WebNovelLove me!!30.88%

Chapter 42

'Our story was very beautiful. We fell in love on the first date. Alex is that kind of man who can't resist.'

Claire. She was clearly forcing a cry that wasn't real. Alex turned and saw on the screen the dicta whose pseudo tears were wiped away. Alex felt anger rising through his body.

'We had a little disagreement, a misunderstanding. I know that I ended up rushing, driven by anger at the betrayal, to file a case against him. But Alex,' she looked right into the camera, as if she was looking at him, 'I forgive you. I just want us to understand each other and, who knows, be happy again. I didn't get involved before because I thought it was the best for you, but Friday I saw that maybe I was wrong. I'm here, with open arms, to talk and, who knows, resume our engagement.'

Alex can hear some 'aaaaw'. He rolled his eyes. He turned around and continued down the stage.

"Mr Strauss!" Larry called out to him, but Alex kept walking. "Mr Strauss, please!"