Chapter 99: The Chang family massacre:

"Eh, do you think I should tell them about my actual identity," I asked addressing Shang Guan Tao as they all left. At this time we were already in a separate room eating lunch. "Definitely not," everyone voiced out their disagreement.

"Especially since Xie Si Cuan is the son of the Phoneix clan. Everyone knows that the martial arts word and the imperial court are not meant to mix. We were almost disowned when Father found out. However, we are his only legal son so he can't do anything. Especially since Prince Li Tian You is our friend," analysed Han Shang Yue as I nodded.

It was just a silly suggestion. Of course, I already know that I would never tell them. Over my dead body, this secret will only be known by a few. 

"The other thing we need to deal with is the Chang family massacre. I promised I would tell the two the truth. But how am I supposed to bring it up?" I asked. "Hand them the file and just tell the truth. There is no need to cover it up," suggested Shang Gu. "I suppose this is the only thing I can do," I signed. "Right after this, I need to go back home and deal with a few things. Tian Hua is gonna get married next week. Shang Guan Yue shouldn't you be preparing?" as he nodded and quickly headed out. I guessed he somehow forgot all about it. 

"Right then Shang Gu can you go and get Chang Ling and Chang Xue for me?" I asked as she nodded. Everyone soon found an excuse to leave the room. As soon as the two came I asked Shang Gu to put a spell that stops people from earsdropping as they both sat down. I sat down opposite them and began my lovely job. 

"Well firstly, I would like to say a good job to both of you. You both exceeded my expectations. As promised, after you two become my disciples I will tell you the truth of your family's assassination," I muttered handing them two files. 

"Your whole family was assassinated by people from the serpents branch in the Windows of Heaven organisation. This branch usually takes money on order and goes to kill the target. Usually, the serpents would investigate the target and what they have done before accepting the assassination order. 

The target this time involved the whole of the Chang family which is also. However, you two only got away with it as you both haven't really done anything extremely awful. 

However, your whole family wasn't exactly the most innocent. The file inside contains all of the stuff I managed to discover. Your whole family is crazy. They kidnapped kids and sold their organs on the black market. They took women and made them do the dirty stuff. There is even worse stuff that they did. If it wasn't for their relationship with the previous head of martial arts you 2 would be dead," I explained. 

A silence formed as the two looked over the paper in the files. The look on their face was amazing. It was as if they didn't believe this. I suppose the Chang family was brilliant at hiding the fact. I suppose they had 2 faces just like everyone. As the famous philosopher once said: man is not truly one but truly two. I suppose this must be true. 

"I know you two need time to accept this fact. So I let you two stay in this room for a while. When you need me come knock on my room. Though I need to leave tomorrow for some business. But you can go and find Sang Guan Tao," I explained. 

"Thank you Shifu," mumbled Chang Xue, "But we have both decided to accept the fact and let everything go. Since this is the mistake of our family the only thing we can do is make up for it,". I nodded in agreement. "Chang Xue, you sure are growing up quickly. This is a good thing. Since you both have decided then hopefully you guys can remember the words you said today," I uttered as they both nodded.