Chapter 61: So how are you gonna make up for it?

"Old master Shang Guan to what pleasure do I've for you to come and visit my mansion?" I asked as soon as I entered the guest room. (The room we use to hold our guests). At this moment, Old master Shang Guan was looking at the artwork hand on the wall. As soon as he heard my voice he turned his head around to see me, Chiu Yeung and two ladies. Old master Shang Guan immediately bowed and greeted us "Shang Guan Wen greets His highness and Princes Consort*(1). These two are?" he asked gesturing towards my sisters. "These two are my sister and she is?" I replied. Old Master Shang Guan looked back and introduced "this is Mrs Cheng wife of Count Qu Ling. My maternal-sided cousin," I nodded at Mrs Cheng and she too greeted us. Count Qu Ling is a retired general. So why would his wife come to visit us? I gestured for them to take a seat. I held out my hand for Chiu Yeung as we still have to act like a loving couple.

After we all sat down Yu Xuan arrived with the tea so I gestured for him to give the tea to Old Master Shang Guan and Mrs Cheng. After they drank it Old master Shang Guan stood up bowed and explained "Your highness today I am here to first propose to your sister, Tian Hua, on behalf of my son Shang Guan Yue. But also to cancel the engagement between my son and your sister Tian Xia,". Of course, I had expected this but I still had to act shocked. Although Tian Hua and Tian Xia were standing right next to me, they had a fan covering their face as it wasn't appropriate for men outside their families to see their faces. This is why during an event men and women are seated at opposite sides with a barrier in between. They could hear their voices but not see them. "May I ask why?" I asked. Shang Guan Wen signed and replied "Because my useless son fell in love with Tian Hua instead of Tian Xia. And he wouldn't marry both of them at the same time so I could only do this. Yue'er believes that it wouldn't be fair for them. And even if Tian Xia marries into our family she can only be the concubine of my legitimate sons,". What he said was true, because Tian Xia isn't born to a legal wife and Tian Hua's name is placed under my mother as her child. "That is all true but how are you gonna make up for it?" I asked sneakily. Now I think I know why Mrs Cheng is here. "That's the second thing I want to talk about. My cousin here wants to find a legal wife for her youngest son, Cheng Bao," Old Master Shang Guan explained. I've heard before that Mrs Cheng dotes on her youngest son the most. His name means Cheng family treasure. Rumour has it that Mrs Cheng wants to set up her son with Prince Dong's daughter. So why would she come to find me? Unless the rumours aren't true. I looked at Tian Xia but she didn't give me any expression. "What's in it for me?" I asked. Mrs Cheng stood up and replied, "Your highness if you were to fight for the throne then our Cheng family is willing to support you,". "Why does everyone think I want the throne?" I questioned the other two looked taken back but Shang Guan Wen bowed and replied, "Rumours has it that you married the princess because you wanted to have the throne,". I jumped and slammed the table and shouted "nonsense,". They all shriek away in fear, Chiu Yeng jumped up and held onto my arm just so I couldn't do anything. I took a deep breath signed and sat back down, seeing that I had calmed down she too as back down. "Old master Shang Guan with your son and my sister's marriage matter I think they should decide. As for Mrs Cheng would you allow me to think about it for a few days?" they nodded and sat back down.

I looked at Tian Hua and asked "Tian Hua are you willing to marry Shang Guan Yue as your husband? She nodded without hesitation. "Shame your future husband isn't here to ask for your hand in marriage himself," I muttered. Just at that moment somebody flew in and stop in front of Tian Hua. "Your Highness, I'm a little late I hope you don't mind," muttered Shang Guan Yue. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. " Seriously do the guards at the front just let anyone in?" I asked as the guards rushed over to the hall. Seeing me they bowed and I gestured for them to go back to their places. They hurried away ask Shang Guan Yue to grab a cup of tea to drink. I stood up and clap him on the back "you're still as shameless as always," I muttered. "Brother Li, what is the point of holding so many rules if you can't live as you want?" retorted Shang Guan Yue. I signed and asked, "What are you doing here?". He turned back to me and stated "To ask for tian Hua's hand in marriage,". Eh since he didn't politely come here how about I teased him a little? "I can agree to this marriage if you beat me in a competition of martial arts," I sneered. Shang Guan Yue stopped what he was doing and looked at me " Brother Li aren't you making things difficult for me?" he asked. I looked at him smirked and replied "Yes. Yu Xuan lead him to the training grounds," and walked off leaving the flabbergast Shang Guan Yue and Tian Hua.


1. Prince Consort's title is for the lady who marries a prince. Princess Consort's title is for a man who marries the princess's family.