Chapter 68: What's wrong? (2)

Just as I was fixing my damaged meridians that were countering the poison I heard a knock on the door. I hurriedly opened my eye and walk towards the door. Opening the door I noticed that it was Tian Jing and Mu Chen. They saw my pale face and asked in concern what had happened. I dismissively said that I was ok. And hurriedly let them inside. Tian Jing saw Ming Yu on the bed and rushed over to her. However, Ming Yu was still so unresponsive. Tian Jing turned back toward me and asked what was wrong with Ming Yu. I shook my head and answered, "I don't know. She just started scratching her hand and then she fainted. So I brought her back home and I've called the physician already,". Tian Jing looked at me in worry and began walking up and down the room as she was so worried. "Jing'er, calm down. Ming Yu would be fine," reassured Mu Chen as he walked over to console Tian Jing.

Not long later Doctor Chu came and was shown inside my chamber. He quickly bowed as I ordered him to hurry up and check on Ming Yu. He nodded and walked over to Ming Yu's side. Chu An Ning*(1) rolled Ming Yu's sleeve up to her elbow. He placed a thin silk cloth on top of her arm and began feeling her pulse. He also stuck Ming Yu's tongue out to check. He signed and got up from the bench. He came over to us and announced that he didn't know what had happened. He could only give Ming Yu some medicine in case she woke up. Tian Jing immediately fell to the ground and Mu Chen held her towards the chair. She sat down there with tears on her face. Mu Chen walked toward Ming Yu and gently hugged her tightly. This was all my fault. If only I hadn't insisted on letting Ming Yu go out with me. I asked Yu Xuan to go and prepare the medicine Physician Chu had prepared. Yu Xuan also led Doctor Chu outside.

I walked over to Tian Jing's side and began to apologise. She looked up and I noticed that she had tears running down her face. "Gege what use is there to apologise now?" she asked. "I don't even know if Ming Yu would even wake up. This is all your fault. Why did you've to take her outside? If you didn't take her outside, everything would've been fine," she began shouting and blaming me. I don't blame her as I knew I was at fault myself. Tian Jing began punching me and even Mu Chen didn't stop her. Perhaps he knew that it was best for Tian Jing to vent her anger on me than on him. Tian Jing needs to calm down because her body is already quite weak after giving birth to Hao Yu. So I didn't stop her. After a while, her punches stop and her sobs quieted down. I let her go and saw that in front of the door was Chiu Yeung. Behind Chiu Yeung was Shang Guan Tao and Shang Gu. Chiu Yeung walked aside and walk to Shang Guan Tao. He looked at me and asked in concern whether or not I was ok. I nodded my head and asked him to check up on Tian Jing and Ming Yu. Shang Gu had decided to stay to help Tian Jing and I walked out towards the garden in my courtyard.

Chiu Yeung decided to follow me and smartly kept quiet. As soon as I reached the plum blossom at the entrance of Snow Yard I asked Chiu Yeung why she was following me. "You looked like you needed someone to talk to," she replied. I burst out laughing and replied, "I'm fine you don't need to pity me,". Chiu Yeung nodded however she looked as if she don't believe it. However, she didn't press on the matter either. We just stood there in silence hearing the wind passing. Surprisingly this was the most comfortable we've ever had. I think if we weren't husband and wife we might have become friends. I have no intention of actually having a proper husband-wife relationship with her... I feel sorry for her as she would never actually receive any love from me. This is why I wish for her to find someone she truly loves... I've found mine already and no matter what. She will always be the one I love.


1. Chu Xiu Ming's elder brother.