Chapter 30: Back to that hell hole:


These chapters are a bit long...

Li Tian You POV:

When we came to Moon Valley I used Qing Gong to get there so I arrived quickly but since I've no hurry in return to Chang An*(1) I've decided to take a trip to Prince Zi mansion in Su province. Moon Valley was located in Jing Zhou the second most wealthy city after the capital. Su province was right next to Jing Zhou. Most people in Jing Zhou worked as merchants who had trading businesses within the country and with other countries. Jing Zhou and Su province border 3 different countries.

At the top was Pohai, at the bottom was Shinelan, to the left was Apollo kingdom, and to the right was Malaga. All five of these countries originated was the Great Han kingdom but war happens and all are separated over the past years. Since the time Li Dong Hai has ruled all counties have been in peace. A peace treaty was signed by the late kings of all countries, promising to keep the peace between each other.

( None of the history written in this novel is true. All work of friction).

Anyways after two days of rest and horse riding, I've arrived back to where everything all began. Prince Zi mansion. 'Mother I'm finally home...' The last time I came back here was a few years ago, just after I became Moon Valley's head. To be honest I never even wanted to come back. The only reason I came back was that rumours had it that father was going to announce Tian Ming as his successor as I've been 'missing, almost dead for years' as that vile woman calls it. But I didn't quite bother to investigate whether the rumour was true as I knew I had to make an appearance sooner or later. That day was quite interesting as well.


5 years ago:

In front of Prince Zi mansion:

" Childe are you sure you want to go in?" Yu Xuan asked. He was wearing a typical black hanfu and holding a green bag full of some food and clothes. I was wearing a peach hanfu and holding a fan with a poem my mother wrote on it. Danging on my waist belt was the Prince Zi mansion Jade that identifies you're a family member from there. " Yes," I replied. 'Here goes nothing.

" Who goes there," guard number 1 asked as I removed the jade from my waist belt and showed it to the guard blocking the door. They stepped aside and let me in I stepped into the yard and gazed around 'it hasn't changed much' a voice in my head began to ring calling me "you're! you'er!". 'mother I miss you,'. " Hey isn't Second Childe at home already?" Guard number 2 asked " Then, who is that?" Guard number 2 replied " Hey you stop where you're going," he ran towards me and held my shoulder stopping me from entering the main hall where the rest of my family was seated. " You ain't the second prince nor any of their family member. Who are you?" Guard number 1. " Wow childe we've only been gone for less than a century yet they've forgotten to remember that Old Master*(2) has two sons. One is childe and the other is second young master," Yu Xuan sneered. "What nonsense are you talking about? Everyone in Prince Zi's mansion knows that the First young master is missing. Likely hold he's dead and probably not even properly buried," Guard number 2 babbled. " Childe how did I not know you're dead?" Yu Xuan sneered.

" What's happening here?" father asked 'should I even call him father anymore?'. "Old master. My name is Yu Xuan, do you still remember me? I've brought young master Li Tian You back home with me," he replied. " You've finally decided to come back? I thought you were living such a good high life outside that you've forgotten where your home is," father questioned, " Childe was Old master expecting you?" Yu Xuan whispered. " I wrote another letter to mei-mei," I whispered back. " Prince how could you just believe them? they could be imposters?" Concubine shi spoke up whilst walking towards us 'ah, finally she-devil is here. She hasn't changed much apart from growing a few grey hairs, still, the same old disgusting face smirking'. "Concubine shi I'm sure father would know if it's age or not. They partially look the same," Tian Yao argued 'Quite true as much as I hate to admit it I do look like him more than mother'." Prince you don't know but there is a new technique in Jiang Hu that could make a face mask for you to look like someone else. So just in case prince it's best to make sure," she ranted. "Concubine shi, looks like you are quite sure of what happens in Jiang Hu," retorted Tian Yao 'Tian Yao still has quite a rash temper, when is she going to change. As for the devil, since she wants to play then I'll play with her'. " How about we use the old fashion way 'drip blood to recognize relatives?*(3)' " Concubine shi proposed.

So in the end I had to drip some blood into the water along with my father's and it indeed fused. And with father telling her off had made my day though I've to give her credit she still didn't throw a tantrum, huh continue acting I want to know how long you would act for.

After dinner, Tian An handed me another Jade it had my name on it the other half had mei's name on it. " This?" I asked "Father gave it to me after you left years ago he said mother left it for us and now I'm giving it back to you," she replied I hugged her tightly as tears welled in my eyes.


I was sitting in the main hall waiting for Tian An whilst drinking jasmine tea when Tian Xia came in and asked " Da ge*(4) why are you back?" Tian Xia*(5). ' to be honest I don't typically have a good relationship with Tian Xia as long as she doesn't do anything wrong I would tolerate her. "What can I not?" I retorted " No no you got me wrong," she hastily replied ' hmm what did her mother send her to do? " Where's Tian An?" I asked. " She diverted her eyes from me and turned around making it seem as though she was looking at the blossom tree Tian An once drew and replied, "I'm not sure,". ' I don't have a good feeling about this. Without answering I rushed over to Tian An's room I was going to push it right open when I remember something. Even if you are a family member as long as you're male you can't go into an unmarried ladies' room. I had to value her reputation which was why I shouted " Shang Gu," and she appeared right in front of me like a shadow knight. " Can you check for me if mei is ok?" I asked as she slid open the door and popped in. A minute later she popped out and said: " Uh Junzhu is fine just she was changing clothes when all of the maids went out,". ' So her reputation would have been ruined if I hadn't thought of it quickly. " Ok since this is the case then we will give them a show. Shang Gu makes your hair look as if it's me and help Tian An but tell her what we are going to do,". 5 minutes later a whole band of people were standing right outside Tian An's bed chambers the head being Concubine Shi and Tian Xia. Without knocking they pushed right opened the door and everyone gasped I had jumped right down from the roof and looked from the back off the line. All I could see was 'a man' who looked like me from the back helping Tian An button something up but she was covered as 'he' was standing in front of her " What a disgrace Tian An you're getting married next month yet how could you? I thought you loved Hu Chao Xiang*(5)," Concubine shouted " Da Jia*(6) how could you do this to brother hu," Tian Xia added. " Eh why is it so lively here?" I asked whilst walking up towards the door and shutting it " Mei get dressed first we will talk later," I commanded. After a while, the door opened and Concubine Shi began to question who that man was ' hasn't she realized that their plan failed yet? No reason not to play along. " You speak what you saw," she commanded whilst pointing to another maid "Madam, childe my name is chang'er. I'm Miss Tian An's maid. I saw a strange man entering miss room so I went to tell you," cheng'er explained. " Can this 'man' please introduce himself," I smirked whilst trying to keep a straight face? "My name is Shang Gu and I'm childe's maid," Shang Gu explained, "Childe told me to check on Jun Zhu and I helped her get dressed. As for this madam she pushed open the door rudely without knocking,". For proof, she let her hair down and whispered began " she is indeed a woman,". " wow she's so pretty,". . " Silence!" Concubine Shi shouted " so it was a misunderstanding. How could I listen to this bitch, drag her out and kill her. I'm am so sorry Tian An," wow she is still keeping up with her act. " Go back to your positions," I commanded to the servants as they walked away. "Concubine Shi, Tian Xia let me remind you don't touch my sisters or anything that is mine or your secrets would be exposed," I threatened whilst they walked out hurriedly. "Tian An, I'll be staying for a day and heading off tomorrow," I explained " So quick?" she asked as I explain slowly in the end she burst out laughing " Tian An you're so heartless I'm doing this for you yet you even laugh at me," I cried. " Don't be upset ge I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing because father has finally found a valuable reason for you to go on this blind date," she answered we continued chit-chatting for a while as I walked away and into the ancestral hall where my mother's plate lay.

"Niang*(7) I'm doing quite well and I'm keeping my promise to look after Tian An and Tian Yao. I promise I would take everything that belonged to you and give it back to Tian An,"..... I muttered


1. Capital of Dong Yue.

2. Referring to Prince Zi

3. We know nowadays that this method does not work now because if you've two people with O type blood the blood when mixed with water would fuse however if your mother is O type blood and your father is A-type blood, then you as o type blood would not fuse with A-type blood. I'm no scientist but this is what I make of this matter. But in this case, Tian You and Prince Zi both have Ab blood type so they fuse.

4. Tian Xin is the youngest so she calls our mc Da ge which means eldest brother and Tian Ming er ge which is the second eldest brother.

5. Tian ming's twin. Tian Xin uses a sword as well called Tizono, an ice power of level 5. Like her twin.

5. Tian An's fiancé started as having an engagement but then they fell in love. His father is an imperial physician but Chao Xiang chose to enter the military and now he is the second in command after the general position as a lieutenant under MC's father. They fell in love before knowing each other's status but when the engagement was set both sides weren't happy and so they broke apart. But fate had its way of thinking, long story short they ended up together in the end.

6. First eldest sister in mandarin.

7. Old version of mum in mandarin.