Chapter 24: Chang Family's orphans (1):


I lectured them a bit as they arrived with the copied work. " Don't let it happen again I won't be so lenient," I commanded as I sent Miss Chun Hua away, It was really strange but I think that she looked like someone I have seen before, but I quite can't picture it. Quite strange. " Ah, Yue*(1) how did it go?" I asked as soon as the lady was out of sight and in earshot. He explained patiently to us blushing quite frequently. We were pretty much acting as gossiping ladies.

Getting back to the point I asked "So how did it go Shang Gu? Any findings?". She had set out the next morning I asked her to dig some information about the two orphans and arrived back on the next day, at this precise moment we were all sitting in the meeting hall. Shang Guan Yue passed her a cup of water as she stood up to begin her report speech. " Childe I didn't find anything suspicious about the kids but what interested me more was that a month ago the whole of Mirror lake sect*(2) was wiped out and everyone in the Chang family had died apart from the two kids sent to their grandfather's side a few months before the accident. In the whole Jiang hu no one knew who did it and what their motive was, so they (the supreme alliance) concluded that they would find the murderer and get revenge for the dead family. As for the orphans, nobody wanted them and that's how they were used as leverage with us, they all are useless most of them were friends with master Chang but when things happen they become cowards, therefore, they could only pass the ball to us. but surprisingly when people asked the kids if they were willing to go with you they agreed. That was quite a mystery for me, but what was more annoying was that I met that annoying idiot Cao Li Jie*(3) following me around like a dog I had to walk a long way before I got rid of his tailing," She replied. " Cao Li Jie, Cao Wen Ning's didi*(4)," Shang Guan Tao explained to me " A playboy who tried too hard for Zi'er's love,". " Tut someone's jealous," I laughed " Anyways it be nice to meet the two kids before anything happens, Yu Xuan please call Brother Yu here so we can discuss on what to do,". " Master you are gonna accepted them as your inner disciples?" asked Shang Gu " After all with your other identity..." I interrupted saying "I don't know Shang Gu, I don't know, but I wanna see them all the same.

" Brother Yu please sit," I gestured pointing to a spare seat in the meeting hall. " The thing is Brother Yu I've thought deeply about your decisions and I've decided that..." I let the suspense sit in the air as I watched closely on Young master Yu's face, his face was lighting up in hope that was gonna crushed " I thank you very much that the supreme alliance has thought so highly of us ( his face fell as I uttered these words, are the orphans that unwanted? Makes me feel like a younger version of myself, hmmm. Looks like we might have more in common them I first thought). But I would like to meet with the orphans to get to know them first," I stated as his eyes lit in hope and he muttered " Of course, of course, I've brought them with me as I know you would agree," as he signalled for someone to bring them over 'Old fox you even brought them with you. God, you must want me to accept them, like father, like son. Aiyo is more of a headache to worry about.

The orphans were brought over as brother Yu stated that he leave us for some alone time. "Chang ling, Chang Xue greets master," They greeted ' Master? do they not know I haven't agreed yet? What was their information? Oh right Chang Ling: male, 14 years old doesn't practice martial arts or study at home, youngest son of Master Chang. Chang Xue: female, 10 years old, isn't taught martial arts at all, youngest child and only daughter of Master Chang always found bullying servants in her spare time. She's spoilt rotten and judging from the way she is dressed, her parents never bothered to discipline her. But I've got a handful if I was to teach them, no wonder no one bothered to'.

She was wearing a pink hanfu top embroidered with hummingbirds perching on a tree, beautiful colours and made from silky satin, the bottom dress was fully white with pink in the middle and also with hummingbirds embroidery. Her shoes also looked made from good material embroidered with tiny flowers. As for her hair, she had a tiny fringe on the front with a half parting of a tiny bun with the rest flowing, her hair had many trinkets on it that didn't suit a girl her age. Too much make-up as well, anyone could tell you were trying to make an exaggerated first impression, who even give her the idea of this style?

Link used for reference ( the dress looks good but for story purposes, let's pretend it doesn't):

But at least her gege had a sense of fashion he wasn't overly dressed but had a sense of a young charming rich second generation boy. His outer layer was a silky black material, his inner clothes were white with black outlines, the bottom was grey like a blending with different tones of grey, quite a nice style, hair all tied up with a black ribbon.

Link of reference:

Before I said anything I cased out a spell that would prevent anyone outside of the room from ears dropping. The two kids gasp in awe as they thought how beautiful it look, light ripples of waves surrounding the room. " You guys can speak freely now, is there anything you would like to tell me?" I asked as they glanced at each other " Master before father sent us to gong's*(5) house he gave me two letters, one to give to grandfather and the other to give to you, grandfather looked at the letter and took us in keeping very safeguard of us not letting us go anywhere without highly skilled guards, so when father death reached our ears he even locked us in our rooms not letting any of us out with daily patrol guards in front of our bedroom," he replied whilst handling the letter. On the front, it wrote my full name, Han Shan Yue, inside were two double-sided pages of writing 'wow he must have a lot to say. The room went silent as I quickly read it, ' huh no wonder his father trusts me that much, since they are his kids then I would do him another favour.

" Come you two, you still haven't finished the apprentice ceremony," I smiled a gasp could be heard from surrounding me as the two children smiled. Grabbing the newly brewed tea Chang Ling took a cup and poured tea into it, kneeling in front of me and declared "Chang Ling greets shi fu*(6), please take tea*(7)," I took the tabled at it and drank it in a gup, Chang Xue coping her brother did the same thing as I drank it as well. " Come with me to see the tailor in the east wing*(8) to get you guys some clothes and to the blacksmith for a suitable sword," I commanded. They left and walked in front of me as I whispered to the ongoing crowd " Tonight we will meet at the old place and I will explain everything.


1. In case you were wondering Shang Guan Yue and Chun Hua got let out after 3 days in the library. Spoke about it in the bonus chapter.

2. Mirror lake sect leader is Master Chang.

3. Cao Wen Ning's younger brother.

4. Means younger brother.

5. Mandarin word for mother's father, your maternal grandfather.

6. Mandarin word for master

7. Usually when someone takes an apprentice there is a ceremony where the soon become disciple would kneel in form of his/her shi fu and let them drink the cup of tea they have poured. If they accept it then the ceremony ends but if they don't then the ceremony could not continue.

8. North wing is for the training grounds. The east wing is the servant and worker's quarters with their room, kitchen and workshop. South Wing is the outer and inner disciples sleeping quarters. West Wing is for the leaders or guests to live in e.g Shang Guan Tao and Xue Chong Zhi have a room there.