Chapter 75: The plan (2)

"Basically for the martial arts part of the competition, I would write down all the outer disciples' names on a piece of paper and throw it in a hat and pick two out of random. Those two would be versing each other. And whoever wins will move on to the next round. The loser is disqualified. However, we're placing the rankings of both tests depending on which one scores the highest in everything. So if they win the first round it will be 50 points and adding 50 for each stage they pass. As for the four arts I've invited the Lan Si Chui to help access them. And depending on what they all come in the points would be added 20 each time. With the tenth having 20 and 1st having 200. As for the qi part, I'll be setting up a puzzle for them to solve. Whoever comes closest to solving it gets additional 30 points for each place starting from the tenth place again. As for Shu, they'll be assessed on the essay they write according to the topic sentence. And finally, the Hua part is quite easy, they paint a picture filled with a certain topic," I explained whilst everyone nodded.

"What's the topic question for the Shu part?" Xu Kai asked, I looked around and wrote on a piece of paper 'whether or not war is needed in certain situations. As soon as everyone saw it I burnt the paper just in case. "What about Hua what's the topic?" Shang Gu asked. I brought another paper out and wrote I have no clue. Everyone looked at me and laughed. Zhi Yuan gestured to me and I handed him the pen. He wrote on the paper a sentence: a scenery they wish or have seen before. Everyone nodded and agreed to his suggestion as it was quite a wide topic and they could draw anything. After a while, we had finished discussing all that was left was to draw the names of the fighter out. There were 30 outer disciples and only the top 15 could be accepted as inner disciples. Between me, Tao Didi and Yue didi we could only accept 5 each. It really would be a difficult choice however I've already had two which leaves me with only the ability to choose five. Really would be a tough decision.

I watch as Shang Gu and Shang Guan Tao worked together to write down all of the outer disciples' names. Not long later we placed them all in the box and had turns choosing two. Yu Xuan was in charge of writing the names however I had to fill in for him when he wanted a go. Aiyo it was just picking names why is everyone so excited? Finally, we were finished and done. Just looking at the names you could tell which ones would win and which won't but who knows they might have some changes later on. The competition would last for a whole week, so I needed someone to fill in as Prince Tian You because it would look too suspicious if I were gone for more than two days. I placed the name list in my inner space as it was best not to leave it somewhere where someone can find it easily.




Meanwhile at the Prince Zi mansion:

(This is told from Chiu Yeung's perspective)

This morning I woke up to the crow's croaking and I quickly made An Ping help me dress up as I wanted to take an early walk in the gardens. However, it seems someone had beaten me to it. standing underneath the tree was a man with his hair tied into a ponytail. He seemed to think very deeply as he didn't notice someone coming up towards him. When I walk up to him I realise the man was His Highness. I've never seen him smile, so why is he smiling about? Prince Tian You must've noticed my presence because he immediately turned around. However his face wasn't plastered with the usual cold expression =, instead, it was much more warmer and softer. I looked at him and greeted him he too greeted me by saying "Morning to you princess Consort,". What's up with him today? He usually calls me Chiu Yeung. Why's he being so polite all of the sudden? It seems he is in a good mood because he looks softer and more approachable today.