Chapter 4

Alex finally let go of her, who had a flushed face. He licked his lips and when he saw she still had her eyes closed, he approached his arousal to her belly.

"I want you to be mine, Miss Bakers."

Camilla opened her eyes instantly, as if she had woken up from a very crazy dream.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me. I know you're new to this, but let me make you a woman. I mean, sexually, because you clearly already are a woman. A gorgeous and sexy woman. We met in a weird situation and I believe it has a meaning. We're meant to have something. I want to taste you and let you have the best of me. Let's discuss it better inside the room, okay?" He pressed the emergency room and the elevator resumed rising, as if he had never stopped in the first place.

Alex thought about only having fun with Camilla, but she was different from the other women he'd met; so, maybe, she was the one to fulfill his needs.

Camilla remained silent for the rest of the time. She was attracted to him—that was more than obvious. A man like him, only a crazy woman wouldn't get interested in. Everyday her body asked her for a man, which was normal in a woman that was in her twenties but had never been touched by any other person than herself. But, was it right to give it all to him? He wasn't a man of commitment, and she knew that. She was not so romantic—after all, being an orphan most of her life had taken away many dreams about having a family, after a while—, so it wasn't like she expected that the very first man she'd have would be the one she'd be with forever; but she didn't want it to be all about sex, either.

When the elevator had finally reached their final destination, its doors opened and they both stepped out.

There was no corridor with a row of doors—only one door. A large, wooden door with golden details. Alex used the keycard on the reader beside it, and the door opened from its center, in a spiral motion. Camilla had never seen such a thing.

"Welcome, Miss Bakers, to our best suite and the best presidential suite in all city: 'Poseidon'—the most luxurious hotel suite in our country." He said while gesturing with his hands for her to enter it.

"It is really magnificent, Mr. Strauss." She said, looking around her. The suite was enormous, bigger than her apartment, she noticed. It had many columns, marble ones, and, there was a statue of no other than Poseidon himself, in the center. He had a woman by his side.

"This is Cleito. There is a myth about the existence of a city called Atlantis. That city was given to Poseidon and it had mountains. Atop one of those mountains, more precisely the central one, lived a girl, Cleito, with whom Poseidon fell in love. So, he created barriers around the city, turning it into an impenetrable fortress, so that he could live with her." Alex said, looking at the statues.

"Wow!" Camilla exclaimed. She loved mythology. It made her company, during her stay at the orphanage.

"Now, Camilla, sit on the bed and let's have a little chat." Alex said, nearly reaching the enormous king size bed. The sheets color was cream with gold. The headboard looked as if it was made of stone. The whole place was luxurious.

She walked in his direction and sat down on the bed, put her hands on her lap and waited for him to start talking. "Okay."

"When we first met, I was dumping a whore. You may have thought I was being a jerk, but that is because you don't know her." He paused, and Camilla remembered how the woman treated her, when she tried to help the bitch. "I wanted to fuck you right there. You were so beautiful! But, I couldn't. Then, we met again—in a professional way, now. But I still want to fuck you. Actually, now I want it even more than before."

"What is your point?" She was nervous and just wanted him to get to the end of this.

"I am a very important man, one that doesn't like to date. Not with commitment. I did it for a while, and, as you could see, it didn't work out. But, you see, my family have been pestering me. They want to find me a woman, if I don't do it myself. What would you say about us going out for a few months, to know each other better? We will both have pleasure, trust me. I'll get my family off my back, and you can ask me whatever you want."

He was very serious. He had been cheated on, when he was in college and ever since then, he'd no longer believed in women. They were just pussies, boobs and asses. Because of those stupid blind dates his family made him go to, he met Claire Wilson and when he thought he could trust a woman, she cheated on him, too. Camilla was an innocent girl and, maybe, she was different. Not that he was in love or shit of the sort. In fact, he didn't want to be in love ever again; but, since his family wanted him to get married, so badly, saying he was getting old and blah-blah-blah, at least he could find someone he could mold according to his own tastes and needs.

"Anything?" Camilla raised her eyebrows. She had no intention of accepting this. This was real life, not some novel. Okay, he is hot and all, but what happens after he enjoys her body? He leaves her. She couldn't afford to be disgraced like that. She was an orphan who barely had any money; all she had was her brains and her honor.

"Anything. You just have to name it. If we get along, Miss Bakers, our relationship may get more serious. My family wants me to get married. I had a problem with two cheating bitches in my life and that is why I think you might be the one. You are not one of those futile girls, from what I've observed until this moment. So, we can give it a try. What do you say? Oh, and our chemistry is incredible." He smiled, seductively.

"I have to think about it, Mr. Strauss. At this moment, I am working for you, so it would be unethical."

"You're right about that. It would. Well, let's do like it like this, then: you sleep here, you do an evaluation of our services and conclude your work. After that, we will go out on a date."

"A date?" She asked, incredulous.

"Yes. A date. I don't want you to just sleep with me and that's it. However, Before anything, There's something I need to do."

By his face, Camilla knew it was not moral.

"What is it?" She asked, suspicious.

"I need to taste you." He licked his lips after saying that.

She frowned.

"Taste me?" What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Camilla was absolutely confused.

"I'll show you. I promise I'll stop whenever you ask me to." He raised his hands to show her he was being serious.

Camilla took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. Damn her curiosity!

Alex approached her. She was still sitting on the edge of the bed, with her feet on the floor.

"Close your eyes." He said, softly.

She did as he said. After all, he was the one in control of the situation.

His hands caressed her hair, her face and she shivered with his touch. He asked her to close her eyes so she wouldn't be alarmed by his arousal in front of her face, since he was now standing. She might think it was too much and not even give him a chance to touch her, in the first place. As his face was near hers, she could feel his warm breath caressing her skin. His smell was stronger, now that her nose was working better, since her eyes couldn't see anything. His lips were planting small kisses on her neck and her whole body shivered. He liked her reaction.

One of his hands went to the back of her head and pulled a bit of her hair. She whimpered, but not as if it had caused her pain. It was kind of exciting, actually. It was the second time he did it, although this time, it was not so rough, but more sensual.

His tongue played with her lips and she moaned. That was the moment for kissing her. And so, he did it. Slow, but confident. As he was now bent over her, she could reach his arms and, later, his hair. She ran her hands through it and as she expected, it was so soft!

Now, he deepened the kiss, moaning with her. In no time, he made her lay on the bed and he was on top of her.

She had gone to his house wearing that black dress, but when she went back home, she took a quick shower and changed into a blouse and a knee-length flowy skirt. The weather was a bit warm.

He kissed her neck, her collar bone, while grabbing her breasts and gently caressing and squeezing them, making her nipples become hard. When he felt them, he became even harder, himself. He pushed her breasts together and rubbed his parted lips on her hard nipples, very softly, over her blouse, making her bite her lower lip. He ran his right hand from her breast, down her belly, to her right thigh, while his mouth travelled back to her neck and nibbled on it. He let his hands slide up and down her outer thigh, feeling the softness of her skin, and then moved it inwardly. As his thumb approached her groin, she started to get hotter down there, and her breathing rate increased. She tried not to moan, but the sound still came out softly, into Alex's ear, making him lustfully groan back at her.

He started licking and suckling on her neck, as his hand slowly moved upwards between her thighs. When his fingertips slightly touched her groin, it made her gasp and open her eyes. His fingers slid softly on the slick liquid that had come through her panties. She arched her back.

"What are you doing?" Her voice was weird to her own ears.

"I want to taste you." His hoarse voice reverberated through all her body when she heard it. What did he mean by 'taste you'? It couldn't be...

Then he soaked his fingertips in her honey and brought them into his mouth, having a small sample of what he was so desperately after. That's when he nearly lost his mind. Both her taste and her smell… It was too much for him to be able to hold himself back any longer. He NEEDED to drink from her fountain, RIGHT NOW.

At the sight of him enjoying himself with her juices, she felt herself swelling up down there and discharging much more of them.

He moved down on her and started kissing and nibbling his way up one of her legs. When his breath was between her thighs, she knew he was going to do oral on her.

She had never shown her genitals to anybody but her doctor. Now, a stranger was going to put his mouth there. Down there!

"Wait… I'm not sure I want this…" She said, trying to sound uncertain.

Maybe Alex was no master in many things in his life; but eating pussy was one of his specialties, second only to using his big and thick member to properly fuck and make a woman go crazy with pleasure. That said, he knew very well every sign of female arousal.

"Baby, I'm dying for it, and your body is begging me for it, too. Don't try to fight it. I want to make you go insane, just the way you deserve it." He said. And since he could no longer resist her, he immediately started eagerly licking her juices that were abundantly flowing through her white panties. She was completely soaked, and he wanted to get immersed in her liquids.

As his tongue made contact with her wetness, she arched her back and automatically opened her legs a little wider, as if she was inviting him into her intimacy. When he'd licked her panties clean, he decided it was enough and ripped them apart, setting her sex free. At this point, she didn't give two shits about her undergarments, as long as they were not in the damn way. She just wanted to feel his hot tongue directly on her, already. The anticipation caused by his warm breath was killing her. And when his parted lips finally touched the skin of her intimate lips, she let out a soft groan and unconsciously pushed herself down against his mouth, rubbing herself on his lips.

Despite his nearly uncontrollable urge to devour her at once, Alex just kept on slightly rubbing his lips against her slick ones, until he saw her sweet spot standing out, begging for his attention. That's when he stuck out his tongue and ran just its tip around the hood, spiraling towards what it held.

The moment she felt his warm, soft and wet tongue touch and slide on the very sensitive skin of her clit, a loud begging moan finally broke free from her lungs. At her signal, Alex flicked his tongue quickly on her pearl, which made her spread her legs wider, opening her shell and revealing its soaked pink flesh. He then wrapped her entire vulva in his mouth and concentrated his licking on her clit and slit, using his whole tongue. She caressed his hair, almost screaming, as his licking grew quicker. She pulled his head towards her core, wanting him to swallow her whole, which made him go harder. Her juices were flowing nonstop into his mouth, making his tongue slide perfectly on her. He suckled on her engorged and hard clit, driving her to her orgasm. As he felt she was nearly coming, he focused on her button, alternating the licking with some suckling, which made her cry with pleasure and start convulsing, as she came hard and long. Alex didn't stop, until she was 'done'.

He was so rock-hard that his erection was almost ripping his pants. After she had her orgasm, he laid on top of her and, with his pants still on, he started grinding between her legs, rubbing his manhood against her sex. When she wrapped her legs around him, it made him go even crazier. He held her legs wide open against the mattress and started moving as if he was fucking her in the missionary position, grinding his staff hard and fast against her pool of moisture.

She was going insane with it. His thrusting movements made her want to get rid of all his clothes, so that she could his warm body, his whole thick rod directly on her own skin.

"Please." That was all she managed to say. She could feel her whole sex swollen, throbbing and opening up, dying to receive, sheath his whole length. As much as she felt great, it was also torturing.

When Alex was about to come, he backed up from her, got on his knees opened his pants, pulled his cock out, jerked for three seconds and came abundantly on the bed covers. He didn't do it on her because he didn't have the time to ask if she'd be okay with it, and coming on a woman without her permission would be too disrespectful.

They were both panting, but she was not satisfied. She pouted.

"What? You wanted me to go all the way with you? Oh, trust me, I wanted to. As a matter of fact, I still do. You have no idea! But I know it's not what you really want—yet. And if I had done it, you'd probably be hating me and yourself, right now."

She took a moment to think and she nodded. Maybe he was right.

"Thank you for your 'consideration', I guess."

"I hope you're not thinking that I only used you to get myself off, or anything of the sort.

"I didn't mean it to sound that way." She said, embarrassed.

"Well… I'll ask someone to come change the bedding, so you can sleep in it. I got to go. And think about our date and the possibility of being my girlfriend for a few months. I was right about our chemistry." He smirked and she blushed.

"I will. When I finish my work for you, we'll talk about it."

"Deal. I'll clean myself and be right back." He got up and, before he entered the bathroom, he turned around, smiling, and added. "You're fucking delicious. Hope you let me do it every day."

He closed the door and she covered her face with the pillow. What just happened?

Alex kissed her before he left, but not a naughty kiss, instead, it was soft, as if he cared.

Camilla spent the night having dreams about kisses all over her body and hands caressing her. When she was about to feel something bigger, she woke up, all of a sudden.

She was confused, at first, until her eyes adjusted to the real world and she knew all of that was a dream. When she moved her legs to get up, she noticed she was all wet. Yes, it was that kind of dream.

She went to the restroom to wash up and get ready to have her breakfast. She didn't bring a swimsuit, she realized. She should have, now, she would have to go to the pool and just enjoy the restaurant. Alex said she could ask for anything at the hotel. Well, she was there working, so, it was fair.

The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, a knock on her door was heard. 'Room Service?' She went there and opened the door.

"Hello, Miss Bakers? I was told to deliver this to you." the woman was young, about Camilla's age, and very smiling. The woman was handing her a package.

"I didn't order anything," Camilla said, without taking what the woman was offering.

"Oh. I don't know about that, Miss. I was just told to deliver it." Her eyes were asking Camilla to grab the damn package at once. She was just doing her job.

"Fine. Thank you!" Camilla took the object reluctantly. After that, the woman made a reverence and left.

Camilla closed the door. It was something soft inside. She sat on the bed and opened it. A bikini. Really? Her phone buzzed.

'Did you like it?' Was a message from Alex.

"Why did you send this to me?" She asked.

'Because I know you'll need it.'

"How did you know I needed it?"

'I just did. And when I saw this bikini, I could already visualize you wearing it. Now come to the pool.'

Was he in there? But he asked her to go to his house at night. And the deal was to date only after the work was done. She took the bikini from the package and frowned. It was red and gold. And small. But, she changed into it, putting a dress on, and left the room with a towel.