WebNovelLove me!!28.68%

Chapter 39

"And why not? I like…" Alex replied, shrugging.

  "Nothing wrong with the movie, I was just surprised. You've surprised me before with Jane Austen, but A Series of Unfortunate Events?"  Camilla indicated the film with her hand.

  "I loved it when it came out in 2004. Was it this year, really?"  he asked, trying to remember, but then shook his head.  "Something for this year. Anyway, I used to read the books, so I wanted to see the movie. It's not the same, but it's fun."

  "I'm glad you can enjoy a movie that doesn't follow the book."

  "Not always. I try to analyze the movie without taking the book into consideration. But there are times when I can't overlook it!"  he laughed and Camilla found herself more attracted to him.  When he smiled like that, free, spontaneous, without being funny or impressing, he was so much more handsome.  It was as if a light radiated from him.  And she felt like a moth.