Chapter 10

"Alex, please." Camilla said, trying to convince Alex to sit with her on the bed. He insisted on just shaking his head, facing the window. Camilla stood up and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Come. I don't think you're ugly. And in a few days you will be back to normal." She squeezed his shoulders as if to make him turn to her.

"You won't want to accept the deal with me looking like that." He said.

"Alex, do you really think I'm that futile? You got hurt, end of story. I do not mind. Even if the damage was permanent, I wouldn't mind." Camilla said but noticed that she seemed to be declaring herself to him. "If I like one person, I like all the ways. I still don't like you that way, but isn't that what you want? This is an excellent opportunity for you to test me."

"You are very persuasive. And don't give up!" He said, but turned to her. Camilla smiled at him, holding one of his hands.

"Now, let's eat." She pulled him onto the bed. He sat down with his legs still on the floor and she faced him.

Camilla was trying to be as patient as possible. Normally, she would have told him to get lost by now. Not even she was that dramatic! But, he was hurt and she would be good.

Alex lifted the lid that covered the tray and there was breakfast for two. Juice, coffee, milk, eggs, bacon, toast. Now Camilla understood why the tray was so heavy. He started to eat the eggs and looked at her, who was just drinking the juice.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to. Are you able to chew properly?"

"Scrambled eggs, yes. I'm just not really sure about the bacon and toast." Alex said, looking at the food laid out there.

"Do you want me to order something else?" Camilla asked, already getting to her feet.

"No. I'm not very hungry, anyway. And you are not my maid." Alex said, carefully chewing the eggs. His face hurt, but the truth is, he was a little hungry.

"I don't need to be your maid to be nice to you, Mr. Strauss." Camilla said, rolling her eyes.

"I know. I'd rather you sit here and eat with me. Then we can watch a movie, what do you think?" Alex asked anxiously. He wanted to see what their interaction as 'normal people' would be like.

"Yes, sure. What do you want to watch?" she asked, sitting up and taking a slice of bacon in her hand. She put her head back and opened her mouth, putting the bacon there. Alex watched the way her mouth closed around the food and the way she licked her fingers. He didn't hear what she asked him. He swallowed hard. He was going to try to control himself and get through a day without making stupid jokes. But she was a temptation...

"What's it?" Camilla asked, picking up a piece of toast.

"Nothing. I was just admiring the way you ate the bacon." Alex replied.

"Did I do something wrong?" Camilla asked, frowning.

"No way. On the contrary." He said and since she was the one who asked, it wouldn't hurt to be funny just a little bit. But when he tried to smile at her, his face hurt and he grimaced.

"I think you were making fun of me. But I'll let this one slide, just because of your pained face." Camilla said playfully. She got up and Alex looked at her curiously.

"Where are you going?" he asked, thinking she was leaving.

"I'm going to the restroom. Can I?" Camilla replied, raising her eyebrow.

"Ah, yes. Of course you can. I'm going to search for the movies, all right? What do you like?" Alex asked, drinking the remaining juice from his glass.

"Whatever you choose I will watch. Today you are sick and I'll be nice." She replied, smiling and heading to his suite's bathroom.

Alex hadn't felt comfortable with a woman in a long time. Usually, it all boiled down to sex. Even with Claire. They talked very little, and since she wasn't constantly asking for his attention, he thought that was a good thing. That way, he could take care of his business and enjoy the benefits of having a woman in the house to relax through a good fuck. He tried not to remember the woman who first cheated on him, during college.

Camilla brushed her teeth and decided to take a shower, but she didn't have clothes for her. She came out of the bathroom and saw Alex looking for something on the streaming services. He saw Camilla with her head out of the bathroom, biting her lip. He raised his eyebrows and nodded, asking what the problem was.

"I wanted to take a shower, but I didn't bring any clothes. Alfred got me a toothbrush, but I still need a shower." Camilla said.

"You can wear one of my clothes." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"You're much bigger than I am, not just in height, but overall. And I don't have any underwear."

Alex got out of bed and opened his clothes drawer, pulling out a pair of sweatpants, a white cotton blouse he'd been given as a gift that was too small on him. He opened another drawer and took out a package of underwear that had also been a gift and were too small as well.

"The pants will drag on the floor, but I think the blouse and underwear will fit you in." He said, closing the drawers and walking over to Camilla, the clothes in a small pile in his hands.

"Oh, thanks. I'll be right back." She said. But before she closed the door, Alex put a hand out to stop her from doing so.

"I haven't showered yet, either. I know you haven't finished the job and you haven't agreed to go out with me yet, but I'd like to shower with you. If you don't want to do 'stuff', I promise I'll just shower, no jokes." He was looking seriously at Camilla. He'd already done a lot more to her body than just look, but she hadn't done the same to him. 'Damn curiosity!' Camilla said to herself.

"All right." She replied, blushing and Alex loved it. Camilla backed away from the bathroom door and Alex walked in.

He placed his hand on her neck, looking her up and down, before he slipped his hand from her neck down her arm, until it no longer touched her skin. He removed his own shirt, revealing his defined torso. Camilla looked away and cursing herself for having agreed to this. When she looked at him again, he dropped his pants.

"I think it's unfair that you're still dressed." Alex said, walking into the stall. Camilla had never seen a man's penis live. Alex was larger than usual, not just in length but in breadth. 'How can that fit me? she wondered. The sound of the shower being turned on woke her up. She took off her clothes, leaving only her panties and bra. She sucked in a breath, plucking up the courage, and removed her lingerie, getting completely naked, and heading for the stall.

Alex turned to look at Camilla and couldn't help but stare at her, running his tongue over his lips. But he made no move to touch her, after all, he'd promised that unless she wanted to do something more than just shower, he'd be quiet.