Chapter 87: The tests (4):

"Next up is Yang Yang and Chou Lu Si," declared Shang Guan Yue as the next pair took the stage. Yang Yang won surprisingly really quickly. But this Chou Lu Si child wasn't fit to learn martial arts. She wasn't part of Moon Valley's outside disciple. Where exactly did she come from?

"Who is she?," I questioned Shang Guan Tao. He looked a bit nervous and muttered, "My little cousin. She isn't suitable to learn martial arts but my aunt wanted her to learn something so she's here now. At first, I told Lusi to go to the Emei Sect as that was an all-girl Sect. But she was afraid she wouldn't be able to rely on anyone so that's why she's here,". I nodded my head as if I understood.

"You do realise I'm not going to let her pass right?" I declared as he nodded. Great glad we have a mutual understanding of that matter. At this moment Lusi's sword was knocked out of her hand and a sword was pointing at her chest. "Yang Yang wins," declared Shang Guan Yue "Next up is Chang Xue and Ah Qi,". Chang Xue won this battle but it was a close battle.

Ah, Qi was a space cultivator as well. "Do you want her as your disciple?" I asked Shang Gu as she shook her head. "It's too much work," she replied. I laughed out loud as everyone turned their heads towards me. I quickly shut my mouth and began focusing on the match.

Finally, almost everyone had gone and the last two people left were Xui Ying and Mei Xiang. This was the match I was looking forward to the most. Everyone in my top 10 bet list had passed so I was quite happy with that. There were some new faces but that was ok.

"Mei Xiang and Xiu Ying," declared Shang Guan Yue. As the two took the stage Shang Guan Yue sat down beside me and asked who I thought would win. "Neither," I whispered back. "Oh right why did you change the list up?" he whispered. At this moment Shang Guan Tao was also paying close attention to our conversation. "Inside our sect, there's a little spy," I muttered as they nodded in understatement.

"Xiu Ying, although you are my best friend, I won't be going easy on you," exclaimed Mei Xiang as she smiled at Xiu Ying. "Likewise," Xiu Ying mumbled as she began to attack. It was a very serious match. The only sound in this whole place was the clashing of swords and people breathing. Xiu Ying slide straight onto the left and almost fell off the stage but she managed to use Qing Gong and jumped back onto the stage. "Marvellous," some students shouted as I felt a sense of pride. Mei Xiang and Xiu Ying are definitely going to be my inner disciples.

And then at that moment, it happened Mei Xiang's sword pointed at Xiu Yings's throat whilst Xiu Ying's sword pointed at Mei Xiang's heart. I began clapping as everyone joined me. I stood up and walked up towards the two. They both put their sword away and walked up towards me. "You two did really well," I uttered placing my hand on their shoulder. They smiled at my praise and walked back off the stage.

I waited until silence and said "Thank you for all those who came. I am very happy for those who made it in. And for those who didn't you're welcome to join our sect as outer disciples. However, for those who don't please leave. To those who passed, rest well tonight. Tomorrow it will be the literature and arts exam. Well done to everyone and good luck. There will be a banquet in 3 days to celebrate your hard work so all of you work hard," as everyone bowed and thanked me.

I walked off the stage and sat back down. "You look more like a Valley Lord now," added Shang Guan Tao as I glared at him. "Let's have a meeting tonight," I uttered towards all the teachers and they nodded. "Let's meet in the teacher conference room at around 9 pm," I ordered as they nodded.