WebNovelLove me!!47.79%

Chapter 65

"It doesn't matter, after all. My wife and I, Mrs. Camilla Strauss, are on our way out. Excuse me." He took Camilla's hand and they walked through the group.

"Alex, Alex!" Dunnia followed.

"I don't have time, Mom." He said, not turning around or stopping walking.

"How can you talk like that to your family?"

"The only one who was ever in my family was you. Those other people over there I have no relationship with. But if you want to force one, then it's people related to my ex-fiancée, who screwed up, cheating on me. And, I must add, for which I am very grateful, or I would not have met the woman of my life." He kissed Camilla's hand.

Alex meant that he and Camilla were expecting a baby. However, he couldn't. He had promised Camilla and he would not let her down.

"Where are we going now?" she asked, when they were already in the car.