Chapter 38: The truth about the assassinations

"And the investigation on father's death?" I asked more calmly. "Childe we've discovered that before the late Prince Zi asked you to accompany him to Chang'an he had visited Po Hai Kingdom's King Yi Alamabara. What they talked about I don't know but after he visited King Yi he went to visit Count Cheng'an, Rong Xia. But very surprisingly was that Count Cheng'an offered to investigate the case on his own. Also, I've trailed the assassin's clue based on their snake tattoo on their arm and I found out it was the serpents who killed your father," replied Yu Xuan "But isn't serpents under the Window of Heaven?". "Most people only know that the window of heaven has only one organization called eagles. Who look for focus on collecting information, yet what they don't know is that serpents are under us as well. Looks like we need to pay a visit to the Serpents headquarters," I explained whilst thinking of the fully black hanfu at the back of my wardrobe with the black masquerade mask covering my face. " Also I found out that it was Prince Rong who wanted to kill you in the Autumn Hunt but used Prince Nan as an excuse," he announced. "Give Prince Rong some slow-acting poison that will kill him after me and Tian An's wedding, the Prince Rong family is too quiet. Whoever ends up being the heir apparent will be our closest ally, as long as the heir is not Li Qiang Feng," I threatened. " Childe, how are you so sure that Prince Qiang Feng will not become the heir?" Yu Xuan asked. "Think Yu Xuan," I berated "To what I know of Prince Rong has 2 sons and 3 daughters. Li Qing Ming is his oldest son but he is born to a concubine, Li Qiang Feng is his only legitimate son. But Qiang Feng is too rash and tends to show his emotions on the outside however Qing Ming is a more rational person and knows how to win his father's favour. So most likely it would be him who becomes the heir apparent," I rationalized. "Besides did you know that Princess Rong's consort and the concubine are sisters? But the concubine was always the favoured daughter however she was born illegitimate so she couldn't become the Princess Consort. Though An Bi Yu is the legal wife the two never loved each other. Her husband loved her sister but because her sister was a concubine's daughter they couldn't get married," I explained "So Qing Ming's grandfather will support Qing Ming instead of Qiang Feng. Usually, it'd those people who could have the position but don't wish to have its power,".

"Childe I never knew you even investigated this," Yu Xuan wowed, I took a book on top of my shelf and gently hit Yu Xuan on his head laughingly asking "What would I need the Windows of organizations for?" whilst he rubbed his head sheepishly. "Copy out the Manners of a gentlemen five times," I ordered smirking. "Eh childe no please, that book is like 3 volumes. I'm sorry," he pleaded as I gave him that look, he hurried over to his room to copy the book.



A week later:

"Childe are you dressed yet?" asked Yu Xuan as I nodded. I was dressed in all black my hair tied back in a ponytail all that was left was my mask which I plan on wearing after I go into the brothel. Ah, the serpent headquarters is located underneath the most visited brothel in Chang'an. Why a brothel though I wouldn't know. "Yes let's go," I answered heading out of my room.

We walk through serval streets just to make sure no one we know sees us. And so we headed in after many glances but what we didn't know was someone had spotted us already... An Ping who had rushed home immediately after she watched us go in...



Meanwhile back in Prince Zi's mansion:

"Princess, Princess guess who I saw when I was to buying some sweets for you?" asked An-Ping as she rushed into Chiu Yeung's pavilion. "Oh who?" replied Chiu Yeung who was sitting calmly in the front gardens eating a green grape. "It was Prince Tian You," she grinned "And do you know where he went? The brothel...".

"How dare he. He's engaged to me already yet he is still going to the brothel. Here's me being a good daughter in law praying for Prince Zi yet he has the time to get to the brothel?" screamed Chiu Yeung "Then let's go and pay a visit to my lovely fiancé,". "But isn't it quite improper for Princess to go to a brothel?" asked An-Ping in concern. "Oh An-Ping you are worrying for nothing. I'm just the poor victim going to find my dear hubby who had decided to cheat on me after he vowed not to," plotted Chiu Yeung.




Ah whilst An-Ping was telling Chiu Yeung what had happened Tian You and Yu Xuan were led downstairs after saying the password. 'It's no secret that I loved you' is such a cringe password right? But at least no one will know. The waiter must have been someone who was hired by Jeong Ki the leader I trained myself. He led us into a dark hallway and at this point, I had already had my face mask on my face but although it was dark I was still able to catch the shine from a dagger. The waiter turned around and lunched a dagger over towards me as I ducked and Yu Xuan successfully caught him at the right moment. "Who are you? How dare you catch me? Do you even know who I am? I could end you if I want," I threatened. "Let go of him..." A voice ordered as I turned around to see a man wearing the exact things I was apart from the fact that the Hanfu was all grey and he didn't have a mask. "You are?" I asked. I have suspicions about who he is but I still need confirmation. "My name is Jeong Ki the head leader of Serpents organization. And who are you? Let me guess... You must be someone important to know that our headquarters are here as most people only go to one of our many hideouts," he announced as I held out the token adorned in ink with the name Yun Ya and the back: head of Windows of heaven.

"Jeong Ki greets Master," shouted Jeong Ki as he bowed down on one knee with his held together at the front. His right hand is in front of his left hand as a barrier. As he shouted he pulled the leg of the shocked servant who Yu Xuan released after I showed Jeong Ki the token. "Sorry for not recognizing you earlier..." Jeong Ki began as I held my hand up silencing him. "Lead the way to your office," I ordered in a hushed voice. As he nodded got up and walked in front of us using his hand to lead us. "Go back upstairs and forget anything you saw today," Jeong Ki ordered the waiter. He in reply nodded and headed the other way towards the stairs as Jeong Ki led us deeper into the basement. Through the basement, there were serval doors and some with name tags on them but Jeong Ki led us into the one at the end with his name tag nailed on the door.

"Master, how can I help you?" Jeong Ki asked after he seated us down in some chairs and poured some fragrance tea for us. "I'm guessing it has something to do with documents about our clients as you wouldn't hire anyone to kill someone if you could help it," he analyzed. "Not bad Jeong Ki you're still one of the few people who know me well. And yes I want to find out some information for my friend about your latest client Prince Zi Li Chong Hai who was assassinated 2 months ago," I explained "Uh sure lets us go into the room opposite us it has the documents there," he proclaimed as we got up again and followed him to the opposite room. As we entered the storeroom he lighted all the candles and the once dark room was well lit up again. He begin to rustle in some piles of information as I noticed many things were untidy or unkempt. 'I must remind Jeong Ki to get more helpers to sort these documents out.' "Ah found it, here look at this master. This was sent from the hideout in Su province about 3 months ago. I remember looking at this one and it was quite surprising because the man who came in wanted to kill himself. But he wanted to stage it as an assassination. You know our rules master we only do the deed and never ask about it," He confessed "It says in the report that at first the higher-ups in Su province didn't want to excepted this job but they're swayed by money," ...