Chapter 59: Full of regret


The following chapters continue from Chapter 5:

Back to the story:

I look around cautiously as I felt somebody sleeping peacefully beside me. All around me the furniture was draped in red the signs of marriage, 'ah yes last night was my marriage night'. I quickly got myself out of bed and changed into my outfit for the day a dark blue hanfu. The chilly autumn air hit my face bright early in the morning, as I remembered 2 years ago how sweet Xin Er looked against this autumn wind. "Ah I'm sorry my dear sweet Xin Er," I croaked as I ran towards the training grounds. My face was full of regret. Why did everything still end up the same? Xin Er even if I married her she would never have my children... Take this as my promise to you.

" Master are you alright?" Yu Xuan asked as he went up towards me. "Would you be if I were married to princess?" I retorted. "No I wouldn't be able to marry a princess," replied Yu Xuan with a serious face. I looked at him and ordered go and copy the way of life 10 times. "But master the way of life is a scripture book that's so long.." complained Yu Xuan. "Well then should I set a time limit?" I asked as Yu Xuan shook his head. "Then hurry up and copy them. Next time you must remember to watch your words," I ordered as I laughed.

Dealing with Yu Xuan always makes me happy. He really knows how to cheer me up. Turning back towards the training grounds I continue to practice all of my moves for 2 hours until Shang Gu came over to me and explained "Childe it's time for breakfast...". I turned to look at her and nodded. She handed me a towel as I asked "where's the princess consort?". She looked at me and answered, "still asleep...". What... What time is it already and she is still asleep? "Wake her up and tell her we're all having breakfast together," I ordered as she nodded and proceeded to use Qing Gong to go to the wedding room. I asked Yu Xuan to bring me a change of clothing, In the end, I was wearing a black Hanfu with white markings on the hem of the robe. My hair was tied into a ponytail held together with a black ribbon. The breeze blew over my sweaty neck and yet that feeling felt nice. I hurriedly walked over to the dining room. Everyone was there apart from our dearest princess.



Meanwhile with the third princess:

Chiu Yeung Pov:

"Princess! princess you ought to wake up. According to the rules you need to greet His Highness bright early in the morning," shouted An Ping. "UHH," I moaned. "Why do I have to get up early? Shouldn't Li Tian You and his whole family greet me?" I asked. An Ping shook her head and replied "Princess if you were married to a man of lower status than you, the whole family would have to greet you. However, you have married a prince so as the princess consort you should greet the Prince and his family. His Highness has already exempted you from greeting him every morning. But he wishes for you to join him for breakfast," explained An Ping. I jolted straight up and screamed why didn't you tell me earlier? All of my maids bowed their heads in fright. This morning is not a good morning. They quickly hurried to dress me just in the nick of time as the Princes' servant arrived to take me out. Today I was wearing a pink peony Hanfu with a set of pink jewellery. I rushed over to the dining room to see everyone seated at the table waiting for me. There even was a little kid.

