn't a bad idea if peace could be set throughout Jiang Hu because of this alliance," I explained. " Master the boy is you but who is this young miss?" Yu Xuan asked "I'm always with you and I haven't seen you with any noble ladies, I'm kind of very curious who this lady is now,". " Yu Xuan who said she was a noble lady? Besides you weren't always with me, remember the time I disappeared? And that's the end of that topic. Anyways, Shang Gu take a trip to the secret of keys*(6) and find some information about Chang Family's, orphans," I exclaimed as Shang Gu nodded


1. Said just in respect.

2. We mustn't have spoilers on who she is, but I can tell you that she is Shang Guan Yue's one-sided lover. Or is it only one-sided?

3. Shang Guan Yue's nickname is called Chun Hua only as she is younger than him and like most couples do call their lovers ge ge. In this case yes.

4. Shang Guan Tao is younger than Shang Guan Yue, so he leads the second junior brother.

5. Shang Guan Yue's nickname called by his senior brother and elders

6. Secret of keys another Jiang Hu organization owned by ml. Its motto is ' if you have enough money you can find the information you want.' Knows most of Jiang Hu's secrets and sells them at a high price that most people can't afford them. It was created before Ghost Valley's wipeout when Li Tian You first left Ghost Valley and travel around Dong Yue.