WebNovelLove me!!27.21%

Chapter 37

Camilla is tense at first, but soon relaxes. Alex is not fondling her for sex. He's washing it. He turns her to face him and she notices that his gaze is super focused.

After he finishes bathing her, he washes himself, too, while she just watches. He didn't tell her to leave and she didn't want to stop enjoying his every move. Especially when he washed his private parts. He looked at her, and continued washing, not looking away. But his expression was neutral and Camilla had no idea what that meant.

When he finished, he didn't take any towels. He opened the stall and held the door for Camilla to pass. She wiped her feet on the rug and waited for him, who did the same. He walked past her and into her room. He stopped and turned his face over his shoulder, but didn't look at her. She understood and followed him.